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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Ribbit

  1. Ribbit


    +1, Oshit calling someone names over internet, I think duke cried.
  2. +1 DISRESPECTFUL! :O Ayund hateful, annd Is hardly onn :3 Anddd hates everyone annnd cries in his corner aaand uh stuff AND has a small peenas.
  3. Yeah, the "new" minecraft server seems really good atm, even with the few "unfinished" things. :p also, are you going to be using the same map? or new map
  4. +1, nice avatar :3 Also, I've seen him on jb every time i'm on it, and iv'e never seen him break any rules sofar, and seems very mature and such. So i think he'd be good person to join :P M: 9 A: 8
  5. +1, he seems like a really nice guy- and iv'e seen him on a couple times and he seems like he'd be a good mod. M: 8 A: 9
  6. Ribbit


    Stego said he had sex with Cookie :discuss: :moon:
  7. Iv'e gotten really tired of xG, especially with all these new people in, and I no longer want to deal with it, so i'm leaving. I might play mini-games or dustbowl for an hour or so, but besides that i'm done. Anyway, I'm probably going to remove almost everyone in xG off my friends list, so ba-bai.
  8. so u left xG THEN made this post? or u made the post den left xG? :D
  9. -1 Really doesn't know rules, and isn't mature.
  10. Ribbit


    -1 :D "TOLD ME TOO!"<-- thats my reason.
  11. +1 , plays alot on tf2 servers- pretty mature, etc. :P
  12. STEAM_0:0:44552921 ~ I banned this person for a week He randomly traded, then stated "I'll give you mw3/skyrim for your hats" Then when I put it up he claimed that he sent it, then after that I said you never sent anything, you have to put it inside of the steam trade- he was insisting that he did, and then he said that he was going to "Perm ban me from xG for scamming" and that he was "taking screenshots" So for future references, don't trade this kid. ;)
  13. Ribbit

    Lets make a story!

    Then he cooks a potato in a turtle shell........
  14. lol yah, those are always fun. so I agree wif' dat part. :watermelon:
  15. Okay, I was thinking- Since the xG tf2 arena server isn't usually populated, aswell has the "randomizer" one, why not make a Randomizer arena (combine both) And then make one or the other servers into a trade server? (like Brian's idea) I think it could probably help with the population on them.
  16. +1 played for long time, nice person; Pretteh' mature ETC. bla bla bla.
  17. Ribbit

    Few questions!

    the ct thing, iv'e seen ct's go back into armory almost every time iv'e played :P so i think they are allowed to do lol
  18. Just link me your steam id :P
  19. You would enjoy a trade server to sell crates? Again. Most of the people I see are F2P, have little to no items, etc. and I play on Saxton Hale/dust_bowl a lot. so what is there to ENJOY? You can sell those few low-priced items/hats on the servers that we already have. You really don't need a separate server to sell nick-knacks and what-not. And it's not you have cs:s mod to do with anything, it's that you act like you are a "major tf2 mod" when you are only a c:ss mod, so again.. why not just apply for Tf2 mod instead? You'd probably get it anyway.
  20. go to it, then click where it says "Add to friends list" it should be above the screenshots.
  21. on wat?xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  22. I love myself. ~ continue?
  23. LOL. calm down? I'm not mad, or upset i was just stating that it'd be a stupid idea. And again, you went for cs:s mod- not tf2 so why not go for TF2 MOD instead?.. And again, we really don't need a trade server.