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Everything posted by codfreak

  1. +1 umm I think I don't know why I +1 umm ill edit it later ill have to remeber but for now he follows rules and is mature "ENOUGH" Good Luck Mick XD
  2. I can play drums and gutair I used to play trumpet but it was stuipd no offense mick but I was good at it but it was boreing.xD
  3. +1 alright he been on server for a while and a good friend of mine can be a fag but most of time he is mature.
  4. Ok McBouble Not +1 Or -1 you. But you need to get your real steam id now you can do 1 of 2 things.First, you need to go to your css or tf2 or something like that and go to your console if you don't know how then just skip this. Then you type in status then look for your name that should be your steam ID. Option 2 go to this website Steam ID Finder then type stuff in there that is all ill try to find you on Jailbreak or all the css servers.
  5. +1 your fluffy. no, real reason great player seen him and haven't him seen him break rules or any stuff like that and then he is a fucking muffin he gets crap for being a ugly cupcake so we have to let him it XD. BTW Ziro man your in xG right cuz it says your not just wondering.
  6. Oh i thought if they ask for vouches its not allowed is it because i didnt get a screen shot
  7. codfreak

    Crashing Game Help

    Yheah ill reinstall it if it doesn't work well tell te computer to g fuck its self and then throw it in the snow so you may need to go to mighican to acctually be able to do this (I fail at spelling)
  8. codfreak


    just because my voice hasn't matured doesn't mean I'm 4 I'm about 15 so I don't do shit like that go to hell (that is all)
  9. Desicion:-1 Why:Asking for people to go to it and check it out pretty much asking for vouches and god damit i tried to take a screen shot but i dont know how ..... execept for that i thought he should be in xG Maturity:seem ok Activity:Active on jb and RPG
  10. codfreak

    Ban request!

    Really Really Mick I know you have to be more mature then this come on....Really *SIGH* (-_-)
  11. codfreak


    Going to go to my girlfreinds house to have dinner and mabey get some not sure ;D
  12. codfreak


    Ikr my got switched and gonna have to change it when I get back
  13. +1 he is active on jb doesn't break rules and all of the above
  14. God fucking stupid what's new getting banned for no aparent reason
  15. codfreak

    I admit i cheat.

    What has the world come to calling this hacking is just stuipd...
  16. Ok how many people in the community are lonely little faggots who have never kissed or did anything with a girl / boy and how many people in the community have a gf / bf
  17. Everyone hope on serb band wagon before it leaves "GO GO GO" btw I'm Skyler K. Im the dumbass little kid person in the community who hates when people talks over him and if you do ill kill you just rember that
  18. Just fucking pull that ban hammer shit out and ban his ass this dude fucking trolled me so hard I was afraid to even open my laptop and if I did I would cry this dude caused me major misseary and he needs to fucking go burn in fucking hell I hope this mother fucker never meets me cuz ill hurt him and make him suffer like I did fo that whole week
  19. codfreak

    New Game?

    I think it looks cool like a free world rpg minecraft / terraria game if its free ill pick it up deffnitay
  20. Well keep it the same cuz this is really stuipd kids who are new yeah don't know the rules but that's why we tell them to mods / admins slay / ban who don't followe rules as ct but kids who are new need and I qoute "NEED" to play as ct to get the full experince if they don't they don't like the sever and neva come back that's how it was for me untill I came back and tried ct for once then fell inlove with jb and I'm now addicted to it and that's good so we need new players to become ct get full experince then after that if they break rules and slay / ban them tell them to read motd simple as that and that is the reason for haveing a good amount of mods an admins ok (I think I follwed the conversation wrong but idk ;D)
  21. I don't think we should take it and making it dm but make two servers cuz people hate the way it I and some will die if they got the rpg server taken away because they think that they feel more challenged not to die but people also want to have a dm so no respawn means more kills means more fun for people who are new to surf / suck at killing people
  22. decison: +1 Why: He isnt a dip shit and follwes rules Maturity: Is pretty mature to me Activity: He is active at night which is good for server
  23. But im communist :( that makes me sad :(
  24. I love the solider'scout'sniper'engie'and spy hate spy(only when i m not. A spy)'pyros'medics(never heal me jerks)'and heavy