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Everything posted by G1McKenzie

  1. G1McKenzie

    Unban me

    What was the joke? ;)
  2. G1McKenzie

    PC vs. Mac

    I have a feeling you may be correct!
  3. Decision:+1 Why: He's a good player, fairly active. Maturity: He's not argumentative, gets on with everyone, dosent troll. Activity: Seen him on often.
  4. OMFG, you hack CSS AND Paint? You disgrace me...
  5. That happens too often, people dont realise nades dont go through someone
  6. What do all the different classes do anyways?
  7. Are you stalking my latest posts or something?
  8. G1McKenzie

    Unban me

    Good luck with that.
  9. G1McKenzie

    PC vs. Mac

    Well OKAY THEN... No but seriously, i'm not someone you should trust to give an accurate opinion on a mac, mainly because i'v never owned one. God damn I hate those mouses.
  10. G1McKenzie

    PC vs. Mac

    PC's are definately the way to go for gaming. Although i'v never owned one Mac's seem to be good at video/picture editing and similiar things.
  11. Seems decent, I might give it a go.
  12. Generally when I'm tired, annoyed at something or generally in a bad mood I try to stay away from multiplayer games.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Ku6gagYh80 :D
  14. G1McKenzie

    Unban me

    And I thought i'd seen it all...
  15. G1McKenzie

    New Jb Map

    That map looks EPIC, also, can I have a scottish themed cell. Tartan bed covers, the flag ect... :3
  16. How much have you donated in total then? ;3
  17. Fucking headshot that noob