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Everything posted by G1McKenzie

  1. I really don't understand why you have to make an application with a new forum account, can't you contact a co-leader/leader and ask them to fix it for you?
  2. This is a joke right? she/he's not actually jarev is she/he? I can't believe I fell for that, he really sounded like a girl. I'v even gagged people (for like a round) for disrespecting her/him saying that he was a guy. I feel so stupid. Jarev, you have serious problems. +1 for permaban. Edit: Really sorry to all those who I told off or temporarily gagged for saying he wasn't a girl, I can hardly believe it myself now.
  3. hows mucuj wood can a woodchuck chuc k if a woodchuck cann chck wood Typing fairly slowly ^ hjnolws m uch wsooldxs c xa\nb a woodc huc k, c huyc k f a woodchuckmkj cas nchuik ewsoosxd Typing as fast as I can ^
  4. G1McKenzie

    Cool Guy.

    No lol, video I found from this guy I subscribed to.
  5. G1McKenzie

    Cool Guy.

    I feel inclined to post this video for your viewing pleasure. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMEyqhIDbfQ
  6. -1 He's fairly active, but thats as good as it gets. I'v had to warn him and slay him multiple times for freekilling, he's immature and i'v seen him disrespect on more than one occassion. Also, make your application post a lot more detailed and for f**k sake, use correct grammar. You can get let off with missing a few full stops or not capitalising your letters, but don't ever use "plz", it makes me want to punch you through the internet.
  7. +1 He's very active on the servers, very mature. I'v not had any problems with him (apart from him raging at me cause I didn't know what STALKER (The game) was) He's very helpful and he stalks me, like a good stalker, yeeees.
  8. Heisy, Nooooooo! D: But, you were a good admin D: Well, good luck with, uh... Things!!! And you better not delete me, or I uhh.... Won't be very happy!
  9. Mr Serbian sir, why do people keep asking about the colour of their urine and feces, Is it some sort of disease everyone has?
  10. It cost £10 and it's two years old, that's what's wrong with it.
  11. I'm thinking of buying a Razer BlackWidow Ultimate (Battlefield 3 edition). Has anyone else ever had one? Or even typed on one? I'v never owned a mechanical keyboard, although the one I'v got ight now is meant to feel like one I imagine it to be very different. So yeah, basically I want everyone's opinions on whether I should get one or not, Thanks!
  12. +1 She's very active on many of the servers and the teamspeak channel. She gets along with pretty much everyone and i'v never seen her get angry (even when I accidently moved her into spectator when she was warden <3) She's pretty mature and she's liked by most people. As I said before, very active.
  13. I'v had to mute him on surf before, he was constantly trolling and making remarks about others. He continued to do so after the map changed and his mute expired.
  14. I had to mute you on the surf server yesterday due to constant trolling. You really do annoy people, try not to question EVERYTHING EVERYONE says and if someone's annoying you, report it in admin chat or just don't talk to them. I'm not going to +1 or -1 until I'v seen you've changed.
  15. I think everyone deserves a second chance, It's been ages since I'v seen you and I'm happy to welcome you back. You did troll a lot on our servers, but then again so did I before I joined xG. You seem like a changed person, mainly because you use correct grammar. (I allways remember trolling you about that ;) ) So, overall, I truly do believe you've changed. +1 to unban!
  16. Thanks for the promo and congrats to everyone else! Now, someone's gonna have to tell me all the commands before I accidentally slay everyone ;) STEAM_0:0:35584368
  17. What exactly does impeach mean?
  18. G1McKenzie


    So, you can stop T's bombing the CT's in JB? isn't that a bit OP?
  19. Thanks for all the posts guys, I really appreciate it!
  20. Thanks for all the support! I cant even begin to tell everyone how much I appreciate it! Also, i'll be very active on the new Brittish Jailbreak server. One last thing, did anyone even bother reading the wall of text? :3