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Posts posted by Xepher

  1. Post your favorite type of tree!










































    Wait am I doing this right...?

  2. Like I said before, I didn't ban you on purpose, because if you really knew me, I'm not the type of person who just bans people for no reason whatsoever. The freekilling happened a week ago and it was me, Slippery & one other mod, we saw him freekill and left. I did the ban by disconnect thing, and when I saw him on yesterday, I talked to both Duckii and Serbian because I wasn't sure if I could ban someone for avoiding a ban. After he was kicked out for whatever reason it was, I banned him from there. After I banned him I realized when the first time I banned him it was someone else having the same name, but I do remember it was E L_Moe_man doing the freekilling though, even ask Slippery since he was on the same time as me when this happened.


    All of this is just all one big miscommunication & name mixup. I would never have banned you on purpose for no reason at all

  3. Has he been here for 2 months? :o


    I checked the date when he joined XG, he was accepted on November 2, so January 2 would be his 2 month anniversary =P Duke made his application a few days before his so why not Blooddevil lol

  4. I agree, we need to make it more balanced for CT's, not make the T's even more powerful.


    How about a gun that T's can buy which looks real but, if used, blows up in their face and kills them. The point is that it can be dropped, and will still blow up when another teammate picks it up. Also, if a teammate kills themself with it, you get money or something.


    Bam. Makes things easier on the CT's, and makes me lol. Plus, T's will be more cautious about picking up random weapons and rebelling, or using a gun another T gave them.


    Why do I get the feeling this is from a cartoon would use XD

  5. how did she deserve that? No woman deserves to get punched in the face like that.. Regardless of the situation.. He was one of the guys who cheated and he did that? What a pathetic excuse for a human being.




    I don't care if its fake or not, no woman ever deserves to be hit like that.

  6. Not every brony gets turned on by ponies! The ♥♥♥♥? Furries and Brony's are completely different, that's like saying Pie or Africa? I love Pyro and all my other furry friends but bronys are not to be associated with furries D:<


    Funny thing is that some bronies hate furries, and some furries hate bronies. It's kinda messed up, and funny as hell. There's a furry artsite I belong on and they had a "MLP week" and many people were PISSED about it, funny ♥♥♥♥ XD


    Love and tolerate....love and tolerate



    Anyways, but yeah, as I said in the other one, I'm more of a furry then a brony, but I accept both furries and bronies :) As Otherwordly said, I'm like that type of brony who just watches the show and thats about it. I've been a fan of the furry stuff since high school =P


    Also yes I have a fursona :O Xepher Art :O Dealwithit.jpg