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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Mohammad

  1. Full Staff Roster *Updated on 5/6/2012* Check out this thread if you want to know who our staff are
  2. Hey Im Mohammad, CSS Admin. Your getting Div already!!! :O!! im jealous :P Anyway make yourself comfortable on our servers. Edit: Check this thread out to know our staff Full Staff Roster *Updated on 5/6/2012*
  3. Hey there. Im Mohammad, CSS Admin Make yourself comfortable and welcome on our servers! Edit: Full Staff Roster *Updated on 5/6/2012* Check out out staff here!
  4. So I think we need to advertise our servers. i think the best way is for us to use a server to advertise another. (ill put up a example of wat i mean) Idk what this method is called but its a text that shows up like every minute or so thats in Green and Bolded words, i believe we had something like this a while back when in chat something would come up saying " Read MOTD or be kicked!" i hope that jogs someones memory on what i mean. So wat we could do is we can use this Text to advertise our other inactive servers. Example: On jailbreak, A green text in bold words would come up saying "Minigames <IP for minigames>, Players: (10/40)" and etc for other servers. What you guys think?
  5. Welcome to xG! Im Mohammad, CSS Admin, glad to meet you.
  6. Im Mohammad, a CSS Admin. Welcome to xG! Btw Chrono and foxxy are gay dont listen to them :P Edit: Full Staff Roster *Updated on 5/6/2012* If you wanna know who are staff are :)
  7. ugh man i dont need a head ache... just ban him...
  8. So vintage is joining our clan? sounds cool i guess Welcome Vintage Jailbreak!
  9. Mohammad


    Regarding calling others a faggot, i said i dont care if you call others "your friends" a faggot and you no they are going to take it as a joke... calling some random player a faggot and starting to troll him is obviously bannable... Now as for the disrespect, i can 100% surely tell you that you disrespect every player on the server everyday. No one enjoys your presence on our servers. You think that trolling other players everyday is fun? Or that being a troll is cool? Go get a life... Besides im not here to tell you how to act on our servers, but if you act negative to our players your going to face the punishment.. I rest my case, obviously i didnt abuse and really not in the mood to argue..
  10. Mohammad


    Man you are dumb.... i dont care if someone calls another a faggot as a joke i gagged you cause you were typing everything in Caps lock.... (check the chat log you can see that i gagged you then i stated the reason) after i ungag u u call me a fucking admin? < im sure this is disrespect so i kicked you. Now from what EZ posted up we can see that you manage to troll when other admins arent on And since the server is being ddosed doesnt mean you can do watever the fuck u want Your a troll and i hope we can get rid of you.. Edit: and in your screenshot i told you why i gagged you and you even boxed it -.-
  11. Mohammad


    Lol good guess take another try :D
  12. Honestly, if you guys continue fighting im -1ing both your apps. Obviously you guys cant handle mod if you are simply fighting over thread bumps and people -1ing -.- Now how about both of you, STFU!
  13. Mohammad

    JailBreak server #2

    or it could be "Ohmaigawd's2incher" <3
  14. Mohammad


    Wats korean and gay?
  15. Seen him a ton of times on Surf, +1 mature and i dont think anyone had a problem with him
  16. If only we had the Dust 2 server back :D lol ppl hate me for this :P: SILENCE GET IT BACK!
  17. Mohammad


    definitely +1 she helped populate some of our TF2 servers, she is always active on our servers, never causes problems would be a good addition to our staff
  18. Mohammad

    JailBreak server #2

    agreed, i liked the uk jb server too so calm
  19. +1, friendly player, mature, active, and sure that he will help our clan improve
  20. so can i apply for mod on gmod? or tf2? i think u shud be allowed to be mod on different types of games but only a div leader for 1 type of game only
  21. u can have him he has a small pussy and flat too :P
  22. EZ is my wife <3 but he is cheating on me with hudson :(
  23. So, much of you know that players can be mod for 1 type of game (CSS,TF2,GMOD, etc) But, i kinda find this unfair because some players play multiple games of these sort ex: much ppl play CSS along with TF2 (at least i did) i liked having mod/admin there because i really helped out when ppl called me there but now i cant anymore All im asking is that for Admins to have mod on TF2 also (or any other game) or could at least apply for it thnx for taking the time to read this...
  24. Poncher, your still a dick admin <3 missed ya tbh :P we need u back on the servers :P