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Everything posted by Akio

  1. 0 - Always on what server? Jailbreak only? You should play on other servers and come on TS to get to know everyone better first. But its good you are on 5 times a week.
  2. Akio


    +1 Seen you a couple of times, no problems yet.
  3. 0 - Haven't really seen you. You should come on TS and our other servers more often and get to know everyone better.
  4. Lol not bad.. not bad at all.. :P
  5. In ESEA you can do regular "pug matches" where all teams are randomized 5 v 5 and affect your stats. You can also form a team and compete in leagues.
  6. Patriots is my team all the way
  7. Akio

    Lucid Dreaming

    Someone needs to see a Psychiatrists...
  8. Dayummmm thats a lot, congrats you noob
  9. +1 hes cool and a good team player.
  10. Akio

    Girls? Or Fakers?

    It was sarcasm to the OP if you didn't notice...
  11. Akio

    Girls? Or Fakers?

    Nope Sillybannana is obviously not a girl...
  12. Akio


    Reflex wanna be my partner?
  13. I remember +1ing your app not too long ago and now your leaving? :/ take care dude
  14. I hope these kids get what they deserve in prison and burn in hell.
  15. Akio


    I have to admit that I have smoked for a year like 5 years ago because I thought it was "cool." Both my parents smoke and I've been sick of it my entire life. I hope none of you kids even try it because its not worth the risk and if you do smoke, please quit.
  16. Congrats everyone, well deserved :]
  17. +1 Making it a Cops and Robbers server because thats the server most of us xG members play on.. If not then it wouldn't be as popular.
  18. Akio


    I don't even know this guy lol
  19. I just got ESEA today and played 2 matches. It's really serious and intense, but I do feel like I'm picking up new strats and skills just by playing with them.
  20. Akio


    Sorry to hear that, Have a good one!
  21. Akio


    i'm in, just need a partner.
  22. I would like the idea of a 24/7 Dust 2 + Office +1 That would attract a lot of people and expand our community.
  23. Akio


    Most of the time I just study right before the exam either a day or less before because it stays fresh in my mind.