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Everything posted by G1McKenzie

  1. What is this i dont even
  2. There's too many people getting mod I think. (The irony of this is that I'm going to apply soon)
  3. Can you make a tartan trail please? Another idea would be country flags (if they arent already added)
  4. I somewhat agree too this. If a CT ever opens the cells before orders have been given I rarely see them ignored. Pretty much all the time they are slayed and for multiple accounts of the incident they have been teamkicked/banned. Opening a cells after orders have been given isnt really a problem, I dont think that should be a slay, just a warning for first time offenders. On the other hand it can also be annoying to the warden and t's. The t's may be asking for a repeat and may follow the wrong orders when cells are opened if a repeat is not given. I think the MOTD is meant to be strict in order to stop potential rulebreakers before they commit the offence, but it is the admins/mods decision.
  5. Decision: +1 Why: Good player, active on multiple servers, pretty mature. Maturity: No problems here, never been involved in any arguments ect... Activity: Seen her on Jailbreak pretty often and RPG surf
  7. King, please use the correct format or write a few sentences on why you +1 please. Also, game time refers to the amount of time you have played in game, and on the xG servers if you want to be a bit more specific.
  8. G1McKenzie

    New Jb Map

    Thats cool, we can wait. But I think I speak for everyone when I say I'm really looking forward to it!
  9. Three days! He paid $50 for it yeah?
  10. G1McKenzie


    Thats an understatement.
  11. Physics you say? so, if I was to shoot a cannonball at a 30 degree angle from the horizontal at 80 m/s how long would it take to reach the highest point in it's arc? Ignoring air resistance.
  12. This just happened yesterday again, everybody died, there were no survivors.
  13. Decision: +10 Why: He's awesome to play with, NEVER had a problem with him at all, he's a great player Maturity: Respectfull of everyone, 10/10 Activity: Very active on the jailbreak server as T and CT.
  14. Cya soon then, good luck with exams!
  15. Yeah, whatever, Can I get that hatpack you promised me now? I'm not doing this for nothing ;)
  16. G1McKenzie

    E.Z. Kill is mad

    Thats a pretty cool vid there E.Z. The "Did you know" one.
  17. G1McKenzie

    Nighty goes :O

    He's never gonna hear the end of this from me.
  18. I'v seen him freekill on multiple occasions, he dosent listen to orders well. I'v also seen him run into a vent cell with a T infront of it. I'v got no actual proof though.
  19. *Narwhals gun goes off and the bullet goes straight through heisenbergs head.*
  20. G1McKenzie

    New Jb Map

    ^ This Can you possibly vary the pistols too? I really hate glocks.
  21. G1McKenzie

    Lego minecraft!

    Agree with Heis on this one, it's nothing I couldnt do, looks really simple. (I used to build things with lego like all day about two years ago, mainly technic though)
  22. +1 Completely agree to this, many a time have people acquired the xG tag because of joining the steam group and not actually applying to join xG. Hell, even I asked if I could wear the tag when I was invited to the steam group.