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Everything posted by Gawd

  1. [ATTACH]2774.vB[/ATTACH]
  2. Gawd

    A concern

    Yeah. Honestly i think it should stay member exclusive. After all this is gonna be affecting our community directly and if you want a say in that you should be in it. It would be like a country making laws benefiting tourists that visit it more than its actual citizens, you know what i mean?
  3. Well he is of younger age, which obv doesn't excuse him of his actions, but its been a while. And he was scrimming with us and he seems alright at least (not the annoying type) So my input: unperm him and put him on 2 week ct ban.
  4. Uhhh @@GanjaMonster He's been a member for a long time. A lot more than two months, judging from his account hes been a member since at least september. Although I do have to admit you did kind of spam the forums. (i knew you were gonna apply for mod a week ago by the amount of posts you posted) but im gonna have to say +1 mainly because you are a verry long time veteran of the server and if anybody knows motd, i would at least hope its you. Hes been here since at least i have ( on the forums) if not more.
  5. :O i missed you man. I was reading some posts by you yesterday and wondered were you went. Good to know you'll be back!
  6. Gawd


    I am kinda hesitating for the gangs, since then it will be pretty much a carbon copy of HG. But like i said I think a Ct, T and overall menu would be a nice addition. Gangs might be a little bit too far, but maybe we can do something kinda similar to them?
  7. Gawd


    This :3 and there could be a separate point menu for ct and t. The things that cost a ton of points could be a long lasting effect or maybe even something permanent. Things that don't cost so much are shorter effects or something small. Such as buying a grenade etc. If its a long lasting effect for example if you buy it off the ct menu it will only be in effect if you are on ct. Possibly make it like this: 1 menu for T 1 menu for CT 1 menu where things you can purchase things on both sides. Now since different tasks should be rewarded differently maybe you can earn points for just the ct menu when you do certain things on ct and earn points for the t menu when doing certain things on t. Then more general things such as just surviving or getting kills in general could be rewarded for the overall menu category. (ct or t points earned could also all go towards regular points as well) Maybe one purchasable T menu could be earning lr when there are 2 t's left. Or maybe even 3, ( obviously the t point cost would be much higher for this) Just adding more ideas :)
  8. wait uh, is the server actually up and running? Yours or deo/rpgs'? I just got mc today and am eager to play with all of you guys.
  9. makes me kinda sad :/ (But poncher and trif are still in xG and active heisen)
  10. Lmfao. Just... honestly i have no words to explain. I can't tell i everyone on the forums today is just one giant troll. Oh boy thats a real knee slapper errybody.
  11. So we got a new update guys xD I was just playing gungame and someone asked me to join our jailbreak server. This is what we see XD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=micVJ0EWYqA&feature=youtu.be
  12. Gawd


    Well I understand where you guys are coming from with the unbalance of T and Ct, but you can obviously give Ct's purchasables as well to attempt to balance. I'm just trying to throw ideas around to give our jailbreak at least a fresher experience to new and old.
  13. Gawd


    I dont't believe the mic spam plug-in is in effect or has been for a long time. Some of us actually were asking for hldj back, at least for mods and up and being allowed to use in moderation but that is yet to be discussed.
  14. Gawd


    @@silence @@Starbuck So I don't know, these are just suggestions, but I think it would make the jailbreak a newer experience, get newer people in and get older people who got bored back in! Even just getting things such as extra buyable things for t's would be an insanely nice plugin and maybe wouldn't take too much work? :P It's just ideas. Maybe even a rebel on lr purchase?? (could make the server auto slay if t attacks someone while not using any lr's) I'm just tossing ideas around. I like cat's ^ let t's purchase guns maybe? <- not to say it would unbalance gameplay, let ct's be given the option to buy something as well. Especially since nowadays t's seem to always be the overpowered group, give cts a buy menu? It could be with regular money or a new earned currency, meh idk. I'm just writing whatever pops into my head. Imo we need SOMETHING new in the servers, because the population is showing it and I feel that it's even easy to get bored. Imagine if we had a lot of plugins like HG but a ton of maps to play with them you know what i mean? The gang thing might be too far from xG's servers but maybe not. I don't know about you guys but gang wars sound pretty fucking fun. Purchasable days were a step in the right direction. We could test a lot of these things I mean we have all summer?
  15. While I still don't know the diff between T rep and Ct rep and Gang points etc (maybe you can help me out with that one) welcome! I'm glad this childish argument between our clans is over, feel free to check out our servers too and maybe even our jailbreak. It's a lot different from your jailbreak but fun nonetheless :P
  16. Gawd


    ^^ maybe make that some kind of purchasable weapon???? There's a ton of shit we can do with money alone besides bombs. :P Add stuff for cts and ts! Viva la Evolution!
  17. Gawd

    Dear Canadians...

    Meh, instead of bitching at the canadians, bitch at the extreme conservatives in the u.s. that refuse to do anything that is even slightly different from a 200+ year old constitution..
  18. Gawd


    I'm posting this in general so that people can actually see. If this needs to be moved to css:discussion please feel free. So lately I've been noticing our jailbreak numbers have been suffering, which is kind of sad to see :/ Now obviously this has been a result of ddosing but I think we should do something about it at least, you know what I mean? I mean after all jailbreak kinda built xenogamers more or less, and we all know that. After playing on HG's server today after finally being unbanned like everybody else I saw the amount of plugins they had and it's pretty impressive.. So I know this is basically based by donations but what I think would help are: 1. More plugins. Maybe a point system so that we can put money to use in things besides days and bombs. Maybe purchasable upgrades? 2. If we put in effort maybe we can all work together to make our own map(s) and possibly even develop plugins our things such as last requests to function with the map. PLUGIN to map FUNCTIONALITY. 3. Extra emphasis on the plug-ins, maybe some kind of extra RPG elements to be added to each side? I know classes are here but something beyond that, especially for t's. Now in closing I don't want this to be a carbon copy of HG's jailbreak, because thats not what our jailbreak is. It's its own separate being, we need to do something to evolve it and possibly get more people to play. This is all just suggestions, I think at least we can try for this. And it will take donations and money which we are suffering from, but If our summer goes as planned w/ our various fundraisers maybe we can make it happen?? Leave your opinions.
  19. Sorry, you're cool but i don't believe you have completed either of the mod requirements as of yet.
  20. He knows the rules and meets the requirements, overall a good person to play with. Knows when to joke and when to be serious. +1 FUCK DA PO- wait a minute, I'm not cristo :2
  21. -1... This is gonna lead to so much confusion as to where the line crosses, the ct could be a good 10 feet away and the t runs up and knifes him saying "oh he baited i get away with it lul". It's gonna come down to a matter of opinion and if this rule was established would need a ton of unnecessary specifications. Keep it the way it is, t's knife baiters at your own risk, but the baiters should be slain.
  22. Oh thank god. Thanks :) this is really great update
  23. Gawd

    One year at xG!

    God damnit i was expecting that too but it still scared the crap out of me :P But gratz man