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Posts posted by Duke

  1. Actually i do not live in canada, I'm in Escambia County WHERE the fcking district never gives us presidents day off, so stfu please. and duke did i ask you no, herpes your right i should have, and mick stfu your not in this


    You made a thread which is open to all members. form what i have seen you havnt changed, just blaming others how you act.

  2. Should add the division leaders in there as well, since they do have a say in it.

    Also, if this is only directed towards 3 people, you probably should've just sent them a message instead of an entire thread. Just sayin.


    this. Also not just div leaders, he pissed off alot of people in the clan who do not want him unbanned because he hasnt changed....

  3. 1. i don't allow trolling period. they get a warning kick then ban.

    2. as cari said you are a mod do your job.

    3. don't let it happen warn them and make sure they know you are serious.

  4. Hey man, I didn't mean to sound like a dick or anything, but it is too early for you to apply. You're a great player and stuff, but yeah :apologetic:


    gotta wait unless its a special situation like mine cause u wouldnt be here when i could apply. and you wont be able to be in the next promo demo v.v