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Posts posted by Duke

  1. -1 he gets mad very easy


    you've played with me twice and nder really talked to me. at first you had a +1 and then you edited with a reason i addressed above and put -1 litterally if you people wpuld go onto ts3 u would see if im "mad" in game u;ll problyu hear me laughing on ts3

  2. +1 cuz good jb player

    -1 cause u disrespect a LOT and get angry very easily

    but ill say +1


    this is why people need to be in ts3 more, the disrespect is mainly joking i'm never serious about it and the angry part u'll hear me getting mad on css and then laugh about it in ts3 :D Ask Mohammad Rageway and others who sit in the Jailbreak channel with me lol. But thank you and i'll tone down the disrespect since people dont see it as joking :c

  3. I should change my name to Sirius Black; me being so serious! (Bahaha, it was a joke.)



    I asked you over minigames chat one time why you were being so rude to me, and I remember exactly what you said. "You are so annoying.. you need to be put in your place." All right maybe that isn't exactly it, but you said something along those lines. That is our issue, dog.


    uhhh ? i havnt played minigames for awhile i dont even remember playing with you o.o

  4. I'm sorry, but don't just call someone a retard because he's not a very good warden/ct, you are a member and will probably become a mod, you are supposed to set an example, I woudn't be saying this if it was only one time, but this is not the first time I've seen it, you need to calm down and accept the fact that not everyone is as good warden/ct as you are.


    btw, I don't think he's bad at all


    I never called him a retard i made a statement and it has nothing to do with him being a bad warden or ct. I'm never serious towards him -.- and this is honestly the first time hes said anything about it. if he had a problem with it before he could have added me and said something about it instead or even saying something over css would have been nice. i'm never sure if hes joking or being serious when he says disrespect.


    ---------- Post added at 04:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:06 PM ----------




    A joke...to you! Calling someone retarded isn't funny, in my book. Maybe dat is just meee? I have an autistic sister.


    The incident you describes JUST HAPPENED. like in the past 20 minutes. Who knows what else could have happened in the past weeks! (I do!)


    Well the point is, if you cannot handle being called a retard i suggest you mute me :)

  6. First off, stop ganging up on him. He made the thread to bring out the problems he sees in xG, they are valid and you guys are stuck on grammar mistakes. Did you even read it? or are you just going to continue to be useless and argue? This wasn't meant to cause another sh-itstorm, like everything always turns into because you people start arguments. Way to prove his point. He has more balls than every one of you because he's actually speaking about what he cares about, and he cares about xG. If he didn't care about xG then he wouldn't make this thread. You guys aren't looking at the big picture, he's making valid points that he wants you guys to improve upon.


    Ben if you read thru the posts it is HE who started the grammar nazi party in this thread.

  7. I explained in my original post that




    I don't want to talk to her personally, she'll disregard anything I say and tell me to stop being bad.


    @Everyone arguing over the grammar: Read what Tarin wrote, due to the way Duke structured his sentence, it made me think it was a paradox.


    Can we get back on topic now? I didn't want this to turn into a grammar thread.


    You sir are the one who turned it into one. Also ♥♥♥♥ urself child.

  8. And this is why I am no longer going to argue with you. You basically made a paradox out of that sentence alone, contradictory at its finest.


    How is that a paradox please explain. This is a Dictatorship they don't have to listen to anything anyone says. They DO But this does not make a democracy.

  9. . Also, if you're wondering why I'm still on it, that's like saying "Well, 9/11 happened years ago, why are we still discussing it?"



    This is where i stopped reading and no longer cared what you had to say. Comparing a ban in a game to a tragedy... Seriously i understand what you are trying to say, But the fact of the matter is if you would learn not to be so "blunt" as you put it, Other may actually give a fu-ck about what you are saying. I personally don't think Aegean, Duckii or Silence has to give two cents to anything anyone has to say. But they do. This is not a democracy, it's a Clan on the interwebs if your having such problems with the Higher up's go look at otehr clans where the higher ups do not give a SH-IT about the lowly members. The fact of the matter is You need to learn not to sound like a tool when making threads like this no offense dude.