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Posts posted by Xepher

  1. Hey everyone it's Pyro. Just wanted to say I'm sorry I've been inactive lately (if anyone really cares lol) for those who don't know, I have a job now at Five Guys Burgers and that's been keeping me away from the computer (and that I'm getting money F UCK YEAH!) plus I have college & social life stuff (lol what social life) as well. I'm trying my best to be as active as much I was before when I'm not busy :3


    P.S. I'm not leaving xG if that's what people think lol

  2. inb4closed because of no proof -__-


    Seriously Aegean or Silence, please put something in the rules about ban request in giant bold all caps letters saying something like


  3. It just depends on who's warden they will repeat it 2-3 times, or you can have ♥♥♥♥ wardens who talk fast that sounds like "fjhdslkfhjhksdhvdjkbvdksjfa" and refuse to repeat.


    I always thought if the majority of people wanted repeated or that mods/admins said repeat as well, warden has to

  4. I have to agree with Papi on this along with others. No offense to people who want him unbanned, he's been given many chances before by Aegean and others. In my opinion, I have seen no improvement from him whatsoever whenever he got unbanned. There's a limit where enough is enough when someone takes it too far and like Papi said, many dedicated members or players would be extremely pissed if he got unbanned. Speaking of which, arn't we as a clan trying to get of the people who cause nothing but trouble on here? Little irony here posted in this thread netex vs Mods.


    Alright yall, I'm done with this hate bullsht. I'm not trolling on your servers again, so lets just drop it and start fresh again.

    When i get unbanned tommorow, you should expect from me : No trolling, No Threats, and no rule breaking. Just playing the game and having fun.


    I just want that to let it sink into your minds. Just saying