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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Mohammad

  1. Mohammad


    What pyro said. we dont need to ban the whole clan just ban the people that caused problems with us (idk the story) but if one person of a clan messes up doesnt mean we punish the whole clan.
  2. you do no we can ban by either steam id or IP.. meaning if we ban the steam id your explantion would work, however if we ban the IP adress he needs to get a new computer or internet connection :P
  3. make it 50$ not 20$ :P
  4. Decision: +1 Why: very nice player + good warden Maturity: very mature Activity: active on jb
  5. Yea rapid really not cool..... threatening to hack som1s account really deserves a perm ban on forums to..
  6. Mohammad


    -1 reasons above dont feel like typing :/
  7. Didnt make a ban protest yet :P
  8. Netex and Daz a BIG NO! ( i dont no daz that much though, only knew him cause i been on some other server and he did his dumb impression of Duke nukem) Rex is all right but i didnt no him much i guess
  9. Mohammad


    Well ive seen rex before i was in xG and tbh he was very nice to me and made me feel like a part of the community However, im not sure if people will still hold the trolling you did lightly. I +1 u from my experience with u.
  10. If im not the only one who noticed all previous trolls from xG want to be unbanned. First: Daz Second: neteX Third: Rexxtheg Am i the only one noticing they all want to be unbanned at the same time? and came with the same excuse "i changed" Coincidence.
  11. Mohammad

    Just an idea.

    1. should be spam 2. <map> 3. <map> etc some ppl dont take the time to look at all the maps...
  12. -1 he is a troll jk <3 Decision: +1 Why: Really a nice member, tries to help new comers to the server. really a nice guy Maturity: Immature :P Activity: Very active
  13. werent you the one saying that there is no need to join a clan/community? and that u hate tagging up? i admit ur active on our servers, i like that you are not a troll as well, but uh im staying at a 0
  14. lol no 1 thought of a good name for me currently :P i guess moomadmin will do the job
  15. Hey Welcome to the Forums! Im a CSS Admin pleasure to meet you!
  16. Thank you guys so much! congrats to everyone! STEAM_0:0:40960489
  17. FAGGOT and btw ive seen tons of dust 2 servers and they are always full we can do that if some ppl would take the time to play there + populate it more playing jb all day really sucks now, i tend to play mg more now...
  18. no 1 plays on it..... more ppl played on the dust 2 serveer than this.
  19. Well title says it all, please vouch if you want Dust2 server back instead of the christmas server and if possible silence tons of people tend to like dust 2 dm i think you should open up a server for that with 32 slots
  20. tbh i never seen you on our servers... and besides u no u have to wait two weeks b4 u reapply i think.
  21. You guys are really all hating on his age/voice? im sorry but that is really not a good argument in my view.... Anyway i +1 him Why: he is really a friendly player and most people changed they way they act with him. Maturity: 8/10 Activity: really active on most of our servers + helps to populate them Btw for those saying he acts childish, i think that will change once he gets mod. Most people act out on the servers and think about having fun more than what other players are doing, example me i had wayy more fun b4 i was mod, but with responsibilty you have to look out for yourself and other players.
  22. Decision: +1 Why: friendly player on tf2 Maturity: Very mature Activity: 8/10
  23. Banned by syn. i agree that you should be perm banned btw. i have to always constantly warn u to stop trolling
  24. Decision: +1 Why: Very friendly player and can be helpful with scripting etc. Maturity: 10/10 Activity: 7/10