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Posts posted by Xepher

  1. Does the winner need to be on tinychat to accept this prize? because I might be out with my gf on new years....


    You don't have to be on it' date=' I'll contact you and post on the forums who won.[/quote']


    That should explain

  2. Anyway, you do have 100 posts, that's a start, now you have to be in for at least 2 months considering you left and it looks like you haven't reapplied so you should have done that first. On another note, I'm pretty sure you are not 18.


    There's actually a difference since I talked to Aegean about this before when going through promo-demo, if you left and came back, its fine, but if you got kicked out then you joined back, you have to wait 2 months. Remember how Duckii left and when she came back, she got Co-Leader instantly?

  3. Well, according to the banlogs it was Snackbar, with the reason "Warned him 4 times" so let's wait and see his side of the story.


    Also protip: Try not to copy & paste console as "proof" People might get skeptical and think you edited it or whatever =P

  4. I dont get it, there's some people in the clan that some members have a huge hatred for, but yet I get along with them just fine o.O Honestly for me I really never had a problem with Glenn before. Now I don't know with some people, but there are times where we have to forgive and forget stuff when it comes to silly little first world drama like this. True story for this example, back in the day when I had mod, JB was on and trolled/disrespected me a lot and it really pissed me off so I had a huge hatred for him. When he applied for mod I was very skeptical about it since I remembered what he did to me, so I brought it up and he told me he was sorry about it. About all of you should know me how I'm very nice and I can forgive people easily and such and so I forgave him and didn't have a problem with JB since. With other members who done stupid stuff, for example with Chickenlips, when he got kicked out and such for trolling, he changed and we welcomed him back with open arms. So if we can accept people for screwing up and changing for the better, then why shouldn't Glenn? If you guys are really paranoid about it, then if he gets back in, just keep a close eye on him then.

  5. Knowing your icon is Applejack




    The reason why you got kicked out of XG cause of the way you been acting to other members and the mods/admin, not because you sound like a person. If you try to change your attitude in a month, you can reapply and try again.