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Posts posted by Duke

  1. Ok i may not like rabid but you LoL kids need to fuck off seriously, there is little to no skill to be good at LoL....


    I think you are just bad at Dota.



    Also when did they announce the Loot system? been a week or 2 since i last played.

  2. Naruto is a good anime. You need to actually wait until the 100-120th episodes. And he has better taste than a 14 year old.


    Truth here!


    Blue Seed

    Cowboy Bebop(if you have never seen)

    Egro Proxy


    Serial Experiments Lain

    Great Teacher Onizuka



    I will not explain them just watch first episode and enjoy or never watch.

  3. My vouch may not count, but honestly. Look at him, he left twice and made a big deal about it the first time he left and got called out on it, Shit i left quietly left and tried not to make a fuss or anything over it. But to leave twice and lie both times why, you just can't trust him and charrax, you are a Division leader stop trying to show him favoritism dude.

  4. All superman can really do to fight the hulk is flee... Hulkmay not be able to fly but when hes pissed he can jumper pretty dam far pretty dam fast. And choking him out wouldn't work because it would piss him off more and he would just rip supermans arm off his throat.

  5. 1. This is a member protest Not an abuse thread.

    2. Member protest needs no proof, just people backing it up.


    I would +1 if i was a member. Stego isn't one of the worst people in xG, but he makes it look bad.

  6. Hey remembered when we decided to give a lot of members second..I mean 90 chances for being an assholes and such? How did that turn out?


    Try to get yourself unbanned for posting pics of your wallhacks first before trying to join dude lol


    he used that already, for minecraft one of the times he got banned.

  7. We didnt just have BASIC rules, Inform yourself. Also, give it to serbian so that he can check SHITS on it. and Go fuck yourself too duke,



    Still on your point that they didnt copy it when duke admited it? the basic part, yes, that is INDEED sure that you guys have it, but more complex rules you probably kept were from me and chrono. And lastly, I will not post here anymore as i have better things to do than to talk to a liar (charrax).



    Basic in the way we couldnt not use them? but Please stop Arthman... We started our own list we didnt copy yoursover or anything we started fresh and used the SAME rules you guys made. Just seriously stop posting....

  8. We didnt just have BASIC rules, Inform yourself. Also, give it to serbian so that he can check SHITS on it. and Go fuck yourself too duke, At least i didnt lose admin for abusing on CSS. Gmod doesnt count as the server wasnt even live.


    Please inform yourself before talking, i GAVE my mod up. Also check what unless your MOTD has changed since i saw it, it wasnt anything more then the basic rules you didnt have job specifics or anything like that. it was the BASIC rules.


    But Please Arthman keep arguing over something so pointless.

  9. let's see what they have to say. Also, if you told them to continue, you allowed them to make it, In fact, you MADE them do it. and when we say TEAM, we say the FULL ADMINISTRATION team for GMOD, like it or not, Duke and nova both being admin, they are in YOUR team. Final.


    Just saying, the MOTD i saw from you and Chrono was simple and basic, WASNT EVEN FINISHED said so by both of you.


    Also Yea basicly we did copy it cause of how fucking basic of the rules you had unless they have been changed since last timei seen them it was just the rules 99%of Dark RP servers use. Also this whole fucking argument about MOTD is pointless i'm sry we arnt done, server isnt up go fuck your self i'm not giving you MOTD you have NO reason to see it.


    It's not copying YOUR work it's copying the basic fuckin rules...

  10. Decision:+1

    Why: I talk to her frequently, she knows the rules, and is very active in game. She does enforce the rules and does not stand for people abusing their mic and knows how to throw them down.

    Maturity: 9/10

    Activity: 8.5/10