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Friend of xG
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  1. Disagree
    JakeEnglish reacted to Jaybreeze in FFXIV   
    Who's going to be getting the new final fantasy? I know im gonna get it on Ps3, anyone gonna play with me?
  2. Agree
    JakeEnglish reacted to DeathGod in Back to school for me :l   
    dont feel bad nigga. i got a day job i have to go to soon.
  3. F!$k Off
    JakeEnglish reacted to iRpx in ~Hello~ a totes formal introduction   
    i already like you better than aubri
    figures aubri would rate my post boring, because shes a fat slag
  4. Useful
    JakeEnglish reacted to TheKingBaby in I have thought about this for a while....   
    Don't drink the tap water!
  5. Funny
    JakeEnglish reacted to Jaybreeze in ~Hello~ a totes formal introduction   
    league division still more popular than minecraft
  6. Informative
    JakeEnglish reacted to ABusinessMan in Yeah bronies are so cool!!!!111!!11   
  7. Agree
    JakeEnglish got a reaction from DeathGod in Well.....   
    well this was almost a good thread
  8. Bad Spelling
    JakeEnglish reacted to MineCrack in Story time   
    "You are making love to your sister when your telephone rings.
    It is your father. He says "What are you doing with daughter?"
    You tell your sister and she says "Our father died four years ago, now go get our children from the nuclear power plant right now!"
    But if our father was dead.
    Who was telephone."
    - As so in Soviet Russia.
  9. Informative
    JakeEnglish reacted to DaddioDoug in Well.....   
    fucking niggers
  10. Funny
    JakeEnglish reacted to Jaybreeze in Well.....   
    Reading helps @@Warriorsfury
  11. F!$k Off
    JakeEnglish reacted to easy in Well.....   
    Uhm, leave the fake threads to the professionals..
  12. Agree
    JakeEnglish reacted to MagicalPurple in Well.....   
    I was so happy until i read the last line.
  13. Bad Spelling
    JakeEnglish reacted to serbiansnaga in Darkwolf - Counter-Strike: Source   
    i got through 5 pages and i was literally getting aids from reading everyones posts, this is all about the fact that chrono was gagged for including nigger into his way of telling darkwolf to stop camping. darkwolf then gagged him and shouldve at least told him why he gagged chrono, its common courtesy regardless of who they are and it covers your ass in case shit like this happens. darkwolf also said that he was demoing it in a threatening manner, which isnt right for a DM to be doing, thats ruling through fear which will fuck you over with other members and players down the road.
    the biggest issue for me though isnt the admin abuse thats happened, its this entire circlejerk between the retards and the dumbasses (not saying one group is one particular insult, both groups are retarded and have the downs of a thousand suns) in which they both give positive ratings to their buddies and negative ratings to the opposition, all it does is further the schism in the clan and alienates the two groups from working together to bettering the server rather than wasting my time with this utter bullshit.
    as for punishment, chrono you can no longer say nigger EVER, unless its used in an intellectual context on the forums, u cant say it ingame, teamspeak is meh for me, i personally dont give a shit about vocabulary restrictions for teamspeak. you say nigger way too much for it to be acceptable to me, so thats why im not letting u say it, if u do ill kick/ban/do whatever the fuck i feel like doing to you for it.
    as for you darkwolf, you have to get yourself together and know your priorities, if u have IRL issues and are stressed because of personal problems, than DONT GO ON CSS TO MODERATE OR DO YOUR DM DUTIES, im not gonna give a shit if u have to deal with personal business anyway, even i will get up and leave in the middle of something important to deal with something miniscule such as taking a shit or putting the groceries away, sometimes both. also, u have to either punish everyone the same way, or dont punish anyone, part of being a DM is that u need to be fair in your judgement and not give preferential treatment to anyone for any reason, its the same when you are in an upper management position IRL, you have to give shit to your friends just as much as you have to give shit to the employees that you dont particularly like. i yell at warrior and the people that i hang out with on ts just as much as i would yell at a random who joined on ts, im not like "oh dont worry, ill figure this out" or some shit like that
    -sealed away in the last great time war
  14. Friendly
    JakeEnglish reacted to Reflex in Pray for Gawd   
    Today, Gawd texted me that he has lost both his legs. He said he will update us from the hospital or when he gets back.
    It would be appreciated if everyone prayed for him.
  15. Disagree
    JakeEnglish reacted to Warriorsfury in   
    I make the best threads.
  16. Agree
    JakeEnglish got a reaction from TheKingBaby in Uguuu   
    im jake and im gay
  17. Friendly
    JakeEnglish reacted to Luecia in Uguuu   
    It's okay Jake, we support your lifestyle!!! I think Pinoy and Warriors even likes it especially. :>
  18. F!$k Off
    JakeEnglish reacted to Jaybreeze in Uguuu   
    we know, get over yourself already
  19. Informative
    JakeEnglish got a reaction from Nymph in Uguuu   
    im jake and im gay
  20. Friendly
    JakeEnglish reacted to Forest in Uguuu   
    I'm Forest and I photosynthesize in the nude.
  21. Informative
    JakeEnglish got a reaction from Matsi in Uguuu   
    im jake and im gay
  22. Friendly
    JakeEnglish got a reaction from Princess_Celest in Uguuu   
    im jake and im gay
  23. Winner
    JakeEnglish reacted to DarkWolf6052 in Darkwolf6052-Counter-StrikeSource(Move to report abuse)   
    Closing. You're going to start a flame war doing this.
    I already told you, and I was talking to Serbian about what happened WHILE IT HAPPENED.
    You know you can't do FR/LR for LR. Having TWO participating Ts is NOT valid.
  24. Funny
    JakeEnglish reacted to ScubaCat in Everyone ready for the great chimpout of 2013?   
    my base is already set to chimpcon 1. were ready for anything.
    Mix of 4 videos from youtube : CHIMPCON 1 REPEAT CHIMPCON 1
    are YOU prepared for the chimpening?
  25. Dislike
    JakeEnglish got a reaction from Matsi in What you guys like to drink (alcohol)   
    cheap rum and coke
    source : being white trash