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Posts posted by Xepher

  1. Here's a rundown of what happened today on Minecraft


    >leaves house

    >notices a person's house got griefed with lava in it

    >see's a bunch of items and diamonds on the ground

    >picks them up incase someone might steal them

    >see's someone saying their stuff was stolen

    >told them I had it and was going to give it back to them

    >gives back all of the items

    >never got a thank you



  2. Oh geez checking the logs it was a month ago when I was still mod lol I honestly really don't remember if you did a massfreekill and fled or it was for something else. If it really was for 2 t's and left, I apologize on my end for that.

  3. What a very interesting thread we have here, we went from Kevin, to netex being banned, and now alcoholic drinks. This is why I love xG lol


    Oh and I agree with Serbian, beer tastes like lol

  4. Meh: aimg1.xenogamers.org_imported_2011_10_39.jpg.042c37ba9d61f59465d3663ae6c156db.jpg (somewhat of an old pic, needs to get a recent pic of me D:)


    Basic: 19, College Student, white, single, straight, the guy that never shuts up on mic, that furry guy, etc


    Personal: Shane, Ohio


    Facts: I used to be athletic back in grade school/junior high with cross country, basketball, baseball, etc. but now sits on his and plays video games.


    Hobbies: Usually drawing stuff, gaming, music, hang out with friends, cook food, make movies, photography, etc


  5. Pretty much what Tarin said on why you need to type out the answers cause the warden can change their prize in mind and have their friend live as favoritsm which is frown upon. Also the warden kills only is somewhat silly to me, as long they kill the right person I'm fine with it