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Everything posted by Gawd

  1. Gawd

    Post Your Rigs

    Lol i win I game on an hp pavillion laptop.
  2. Alright man, peace. Have fun and whatever. See you soon.
  3. No. Otherwise the ranking wouldn't make any sense :p It still says that in the announcement because he hasn't edited it into the announcement. But mod definetly has the say over payed admin.
  4. Gawd


    Yeah, the main reason i said we needed proof was because most of these people just have a personal vendetta against him since he bought admin. Many people feel discontent about the matter which is understandable but if you want to accuse him of admin abuse you should at the very least have some proof. Besides that yes.
  5. I just wanna say something in addition to my previous post, Shiro, you might wanna work on your baiting because even though I've warned you many times about it you kinda continue to do so :/ You know all the rules otherwise.
  6. Gawd


    Yeah can someone close this until someone has proof to post? because those posts above are not very relevant to the matter.
  7. Gawd


    People are leaving because it's getting boring. Which tbh it is. After playing 8 months on these servers I am still playing but its getting so old :/ There is a small amount of people that i used to love playing with, this includes nonmembers and members that would be active in JB. Some of those guys left, some still play, its just different than what it used to be. But what can i ask for? Everything to always stay the same? People are always gonna be changing in the server. Soon people that started playing in this server only 3 months ago are gonna be like "oh I've played here forever lululul . -.- you guys are all new hur"
  8. Gawd


    ^ you said he needs practice as mod before admin. But hes not an admin, hes a payed which is lower than mod in the rankings. However payed admins can be promod to mod if they prove themselves. Overall, it seems like everyone is throwing a pretty big fit. Maybe he does need to get to know the rules better. But put him on very close watch at the least if theres no proof.
  9. Gawd


    Well you know it doesn't HAVE to include only xG members. The more money the better right? We could have a lot of playdates, maybe staff vs members just a lot of things. I mean this is a good idea, but its hard to get it to work. We should try to get this going.
  10. Gawd

    Community closing?

    The way silence has the servers running is a box. Basically meaning he could have 10 more severs from what he has now at the same cost. ( or something along those lines) so getting rid of the unused servers wont save money. we have our money for the months so we're good on that. But we do need new things you can donate for. Or just things overall that can gain us money.
  11. Gawd

    Wearing xG tags

    That's basically like saying, oh, let's just let them rob the bank if they really feel like it, we will just put them in jail afterwards. Tbh, our job is to stop it before it happens and if it happens anyways enforce the law. :p
  12. Gawd

    Wearing xG tags

    I have the moderator tag which blatantly shows me. And i also always make sure to wear the :M tag unless i am undercover or at the moment can not be bothered. I saw a payed mod yesterday wearing the wrong tag too, saying that he didnt feel serbians announcment applied to him. (not mentioning names) So yeah guys, if you have powers at least wear the tag so people know who to talk to... Especially for the newest players. I find everyone always spams to me when people don't wear their tags.. Its semi annoying having to respond to 30+ people when other mods are on.. Ya know?
  13. hahha +1 man. Me you and epro have had some fun on jb. He's very active. +1
  14. ew internet explorer! :P but jokes aside you are a cool dude. Why not consider joining? There is a member submission thread.
  15. Meh i enjoyed call of duty 4. My fave cod. Black ops two ( the real one) looks ok. But yeah everything after mw2 was a big copy. Mw2 was the last really succesful call of duty imo I'm just hoping they aren't trying to do something halo style since they are being released days apart. (halo 4)
  16. Gawd


    Alright yeah, you should have made that more clear from the start arth i guess.. what I had pictured was a lot diff. -1
  17. Gawd

    My Two Cents

    Yes i love the community events. This is gonna be a nice big step. We can get streams of members and staff. I'd volunteer to stream and do crazy shit. Pubs are another great idea. Just keep pushing the idea, lets actually make it happen!
  18. I find it fun. But my fave is meep meep mainly because no ones ever picked matrix. Really wanna try that one.
  19. Gawd

    New Stuff!

    Lol nope ^ I was when i was 11 but i guess it can get us more traffic either way..
  20. Gawd


    Well alright. I mean either way you've had powers much longer than me and i respect you either way, but maybe this wasn't the best approach. So this isn't the biggest deal, you're a cool guy. But yeah, the thread speaks for itself i suppose. Nothing worth putting you on probation, but just so you see maybe it wasnt the best choice.
  21. Yeah even if some maps might be bad. We need change. This maps have gotten boring a very long time ago it's kinda hard to stare at them now :2
  22. What in the hell. The teacher said he would let you finish but he wouldn't? Get on his ass, call the school. If you are failing the class because of that it is unacceptable.
  23. Well maybe payed admin should have more powers, but then it would have more powers than a regular mod. Which shouldn't happen if reg mod is going to be a higher rank. So imo : Payed mod, payed admin, mod, admin. And why do you say you'd rather be a payed mod then a payed admin? Its basically the same relationship of regular mod to regular admin, its just that the payed are below the regular in terms of rank. I think you guys should really consider this bc i think i speak for a lot of us when i say the ranking system.
  24. What do you think about that setting serb? ^ @@serbiansnaga
  25. Gawd


    Ok guys we should look past whoever posted it. That doesn't matter. From what Arthman said at least, he was switched by the server to ct. He didn't want to be switched so he switched back, and then proceeded to run and kill ct's which is definetly an abuse of admin powers. (giving yourself an advantage over other t's to rebel or do anything with your powers) So my personal decision: this is grounds for a warning. Unless there is something more to this story, an admin should never use his powers against him self to give him an advantage. Or anyone else for that matter.