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Everything posted by IMMOLATEDant

  1. Great to hear this flame war is coming to an end. Thank God. Flame Wars= Irrelevant and Stupid
  2. Why hello there!
  3. +1 I really think its the picture that convinces me
  4. You sir need to feel better along with your family. Hope you and your family are recovering well and with speed
  5. +1 I hate it when people free kill get banned and don't care or say stupid and overused things. Hopefully you get unbanned and are given a second chance :)
  6. Psp I do not know which thread to post this on and i do not realllly want to start a new server sooooooo..... Can I be a builder in vegas? Please. Found out (by silence) that i need psp to do it
  7. I thought notch made it so that mobs were harder to kill :P
  8. My thanksgiving was GREAT thank you for asking! I hung out with my cousin who is off in college that I don't see very often, bought a few games on steam (sales!)
  9. Seems nice knows the rules especially for minecraft +1
  10. What is humblebundle? Games wise
  11. Yeah it was kinda easy and it is kinda cheating to keep the xp orbs but that makes it more popular :)
  12. Hah Sgt Hope you can catch all those baddies on early in the morning and real late at night
  13. Carissimi calm down..... Yeah what I said
  14. You know Mister Only a short while away from you :P Maybe an hour tops AT CARISSIMI
  15. Damn I live closer to her i think...... Probably the same amount of time
  16. SnackBar Why you so right?
  17. With the mobs being as they are it takes about 4 hits with a diamond sword to kill a zombie and 3 for a skeleton and creeper. This makes it very hard to kill in the mob arena and easy to get over taken. Still even if you cant kill them at least you get the experience and keep it that is sweet and I hope it is not a bug. If it could drop money in that area more or larger amounts that would be great. If there is a plugin that makes it go back to 1.8.1 mobs then it would be sweet. You (Silence or Double) think about these changes and just tell me what ya think. :P ~Sincerely~, IMMOLATEDant
  18. Go Worcester MA Boo Yah Just kidding its boring WOOP
  19. This is a lie the server isn't up 100% of the time :P
  20. ^ This and there would be that one douche you walks up to you and pvp's then your dead for like 5 hours with no stuff and he has all the ♥♥♥♥ you should have. If they kill a moderator or an admin then they can't get back on to ban that kid for like 5 hours isn't that GREAT
  21. IMMOLATEDant


    Alright its almost christmas (not even close) and i was wondering what you guys wanted for christmas :P For me its pretty much gonna be Skyrim, Money, Giftcards :)
  22. Wait SGT in hollows? If it is that piece of ♥♥♥♥ needs to be perm banned one for hacking (how would you burn something in town limits if it doesnt have firespread on) and two for griefing that amazing tree. If not its still hacking to burn something like that so three reasons to perm ban and NOT UN BAN