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Posts posted by Duke

  1. "shoulder to shoulder stacked" is completely an invalid order and you don't have to obey it at all.

    the orders can only be "wasd/afk freeze Shoulder to shoulder" or "wasd/afk freeze stacked/unstacked"



    it's usally "crouch walk to yellow line wasd freeze shoulder to shoulder stacked" which is a tarp and would result in a freeday because no valid orders given before cells open.

  2. Now vector is not Saint Nicholas, but then again, who really is santa? none of you guys. le hue


    I'm Santa and i will stuff your ass full of coal if u wanna fight about it.


    But on a more related not, The only problem i can see with vector being unbanned early is people trying to get a rise out of him to get him permed or providing shit/faked evidence to get him permed.


    ALso @Ohstopyou you need to sit down and think on shit, you are not above the cl's they realized the punish was to harsh. You are not the final say if hes unbanned early or not. You say his posts are "bitchy/moaning" but admitted to not reading them. Has he hurt you that much you have to try your hardest to keep him banned? and unless you have proof people stopped playing because of him dont even bring it up, it seems more personal then anything between you two.

  3. "be a lil bitch cause you hate him" That's exactly why. I said I'll just get bm'd to hell and that's exactly what happened. Even when I don't try to start fudge, everyone else does. smh



    then why even post? you just dont like him so u dont want him unbanned when you could just as easily not be on the same server as him or does him being unbanned make you so angry you cant stand it?

  4. -1. If my reason is needed I will give it. I feel like if I even try to explain why I'll just get bm'd to hell.




    Then why -1 and be a lil bitch cause you hate him? just be a man and say what you have to. +1 if it matters this kid sticks around after being forum banned for stupid fuckin reasons and server banned for same thing.

  5. i'd say use fear and force on serious issues but be fair with the others on small issues (like the uber exploit)


    SO getting pissed and telling somebody to kill themselfs is so bad u have to perm people? seriously?? telling somebody ur gonna have them swatted or track them down rape and murder them is far far worse, telling people to kill themselfs isnt okay but perming over it is over dramatice. i think silence wanted this more to be about people threatening to kill others or to kill themselfs more so then an angry "go kill urself" cause past issues within xG. surprised he doesnt run a background check on people cause of @Tarin chrono's favorite person ever.





    chrono smells worse then rabid's tiddiy sweat.

  6. Plus, unless he paid off ALL of his payment for the house, he technically does NOT own his house, meaning he can NOT legally kick you out of it, plus you're not over 18. Therefore, since you DID own your PC and stuff, you can file this to a local court for arson and destruction of property.



    I want you to know this is wrong, he owns the house. Having a loan means he owes the bank money and the bank can only take the house and sell if it he fails to send them payment but the money over the loan goes back to the owner. Just a heads up that's how it works. you can buy a house and have one payment down and its legally your house.


    Also if you paid for the items he burnt and can prove it you can take him to court for destruction of property, anything he paid for since you are not 18 is still his however. And the banks wont give you a loan since your under 18 i believe. Paying is cash is nice but pay using your bank card/ w/e you would use since you arnt 18 and can prove easier that it is yours that they didn't give you the money etc.

  7. It matters because I requested it. I wanted to know what an aimbotter looked like. As did a few other of our staff to be knowledged in dealing with future hackers.


    Then you go on a non xG non populated server, doing it on xG is basicly shitting where you eat. He broke a rule will now face the punishment, just because you wanted it to happen doesnt change the fact you guys did it on xG i dont see why it matters because at the end of the day he hacked on an xG server. He choose to do it, you didnt hold a gun to his head and force him.

  8. WHy does it matter why he was doing it, he was CL. He should have known it wouldnt be tolerated to hack on an xG server even if to inform people of how it looks and acts. As i see it this thread is for seeing him permed from TS and forums because you already have enough to perm him from the servers.

  9. Oh boy. I have pretty terrible memory, but I feel like my first friend here was either Ganja or Razec. Maybe Turdwig? Hell of I know. All I know is that 80% of the people I had relations with when I initially joined are long gone and will be missed.


    i miss ganja amd razec those high mother fuckers. mine was probly @easy or @Chrono but chrono is a nigger so he doesnt count. or shit was it sgtblue?? i miss those times.

  10. But honestly though, there's something wrong with people who are in love with animal/human cross breed things. Go back to ancient Egypt and live there, you'll fit in perfectly.


    literally the niggest

    fight me irl slut

  11. So just a quick introduction. I joined the xG community december 2010/jan 2011, was co-leader for about 2-3 years and then left due to disagreements towards my fellow higherups. You might know me by Link if not by Aegean. I had a very good history with this clan with exception to duplolas having powers, and then darkwolf having powers, cuz they were retards. Anyways.


    Why is xG not the same as it once was? It's easy to blame rhododendron/silence for alot of it, but that's not it. He might have caused some steaming pantload, but it's not him that's preventing xG to get back to its former glory.


    1. It's the staff themselves. If you go back to 2011-2013, it wasn't silence alone that was keeping the servers populated and fun, it was the members. The biggest thing was the members who were keen on being staff, and once being promoted, having a positive influence. I remember when jailbreak and other servers had 5-6 + staff on all the time (except for the late night, where myself, cristo and other night owls would populate and play if we were bored) The biggest thing is the staff don't care anymore about bettering the server. You know what I don't see? Mods and Admins constantly asking higher up what they have to do to be promoted. It's true I'm not staff anymore so it might be behind the scenes now, but I remember how active staff were on forums, always asking members what they want from the server, and even people pming me and other higherups for an "operation populate (deathrun)" or w.e . The biggest thing is from talking to many members, and even staff themselves, promotions are much more skewed then they used to be. It's not so much how active you are or how good you are in server, it's more who your friends with, and who you talk to in teamspeak.


    2. People don't care. Look at the forums. There are so many posts that are stickied but not updated, or stickied that should be removed. I made a post about what the different levels of staff do for this community, and what you can ask them for help with. As higherups, you need to be constantly looking to see what you can do to make this community better. If this isn't your goal while being a higher up, then you should step down or re-evaluate your position. You aren't higher-ups so you can abuse on TS or forums, and just be the shield for your friends when something gets called out against them. You are there to set an example, and make sure EVERYONE (this is key) has a great experience in the servers and community, and that they would want to join and even invite their friends into the clan. This also means that you can't bend rules to appeal to one group of people (example the furries or bronies who don't like being insulted) but then allow NSFW avatars that are actually against the rules because (that's just my opinion). You guys need to understand that you represent the community, as soon as people go "ouu i'm gonna go check out another community" you fudgeed up possibly many new recruits, ad sense, and donation money.


    3. Everyone is segregated. Look at teamspeak and look at the ridiculous amount of black lists and passwords in the channels. A select few staff almost never go into a public channel, and that is also very upsetting to newer members who want to meet staff and others and want to play other games with other fellow clan members. I mentioned this a few times, but this is a ridiculous thing that I should be bringing up time and time again. Staff need to acknowledge the newer members, and play games with them or even create events. Before the Cozy boys (Billy, Trif, Rpgs, etc) and I quit, Rpgs had the idea of making a community night. Once a week, we choose a few servers, set up an event to all of xG (through the forums and steam group) and just spend a few hours with the community. Anyone is welcome to join, and just play some games that aren't populated as much. (xG Minigames for example)


    What does this do?

    1. You introduce members to a new game mode that they potentially might like and come back often too, and

    2. The members get to meet others (staff, members or just randoms) and get to have fun and feel like they really are in a community.


    You have nothing to lose from this, you lose 0 resources and you get the community involved; something this community hasn't really done in a long time. You can provide incentives to coming if you can, if not just have fun and play games. This can also prove valuable to members and staff who are looking to be promoted but are often unseen to the people that they need to be seen by.


    This will not return xG to it's former glory, but it's a start. Once the staff start acting like staff, and stop being spoiled brats who are power-happy at any slight discomfort, this community can lead to the right path back to competing to be one of the top gaming communities on steam. If you disagree or would like to add any points, please I urge you to start a conversation. This is how change starts, from people talking. Thanks for the long read, there is no tl;dr because if you don't wanna read it, you don't care.






    Aegean for co-leader +1



    But seriously i stalk the forums for a good laugh, cause of how bad its gotten. Like Aegean said, its up to members/mods/admins to populate the servers, you want people to join and donate, gotta give people a reason to be on your servers, Either it be good people/plugins you have to have population for it to matter.even at night on the css jb server pop was still decent till like 4am. Most of the mods for css now probly shouldn't have it, i got mod with an app that went over well and would have gotten admin i think a month later if i wasnt a cunt to Aegean, i EARNED my way and showed i could be trusted and did work to better the gameplay of the members and randoms alike.

  12. Not to be rude or anything of the sort, but if you re-apply, I swear on me mum I'll -1 . Countless times have Members acted out in frustration or anger by 'leaving' and then come back within a month to re-apply.


    It is not a justifiable reason that is worth re-accepting at all. Either choose to represent xG, or don't. Don't leave and then come back when you feel that it's okay to do so. This applies to anyone else with the same mindset btw, not you specifically.



    so you wouldnt +1 me if i came back? i mean i wont ever but still :3

  13. Just clarifying: I don't ban for forums. Just so you know I can't do much except watch and be rational when people want steaming pantload done and put my two cents. Just so no one expects me to go vigilante. (Kinda got the feeling you were expecting that. Sorry if that was wrong.)



    No i ment as in the CL's are slow as fuck, Aegean did more in a day then it seems they do in a week. but from shoutbox or w/e this is whats wrong with xG, lets warn them over and over or just ignore it cause its not harming anybody untill its to late and people leave or they get like this with shitposts all the time.

  14. Bebop is a fudgein masterpiece. If you like it then you should also like Trigun.



    Cowboy Bebop is amazing trigun not so much, its okay.


    I suggest Egro Proxy and Texhnolyze


    Both good but weird.