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Posts posted by Duke

  1. This is exactly how I felt when I got banned for 2 weeks. I think you're mature enough to realize what you did and how you can change to better yourself, +1 to unban, if he messes up again, 2 week ban him.


    He perm banned me -.-


    But he knows he fucked up +1 to shorten to 5 days.

    i mean shit he still permed me v.v

  2. 1. Cari is no longer a Mod, he was PROMOTED to Admin.

    2. No offense to people on the list but i have personal experience with most of them. But a few of them are not level headed.

    3. You take about him rage posting when you were the one who rage quit the clan (but took it back within a day) Because i "Abused" you. When in fact i was 100% within my right as a Mod to mute you.

    4. If you honestly wish every time we are on the server together i will start recording and show those higher up's how you treat people while they are not on, for in fact you are quiet rude to people in game.

    5. I treat you like the rest of the people in the server. Yet you treat me and Cari like we are insects you can crush with the move of your hand.

    6. If you have a such a problem with certain mods, the simplest solution to it is Do not play while they are on.

    7. Even in your last post you show how little respect you have for certain members of xG, I have personally hated a few members but i just avoided them when possible, or have another member talk to them about it and get it settled like a civil person. Instead of being civil you take it to forums and act as if I, or Cari, have committed some horrible crime against you, when in fact we were enforcing server rules.

  3. 1. If you wish to provide "proof" i will look at it untill that point you sir are a liar in my book.

    2. You were not being abused on, YOU WERE SPAMING, Hence why you were gaged we had both told you to stop prior to that point.

    3. Later that map you then told me and Carissimi to do our jobs, Which we were.

    4. You cause problems in game for ALL Mods+. it isnt a simple isolated incident. You should take a lesson from old people "If you have nothing nice to say then say nothing at all" Bacisly it means if you gonna scream and cuss over mic stop and think "Hmm maybe i shouldnt be such an asshole and blame it on being a marine" Cause i Personally know a few marines and Navy. The fact of the matter is Yes they can be assholes BUT they are SMART enough to know when to be and when not to be.

    5. Please stop acting as if i have done Horrible as being a mod. The fact is if i actually get angry over a video game i stop playing it and go do something else. Maybe you should try that.

    6. And i am 100% serious if i see another thread such as this i am going to make a member protest(probly will not need to since you quit) and Ban request. Your presence causes problems.

  4. I'm DONE with your bullshit.


    A. You were gagged (or muted?) by Duke because you were spamming ITS A FREEDAY, even though it clearly wasn't. That was a spam issue, not a legal tarp issue.

    B. I told you to stop disrespecting because over the mic you said (and I quote) "These faggot cts need to learn to do thier goddamn job." After I told you to stop, you said it wasn't disrespect because "an admin said worse over the mic one time you were on." Then you went to go on saying that mods need to stop abusing and should do thier job.

    C. Show some goddamn proof for once in your career in xG. You see that little key called F12 in the top row of your keyboard? Yeah, that takes screenshots that you can upload to your steam profile so you can post it on the forums.

    D. We were not wrong in any way. Your arrogance never seems to let up.

    E. "Doing my job" would include me staying for an extra 20 minutes and waiting for you to use the word "faggot" or telling mods to learn how to do thier jobs another couple of times and banning you from the server for a day. I would have LOVED to do this, but I had to go make dinner.


    P.S. If you're going to make an "admin abuse" topic in random about me, at least use/tag my name so I can get the notification you're talking smack about me behind my back. I would love to see the word HEISENBERG or CARISSIMI in your little rants; I enjoy tearing your spasmatic attacks to shreads.


    THIS, I dont give a fuck who cusses or swears in the server, omg. SPAMMING FREEDAY WHEN TOLD TO STOP THO ya your gonna get gaged. Being disresepctful to any player you'll be warned to stop. I personally am sick of hearing this shit from you POST YOUR FUCKING PROOF. Seriously we weren't in the wrong you need to get this shit that you NEVER break rules out of you head. You're hella disrespectful to other player ALL the god dam time. You seem to act like We werent having enough problems in a full server with only 2 mods on. People like you MAKE OUR WORK HARDER but yes please bring this "magical proof" of yours and set the record straight.



    Also if you keep making threads like this i am going to make a Ban Request because personally i HATE having to deal with you while im trying to enforce the rules.

  5. -1 Legitly kill him? we hear you freekilled him. He get killed by door or something else on map WE HEAR ABOUT IT. HE does not act or sound 16. he spamed admin chat with "Insert name here" freekilled me ALMOST EVERY GOD DAM TIME SERIOUSLY.

  6. massive caplocks wall


    No the differenc ebetween you and him is, he isnt raging half the time over stupid things. You rage on alot of people over little tiny things. HE raged over something he felt was wrong, HE stood up for himself(not in the best of ways) But he tried, YOU RAGE OVER EVERY LITTLE FUCKING THING... *sitting on ts3 being only mod on jb, Oscar comes into channel screaming "DO YOUR JOB" i think the fuck is wrong with this kid and start telling him i am and to fuck off. REALIZE THE STUPID KID WAS RAGING CAUSE HE TRIED TO CALL WARDEN WHEN NO BODY IN THE SERVER EVEN HEARD HIM* But yes oscar you get defense about things that can easly be talked about calmly over mic or text, screaming at people to "DO YOUR JOB" How ever makes them ignore you.But yes keep blaming others for you being removed from xG.


    However MajorB if people are giving you shit just dont respone to it. thats litterally the best option if you dont say shit they will stop. For example if i dont feel like talkin to rabid in game i just ignore him ^-^

  7. -1 just had to explain to him how i did not freeslay him for not following the rules on JB, if he gets mod shouldnt be on JB cause i'm sorry he needs to relearn the rules and calm down before he should have mod on JB.

  8. Yeah, sexism is a big one, and if anyone is being sexist towards another its disrespect and should be dealt with like Tarin said^^

    Any type of disrespect should be dealt with, touchy subjects should be left untouched, etc.


    I dont tolerate sexism or disrespect at all when i'm on. idc if its a random or member i warn em once gag kick then if they get to stop ijust ban em for a day idc if thats abuse they had enouh chances to get the point of "you need to stop this behavior if you wish to play here" i make it very clear when i warn them and againwhen i gag them and again when i kick. BUT For racism i'm less strict not cause i laugh at it or anything but cause people are stupid and ignorant if they are being racist as hell i just gag em and leave em gaged for a round telling them its not acceptable here.

  9. What tarin said, and dodgeball can be cheap even if the persons not afk pyro =/ i see so many ct's get gayed by the t going behind them doing dodgeball and one toss its over... But yes 100% agree chicken fight is always so god dang long D:


    I think Dodgeball and Race should be removed or just replace them with a good Rebel option! Alot of people like it and it gives the t a chance to have some real fun for an LR.

  10. i give simple orders and give them 10+ sec every god dam time, Why you wonder exactly what tarin said, the people who are gonna rebel are gonna do it if they have to wait and those with bombs will waste them at the start of the round if they feel they can get ct's. HOWEVER I have been killed many times when Strangelove is warden because of the CT's who don't understand his rules cause he gave them so quickly most of you didn't even say anything about the dumb fucks that play CT and don't get what wardens orders were. Which is in all honestly why the round usually become freedays. The die T's who are smart get the guns and rebel killing more CTS which gives them more guns and ban warden dead freeday. The only problem with the system we have now is the stupid fucking chuds that go ct and are like "derp wardens dead some1 call warden i'm to fucking stupid to do it myself" over mic like seriously if you have a mic be warden -.-

  11. Classics honestly, its 2 slays. Supported by multipe mods/admins its not as if the world is going to end because you got slayed twice. i've been slayed for worse reasons with only one mods apporval do you see me or any of the other 100's of others who get freeslayed casuing such a uproar over something so small? you were slayed by those enforcing rules. It was not a freeslay, you do cheap lr's often. i am surprised this is the first time any has done anything about it but you have been here awhile and since i have been here you have done them often. so go put on your big boy pants and man up. 2 slays will not end the world.