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Everything posted by Im_Aspire

  1. Hello and welcome to my Video Dojo! here I will be posting my latest and greatest Css Edits to bring them to the attention of you your self! Please leave a comment on forums or on the video, constructive criticism helps me a lot. Also, don't forget to Like my video if you really do. well, like it! By liking my video it helps me expand my youtube traffic which helps me make the best montages I can possibly make :D! Below are my newest video's in descending order! With their respective descriptions below! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISAwC74S8uw Hey guys sorry about in-activity as of late, I've been busy studying for exams :( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFVJminMrqE Hey guys, I spent a leg and an arm to get this edit out tonight, so I hope you like it :D If you do like it please hit that Thumbs Up button, and that subscribe button as well ^_^ -Thank You [Video to be posted here soon!] Don't forget do Subscribe! Just click this sentence!
  2. Hello and welcome to my Video Dojo! here I will be posting my latest and greatest Css Edits to bring them to the attention of you your self! Please leave a comment on forums or on the video, constructive criticism helps me a lot. Also, don't forget to Like my video if you really do. well, like it! By liking my video it helps me expand my youtube traffic which helps me make the best montages I can possibly make :D! Below are my newest video's in descending order! With their respective descriptions below! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISAwC74S8uw Hey guys sorry about in-activity as of late, I've been busy studying for exams :( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFVJminMrqE Hey guys, I spent a leg and an arm to get this edit out tonight, so I hope you like it :D If you do like it please hit that Thumbs Up button, and that subscribe button as well ^_^ -Thank You [Video to be posted here soon!] Don't forget do Subscribe! Just click this sentence!
  3. AMERICA!! SPEAK OUT AGAINST SIN! - GOD tells us to SPEAK. OTHERWISE WE WILL LOSE the FREEDOM our FATHERS DIED FOR! It's their job to LISTEN and OBEY. - Ezekiel Chapters 2, 3 and 33 To Call 'HOMOSEX' SIN! is not bigotry, it is BIBLICAL! GOD CALLS IT SIN. It is actually HOMO-SODOMY YOU * CAN * BE * FREE * of this EVIL * SIN! Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be SAVED! STOP THIS SIN and LIVE!! Do NOT be deceived; Fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, effeminate and HOMOSEXUALS shall NOT inherit the kingdom of God. - 1 Corinthians 6:9 The WRATH of GOD is revealed against all ungodliness & unrighteousness. God gave them over to DEGRADING PASSIONS; the women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural. The men abandoned the natural function of the woman & burned with LUST toward one another, men with men, committing INDECENT ACTS, getting what they deserve (AIDS). God gave them over to depraved (reprobate) mind to do what is not proper. - Romans 1:18-28 SCRIPTURE SPEAKS to AMERICA If we confess our sins God is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9 When we love God - AND OBEY HIM - we belong to Him 1 John 5:3 You shall NOT lie with a male as one lies with a female: It is an ABOMINATION. The land has become DEFILED, therefore I have visited its punishment upon it so THE LAND WILL SPIT OUT ITS INHABITANTS. - Leviticus 18 If MY people will humble themselves and pray - and seek My Face AND TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS.... - THEN I will hear from Heaven - FORGIVE their SIN and heal their land - 11 Chronicles 7:14 Hiya Garrets! Hi Raul! (Raul) You wanna go for a ride? (Garrets) On what? (Raul) On this! (Garrets) Barbies sucha bitch she is just a witch (Raul) I really hate her, why does Ken date her? (Garrets) Ken is such a man, id do all i can (Raul) Just do do him, we just wanna screw him! (shes such a bitch im gunna scratch her eyes out) (Garrets) I have dreamed about Ken being inside my den, and we hold and we kiss like we're sweethearts. (Raul) But that Barbie's a slut with her cute little butt, and i guess Ken likes boobs made of fake parts (Garrets) And i cry every day cause straight up that bitch is in my way! Oooh Barbies such a bitch she is just a witch (Raul) I really hate her, why does Ken date her? (Garrets) Ken is such a man, id do all i can (Raul) Just to do him, we wanna screw him! When i see her i will knee her. (Garrets) Ohh Hoo Hoo (Raul) I will punch her and i'll crunch her (Garrets) OhhH Oh Yes (Raul) HEY GARRETS! (Garrets) WHAT RAUL! (Raul) LOOK WHOSE OVER THIER! WELL IF IT ISNT BARBIE WITHOUT KEN AND THAT STUPID CALIFORNIA DREAM VAN! (Garrets) HEY BARBIE ITS US LOOK RIGHT OVER HERE (Raul) RIGHT HERE MISSY! TAKE THAT LITTLE ONE, YOU HOOKER YOU BITCH, ILL SCRATCH YOUR EYES OUT, KEN IS MINE! (Garrets) Ohh sorry, lets get the hell out of here! This: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSoiau6kaYo&feature=player_embedded
  4. New Edit up! It has been added to the top of the list. Like and comment pl0x :3
  5. Hello and welcome to my Video Dojo! here I will be posting my latest and greatest Css Edits to bring them to the attention of you your self! Please leave a comment on forums or on the video, constructive criticism helps me a lot. Also, don't forget to Like my video if you really do. well, like it! By liking my video it helps me expand my youtube traffic which helps me make the best montages I can possibly make :D! Below are my newest video's in descending order! With their respective descriptions below! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFVJminMrqE here it is! Please like and comment :3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUfUy_7dwNU Sorry about inactivity latley i've been a bit busy but I hope you enjoy this edit and more :D -Thanks Slipery Fingers! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68pfL0R97TE&list=UUjS-0yNbFFKm5XdIAj-mecA&feature=plcp Hey guys, this has to do with a current situation, but it won't apply to most of you at all. :P Anyway, I hope you enjoy this edit and I do plan on having a full-fledged montage at hand at sometime in the near future. remember, Every like counts :D -Thank You! Slipery Fingers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPm5USK1Gys&feature=autoplay&list=UUjS-0yNbFFKm5XdIAj-mecA&lf=plcp&playnext=1 Hey guys, I just got these clips a few days ago, lol the only thing I can kill are bots xP Anyway every like helps a bunch! I'll see you guys later. Love ya' -Slippy Don't forget do Subscribe!
  6. Dude, i'll miss you. We had some really good times, from when you first got Mod and all of the old fags were cool >_< back when I taught you powers. Keep in touch with me, I like your fingers.
  7. I'll see you later, but I'll miss you brah
  8. what do you mean by "we should make one"? o_o
  9. Cinematic's taken from the XenoGamers scrim team: www.xenogamers.com I Had a bunch of old cinematics from a scrimmage server I used to play on, so I decided to use them, all of the frags are lost though :/ Anyway thanks for watching, and I hope that you liked the video as much as I did making it. -Thank You Slipery Fingers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vct-PrXKDVY
  10. Honestly? Me and Charrax have been playing this for almost a month? We have asked SO many people to get this and play with us. add me on BLR: SliperyFingers (level 43)
  11. I think he was talking about some expansion or something on sale? Idk, but I gotta run a fair contest :/
  12. Winners are up at the following link: [GiveAway] WINNERS ANNOUNED
  13. The Winner of Third Prize (Guest Pass) is: @@Jeffrey The Winner of Second Prize (Shogun 2 or 10$ Game) is: Much to His avail @Serbian The Winner of FIRST Prize (Nuclear Dawn or 20$ Game is: @E.Z.Kill L00L April Fools ;) It is really Nivek_Relyk Winner of Bonus is: @@Heisenberg I would perosnally like to thank all of you who participated in this contest, and who knows I may do another in the future! I will aslo be uploading many more edits too come, and rember they are for your enjoyment not mine! ._. there is no white text on this page
  14. They just announced that there is a Counter Strike movie in the making! This is pretty much every PC kids dream, and I know I am definatly going to the first showing avaliable. I CANT FUCKING WAIT!!!!!!! New-York Times wrote: The next installment in the highly popular counter strike franchise will be a film hitting theaters in the first Quarter of 2013, the film will star famous actors such as Gordan Freeman, and Elizabeth Taylor Here is the actors list: Robin Williams Will Smith Samuel L Jackson Elizabeth Taylor Morgan Freeman Eddie Murphy Renee Zellweger Bruce Willis Jessica Alba Tom Cruise Orlando Bloom Scarlett Johansson Harrison Ford Tom Hanks And here is the Source: In other News we found this kids facebook, and we are going to hack it:
  15. I was in an "insane asylum" I wasn't lying about the death of my father, nor my cynical depression, I don't want to start a "flame war" because I don't want to. You can fell what you want, but I was just scrimmaging with Rabid/aram/mohammad/psycho, and went positive, if you think I hacked i'll show you the demo I recorded.
  16. I'm on my way to Uganda to help in the filming of the newest Jonas Brothers petty scheme. Maybe I'll finally meet @@Nighty
  17. Yes, but I was scrimmaging with you when shit hit the fan, there for you were involved, which is why I apologized to you.
  18. Before I end this thread, I would like to personally apologise to: @@BillyMays @@Mayeski @@trifdign @@kennY @@KingJ @@Foxxy @@Mad_Scientist @@Unique @@JustinBieber @@Nivek_Relyk @@Mohammad @@SkeezyMcMelon @@Takibo @Papichulo88 @@SKYDADDY There is not way that I can justify what I did, and I won't try to I just want you to know that I am sorry for what I did, and I hope you can forgive me. We had some fun times :) -Thank You Slipery Fingers
  19. Congratulations everyone! But some of my oldest friends were demoted here :( @@Duckii jr. @Heisenburg @@Takibo
  20. You heard the man! Your nipples are at risk now
  21. Im_Aspire

    Try not to laugh

    Yeah I'm with @EZKill not very funny ._.
  22. Noooo, you did what you usually do when your not on xG "play STALKER" ;P And I've been helping Charrax with the Garys Mod server, in an attempt to get things working, as well as doing the Motd >_<
  23. Nice :D I rember playing all the time on Vjb! Playing with Ray and all of em' back when I was mod :3 Also anyone is wondering how to get there hands on a copy of nuclear dawn I am currently hosting a Nuclear Dawn Giveaway, as well as other games! The link is below: [GiveAway] Nuclear Dawn/TW:Shogun2/Other Love ya <3