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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Mohammad

  1. So basically can we have a steam group of all the xG members that we have we really need this cause i hate when ppl on the server pop up with an xG tag and no 1 has heard of them and then mods and higher ups have to go searching through the pages of our member submission app to find 1 person. this happened to me several times and it is time consuming and besides a steam group would actually help keep track of our members thanks! btw i didnt want to make it to make sure no problems happen with me and leader + co leaders
  2. Mohammad

    Unban me

    lol i remember a Daz before i was in xG was he the 1 that had a dumb impression of duke nukem?
  3. +1 he wont add my maps -.-
  4. +1 can we get hot potato and Rebel back?
  5. Carri does it really matter :( i mean he would make a good mod
  6. Fing finally dino GOD!!! Decision: +1 (obviously) why: very mature + smart player always knows the right why to handle situations Maturity: Verymature with members + nonmembers Activity: Really active not just on css but also on tf2 <3 Dino!
  7. i dont no wat happened but uh lol.........
  8. hudson i love u but u have to couch using this method: Decision: Why: Maturity: Activity: lot happened since u left yea :P
  9. YAY! hudsons back ive seen u before i joined this clan but i dont think u remember but welcome back!
  10. looks fine but i think our current 1 is better
  11. You mean the people that spammed others with their member submission app asking "Hey, can you please look at my member submission app <link> , Thanks" most of the times that person isnt even known on the servers or isnt that active once they are in they just leave.. or become trolls and give bad name to the clan Another thing new members tend to spam member submission apps just to get their 100 posts for their mod app...
  12. Colorful.... i meant ppl usually spam other with " Hey can u plz +1 my app!!??" this shouldnt count as a +1 and ppl usually make up stuff about the person that arent even true.
  13. Meaning, members + nonmembers can give OPINIONS on a certain app wether its mod or member submission however, the decision of them getting accepted will be decided by mods and upper (meaning the mods and upper votes count only)
  14. i made an option that u can give your opinions is some1s app,it may chnage mods and higher ups opinion on some 1
  15. Ok,so ive seen a lot of people that have just been going around asking others for +1s on their apps and stuff and once they are in the clan (or get mod) we experience a ton of problems from that person.(i no that is not always the case) I think that mods and higher ups should be the only 1s to +1 (and we could decrease amount of +1s that you should get) Please tell me what you think.
  16. Decision: +1 Why: really active, friendly to other players Activity: pretty active Maturity: Pretty mature
  17. tbh i like mick, he is a cool guy. i honestly dont find his voice annoying although it is a bit high pitched. tbh he is the most trolled xG member out there.. i bet if it was some1 else he would have went raging at every1 and made such drama out of it. and mick really handles most situations maturely. true that he might abuse his admin powers but we dont no that i think we should at least give him a chance. +1 from me.
  18. Well ive looked through our teamban log and i cant seem to find your name... or steam id..... but however, judging from what we have here your ct ban shud remain obviously u think our rules are nothing but a joke to you, and once you face the consequences you come whining for a unban..
  19. seems like a okay map we need more maps on our servers tbh playing the same maps everyday get really boring but i really want the 2 maps i recommended in the server :(
  20. i dont wanna meet any of u in rl... :P
  21. Mohammad

    Black ops

    lol ur suppose to knife zombies from lvl 1 to at least 3 :P gets u more money