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Posts posted by Duke

  1. We'll figure it out, and we'll ban you on sight. Know how you can "bypass gag"? Well i consider that bypassing ban...


    >inb4 we find him and enforce his permban.



    oh wait wont be hard he;ll rage over mic and we'll know :)

  2. You've made a fool enough of yourself, just shut your face. Let the grown-up(s) speak.




    Oh, no, you're 100% correct, Duke. You DON'T give a shit. The irony of this whole thing just grows greater by the moment. You demand respect, but all others can fuck off, right? That sounds like your philosophy. Go clean out your sandy vagina and keep your mouth shut. You pull shit like this in the real world, you wouldn't last a minute.


    ---------- Post added at 09:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:18 PM ----------



    Thanks, Smoke! Or should I say Barry White? haha


    Oh no i didnt care becuase i didnt know you. And now that i do, you don't deserve to be in xG.

  3. Hm, why does that last sentence ring a bell? Oh, right, because you're using your little mind to try and use my own ammunition against me. I may be disrespectful, but there's no way in hell I'm going to take shit from some random-ass person that has not earned respect. You think the title of "mod" on some vaguely-known web domain is going to instantaneously be deemed high in my books? You're dead wrong.


    Standing up for yourself used to mean something.


    I was giving you a warning in the game, i was not even going to vouch on your post untill you started acting disrespectful towards me and others who were only trying to get you to understand of what alot of members see when they see people posting there member apps everywhere. I did not give a shit if you were accepted or not.

  4. Sarcasm, or real? Can't tell..


    Also, Smoker; Aegean is on TF2 ALL the time, you're never on TF2, it's a free download, download that & try playing on JB & TF2 activley & daily like aegean, I'm not on "Aegeans dick" as you said to joshi, I'm just defending him because you were wrong to announce his activity.. 5 days 13:35:28 hours <-- Aegeans activity... That's plenty.


    3 days 22:56:20 hours <-- Duckii's.


    That statement was invalid, smoker.


    I'm still at a 0, Duckii does her job other than a couple bad habits, she's a good person, although, she does need to learn how to forgive people. I understand she's one of those people who don't forgive easily (If you don't want me posting this, duckii, tell me & I'll remove it.) & it needs to be worked on.


    Final point; Just because you don't see someone on, doesn't meen they don't play, unless you're playing on ALL the servers 24/7, you're not going to see people.


    I lied, that wasn't the final point; Smoker, hybrid isn't telling duke to kick anyone, she's simply just warning duke & making him aware of the person, & if the server is afk, then they need to be kicked because they're taking up space, so back off. Just because they're new, doesn't meen they're not important. Remember, members make xenogamers, who we are.





    EDIT: The activity, is jailbreak only. Think about that..


    <3 love u babe

  5. So you are asking me to ask your "friends" to contradict you?

    That's like me asking them to snitch; of course they are going to defend you.


    The only thing I rely on is my own 2 eyes, and my 2 eyes tell me that I haven't seen you on all week. If you haven't been on all week, how can you know if Duckii hasn't been on all week?


    And its good that Duke takes your advice on moderating matters; I guess moderators can now rely on the expert opinion of players to determine who to kick. I'll keep that in mind!


    She tells me whos AFK? i dont kick people based on others words, i afk check them if they are on a team i spec them wait till next map if still afk i kick them. Also be less disrespective towards other and people might actually listen to your suggestions.

  6. Hey, I hope you aren't implying that someone shouldn't have an opinion just because they are new... Stop thinking you are more special than others. You can think that your opinion is better recognized but that doesn't mean it's better :P


    Rplyignt to both u. Synx plays with me at night, And i've seen silence a few times on JB, seen aegean ALOT more, and i see duckii the most of the the 3 on JB. She doesnt play when the servers past like 30 people and even then its only in the early mourning. Being a Leader or Co-leader doesnt mean you have to play the games all that often. Thats why us Mods are here. Now Silence I have your juice fruit! But in srsness i agree with you mainly cause shes a TF2 player only plays css with me and then just to mockme over teamspeak!

  7. I have to pick between them, which is hard. I picked Kirk because Kirk is a boss and Picard is old and get's assimilated.


    if kirk had to fight the borg he would have been assimilated 2. But then Janeway is only good one against the borg so thats unfair you left her out :p

  8. 1. Best animal in the world is a bunny or a kitteh i cant choose between the cuteness!!!!


    2. I have video proof of Ms Snackbar beating Rabid and will upload it upon request!


    3. I smoke weed.


    4. i'm 6"2 and have been since freshmen year in highschool


    5. I make random voices and sounds when im sitting alone in a team speak channel :3

  9. Is it wrong, that I love you?


    Oh, & I forgot one person in my favourite list, I don't know how I could forget them... Cookie. Even though she is a liar, saying she ISN'T asian, which she is!


    lol shes not asian dude your just a tard now get back into bed ;3