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Posts posted by Duke

  1. Coulda, shoulda, woulda but, didn't. The fact that you are basing my actions off of what I might've done does not in any way justify my slay one bit. Please for the love of god just stop posting. Each and every one of your posts have gotten you nowhere in this affair.


    Well how about the fact that once you toss during one of your lr's where it's "farthest from wall im facing" you pretty much lose cause you facing the wall your tossing at do you get this simple concept? the wall your facing changes when you move your mouse yes, so when you change to toss farthest from the wall your facing a different wall. Giving yourself an unfair advantage.

  2. I never once moved my mouse away from the wall once until after the CT throws his gun. Clearly and once again you have proven yourself to not have watched the evidence which I have provided


    i made a video of your demo i clearly watched it, its not the point if you did or not its YOU COULD HAVE.

  3. Problem: Classics does not understand "the wall i'm facing" can change at any given time with the movement of his mouse causing the LR to be cheap towards CT's.

    Solution: Slay and tell him he should stop


    I Clearly didthe solution. do you get it yet?

  4. Funny isn't it how you edit out the part where kbshooter moves forward two times facing the right direction to throw.


    Do please tell me what rules I broke instead of telling me to identify them myself. It is redundant and should be the mods responsibility to identify the problem. I can't do ♥♥♥♥ unless you tell me what's wrong. This video is in no way evidence if you don't provide supporting facts to back up what I did wrong.


    Also if you're going to take it literally from what I said about "farthest from the wall I'm not facing" and throw it anywhere left, right or forward I still would've have won because as you can see in your own video that my gun had the farthest distance out of all those times.


    WE DID identify the problem, and i didnt edit ♥♥♥♥ my fraps didnt turn on when he was moving foward 2 times. It was not just one mod who gave a go ahead on your slay a few of us did. As Snackbar said dont just single one out you choose to get angry over two slays for doing a cheap LR. it's not very hard to do a simple LR the ct's can understand, And as a whole we found it appropriate to slay you both times.

  5. [/color]


    I'm going to assume you're going to make a video about the gun-toss with kbshooter and show it as evidence and then feign ignorance and not include the one with seizure.


    or you could watch the video read what you had put as rules and realize OH WOW I BROKE MY OWN LR RULES.... the ct may have broken them first but you could have still done the right way but nope you broke them 2.



    And Honestly the first and 2nd time a few mods agreed you should be slayed. it's not hard not to be a cheap ♥♥♥ when doing an LR.



  6. Give me the time on the demo where i broke my own rules. If you do not provide evidence your post is meaningless.


    idk times but go rewatch your own demo read what rules you gave and then broke. kthxbai

  7. -1 i wouldnt have to mute/gag you every god dam time i'm on the server if you would just calm down. As for favoritism rabid had not been warned a number of times before he also would have been gaged for the fact it was over text. ALSO You are very disrespectful every time i see you on the server calling any1 who killed you a "F.AG" and such. You act like you do nothing wrong and i was abusing. Please post the video it will show i am right as when you got muted the situation and disrespect from rabid ended.



    P.S. i am civil with rabid we are not friends tho if he had kept going after you were muted he would have been muted next but he stopped.

  8. Seem's to me not many people can take a single bit of criticism anymore. Duke I'm not on your side, but I'm not against you if you know what I'm saying. I don't hate you but I'm not with you. I mean when it's Netex level ban the ♥♥♥♥♥♥, but when it's something small like this who cares? Duke you provoked him, so he got mad. I think you brought this upon yourself.

    Remember that admin/mod (forget who) who banned someone for longer than we're supposed to because he was mad? He got out of it in one piece. You provoked Xavien, which made him angry as any other human being would, and it is his birthday which gives anyone the honor of being a total douche. I say we let him off. He's a good kid just don't provoke him, he'll ♥♥♥♥ yer ♥♥♥♥ up


    thats the thing i didnt provoke anything i did not invite him into the chat i did not speak to him first he started this and he knew what he was doing. i was there on the request of DuckiiJr to help out some1 else.

  9. Yeah he's been banned, he was banned by Trif, Herpes also saw him do it.


    Yeah, this should be closed by now :)


    Not to mention Serb and king j i believe last night. also of video proof of him scripting its very clear