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Posts posted by Duke

  1. That's why you always make backups, so when (not if, but when) you get a crippling virus you just reload your OS, copy your shit back, and move on.


    I've only honestly gotten one virus that actually corrupted my OS. But i do make backup's atleast once a month of my shit just incase. But yea as every1 has pretty much stated Desktops are best, i only choose laptop because i have problems sitting in the same spot for more then an hour so i move around my house or friends houses often and its not easy to do with a desktop lol.


    But yea im buying a newlaptop for around 1k, if i wasnt a lazy ass and wanted a desktop i could have one twice as good as the laptop im getting.

  2. Just saying internet speed doesnt matter on laptop vs desktop it's based on the network card. Oh and Desktop's have better hardware as itsmade first for them usally then made for laptops etc. Also OS doesnt really differ in laptop vs desktop.

  3. It's my understanding that a T must be ordered to drop their gun, holstered or unholstered.


    If they unholster the gun thats what tasers are for, that or it its a primary 2 seconds and they can be killed.


    But yes holestered ask them to drop and if they dont then taser

  4. I didnt plan on this, but honestly it has been on my mind alot latly. This is my resignation as a member and a moderator.


    @@HongKongFooey ILY bb


    @@Lemons Stay beautiful son and you still owe zeal a copy of gmod


    @@Chrono You deserve more then then give you.


    @@GanjaMonster you gay nigger pollock Im gonna miss shit talking with you <3


    @whorean <3


    @Link_ You know i love you. but i have to go :(


    @@serbiansnaga you once gave me advice maybe you should follow it yourself.


    @ezkill i know i give u shit but i still love you.


    @@RoxyLalonde i love you....


    @@Warriorsfury Dead to me learn to take a joke =/<3


    @@JakeEnglish Best Gay guy EVER<3


    @@Neo Keep that NS2 Server beautiful i wanna get on and kick ur ass soon


    @@Forest Best singer in xG ever i will miss your singing <3


    @Poncher @@PapiChulo @@Jihad Best CSS Divs xG has now that Neo went to NS2


    @@DarkWolf6052 Your are In charge of the Furry Subclan Treat it well<3


    Any1 i didnt tag dont be offended im just lazy and to tired to remember forum names.



    @Brian u r a giant dick but you area great div leader

  5. This is stupid, CTs don't have to reenter armory period. Anyone who camps armory will get slain, therefor no one has to go into armory to kill rebels.


    Edit: Someone could say, "Oh! I was looking for rebels!" as an excuse to go back in.


    The difference being they HAVE TO SEE THEM GO IN

  6. If my counting is right, two weeks ago you had 14 posts when you first applied for mod (before you knew of the 100 post requirement).


    86/14 = 6.14 posts a day over the past two weeks to get to 100. Not saying it's a huge deal, but just pointing it out.


    Also, it's not really cool that you called someone a moron earlier on today after freekilling you. They could have been new to the mod and/or to the community, and that isn't how they should be welcomed to the xG servers.


    Still, these sorts of happenings are pretty rare in occurrence for you. You do know the rules, and are indeed active during times where moderators are sparse...


    just saying i had 250 posts when i applied for mod do the math :I

  7. the magic duke ???? i know what ur playing there with ur crystals hahaha thats what i used to do a lot go get high buy a board game and sit there for hours with friends smoke some more and play its a great time killer. Now we know why duke doesn't play with us :( HOE


    You know i love u nigs and if your looking for a board game to kill time with weird people, try Zombies board game shits fun when your baked, highest kill score i got before i died was i believe 115 zombies then my friend got me killed :I