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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Mohammad

  1. you also need to get banned... you are known for trolling.... besides its the internet is the dumbest remark ive ever heard... your still a kid.
  2. Did i not just mention you kept calling me a fag warden? you made everyone on the server disrespect me and i couldnt control anyone, and if i were to do something id look like the bad guy and have everyone on the server aganist me. besides you do not no the rules as a CT. you should deserve a ct ban as well... read the rules again...
  3. Ok, so you troll me in the previous map calling me a Fag warden and disrespecting others and not just me. When map changes you immedieatly call a RTV freeday. the reason i said u cant have a RTV freeday because we had a warday 2 rounds ago "the map you were banned on" Next round you call a second RTV freeday after i just told you we cant then you call me buttmad..... Steam Community :: EleGiggle :: Screenshots
  4. Here is how it goes... We were in Jailbreak and map was carceris_beta. Now i personally like that map and thought maybe i should be CT and be warden and let the Ts have fun activities and actually use the map. Richwhitepeople on the other hand, thought i was being a warden whore and started calling me a "Fag Warden." He got everyone else on the server hating on me because of this, while i was just trying to have fun. Ts were always buttmad cause i let CTs win every round. I warned everyone that if they were to disrespect/troll it will result in a kick/ban.. That helped for a while but everyone started disrespecting again. After Richwhitepeople started call me a warden whore and fag warden, i told him fine, you be warden And what does he do? What any bad CT does, Calls a RTV freeday for no apparent reason... ^This brings me to my next complaint of him being a terrible CT. Just the round before we had a warday.. Calling a freeday after it obviously means he does not know the rules as a CT. He also constantly screams and complains at everything the warden is doing or commanding. He gives xG a bad name Definitely a troll and i think we should have him removed from being a xG Member, he doesn't deserve it. Now, most of you might ask for proof... Unfortunately I have none since he said it on the mic and i didn't record a demo of it. But i can guarantee that other players have a problem with him as well...
  5. dont think that its cause too many players, but bounty might be it but no 1 uses every once in a while.
  6. The Jailbreak server is crashing at least 5-6 times a day..... can u please find out wat the problem is? its really annoying -.-
  7. +1 this guy is a cunt i love him great guy doenst only play jb but also minigames would be a great addition to our team of mods
  8. decision: +1 Why: very awesome player, and unlike most other new players that want to join xG, he actually tried and knew the ppl and tried to be familiar with the members. Most members just find this clan and want to join, and think its just easy. Maturity: very mature Activity: 8/10
  9. decision: +1 why: seems like a smart decent player maturity: 9/10 activity: on tf2 a lot
  10. +1 proof is there if it was me in the server i would have a 2 week ban on him -.- just massive tarping and massive freekilling... really dumb of him...
  11. PapiChulo :P he is the reason i joined xG :D but before papi i use to know billy we would rebel together :P
  12. Just want to point out who are the 2 other mods/admins that agreed with you? did you get any proof? besides i know robot a bit i doubt he hacks...
  13. Wait i dont understand.... you played with us for 2 years yet you only played 6 hours?
  14. if u want restore your computer or go to your C file and look at stuff you dont need and delete them.
  15. i miss nuke :( he was a good member did well on surf and such +1
  16. Mohammad


    Proof is necessary.... i do also like to point out i slayed this guy once for baiting and i think a mod or admin once teambanned him for a week but i dont remember...
  17. he is actually reallly active +1 nice pllayer knows the rules never had a problem with him.
  18. i wanna change that, tons of ppl hate jb now (so do i) we need to start populating other servers...
  19. umm i dont no u much either but we do need some mods on surf for that i would have +1d u but uh i think u did spam on forums to get your 100 posts quickly :/ im at 0
  20. thank you please bring them back asap!
  21. Decision: +1 Why: cool player seen him on no problems with him Activity: pretty active Maturity: pretty mature
  22. yea im not sure if u changed ur name and such but i havent seen u on for a while
  23. -.-................ this isnt helping our clan much.... tons of ppl played on the uk jb server....
  24. Can we please have this server back -.- i hate playing on other DD2 servers and have people from our clan join that server we can just have our own -.-