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Posts posted by Xepher

  1. Halloween is here AKA the best freaking Holiday ever (to me at least)


    So who are you going as this year? If not, who would you go as?


    Got a costume? Post pics :D


    I'm going as Simon from Gurren Lagann this year, I'll post pics once I get good pics of it

  2. Member Name: Pyro


    In-Game Name: ThatOneJackal


    What game?: Minecraft


    Member: Yes


    Steam ID: Do I need one for Minecraft?


    Age: 19


    Donated: No


    Other information: But Pyro, you're already an admin for CSS, why are you posting here?


    I want to be approved for mod on Minecraft, I have been active lately on the Minecraft server for the past few months and I think I would make a great addition to the moderation team. :) I'm already an admin for the CSS server and I'm a person that people like :D

  3. Good guy, knows the rules and such and yadda yadda yadda, but tends to disrespect a bit of younger members (then again I don't blame you), just need to work on that a little bit


    Overall though, +1

  4. im thinking by now the admins are no longer bad

    the admins in xG are terrible and need to be impeached. you can ask almost anyone outside of xG and even most xG members and you will hear that they are lazy.


    Well your first statement just went out the window lol


    How much ♥♥♥♥ are we gonna take from him until hes gone..

    How long it took neteX to get permed? Probably that long, maybe longer