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Posts posted by Duke

  1. because he banned me for disrespect under the guise of 'abuse'. It's clear he was just butthurt.


    And your an Admin and you say things like this about a ban that was for you abusing your admin...

  2. Never being caught for abusing is different from not abusing. I've seen you abuse all chat and start pointless votes and teamswap yourself.


    The fact dr pedo had banned you for abuse allows us to look at both of you, i feel he did nothing wrong, he seems to just be giving you a friendly heads up not to do it and you got mad over it.


    -1 Dr pedo was correct to ban you.

  3. ell it seems like it went down like this


    Dr Strangelove was a dick towards people for rtving the map, and got kicked for disrespect


    Came back and asked who did it ganja told him he procce to call ganja a bitch which is disrespect and got banned for it.

    Now your only claming the ban was abuse i can see and the ban was deserved the kick idk about neither of you are providing any proof either way on it so....

  4. Just saying both of you can be annoying as fuck. And to be honest it looked to have started in JB and ended in minigames? the fuck? who followed who? But Honestly DuckiiJr you could have ignored him instead of doing what you did. And honestly People if you havn;'t sat in a channel on TS or sat in a game with DuckiiJr don't post he can be very annoying and honestly i believe he tries to be, when he was still xG admin and i was a mod i had to mute him repeatedly for spamming chat with binds.... so the only evidence here is brians....

  5. just saying when clans merge usually the smaller clan shuts their servers down to join the bigger clan, they may bring a fe servers but they become paid for by bigger clan, not saying this is ALWAYS how it is but usually thats how it works out.

  6. -1 please look in the rules for me as to what i did was wrong :D also 2nd picture has nothing to do with me killing cristo? lol and why not show ALL of that conversation instead of me saying IF's?



    Also no i never said once about merging my current clan with xG i said i would have left it and joined and gave xG my servers. And if you should it all i told you i would have ran it past higher ups before i did it because your unban wasn't right you openly admited to arthman about using a hacked client and get unbanned less then a week later.