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Everything posted by Gawd

  1. Yeah that's basically what I was trying to say Shiro. I had to type it with my ipod though. Basically I thought payed mod>payed admin>mod>admin. Payed mod could have equal powers over payed admin its just that payed admins would have higher jurisdiction. Then payed admins would have equal powers as mod but mod would have jurisdiction over payed admin.
  2. Yeah I'll stream. We need something for money and sounds fun. Let's make it happen
  3. My personal two cents is that mods and admins should be a different rank completely. Pmod --p admin mod and then admin and then maybe the payed could be promod to their respective positions after a while. I dunno, at least this way you can still have powers if you choose to pay but there is still a incentive for earning your positions
  4. Gawd


    No what the fucking hell. No. No. nonono. If someone is honestly disrespecting you I am legit pissed. If stego, someone who had his mod -1'd like crazy got admin. Then whatever that's his business im still not gonna let someone outright disrespect him. Honestly Mcneo just stay dude. You are going to be a big help to our mods, you should have gotten it either way. If you leave for this you are gonna be telling us you gave up bc of some tiny kids. Don't do it. I'm kinda pissed about this whole situation but it is what it is. Don't leave man
  5. Gawd


    I really hope you aren't saying ohh -1 bc i think he's a cool guy. Yeah, he's a cool guy, does that have anything to do with it? If arth said that he did this, for whatever his reason he did it. I'm not -1ing on anything but please.. don't -1 on somebody because you think they are a cool guy. I have a ton of friends in xG but it doesn't mean i can just !slay @all and have everybody -1 the abuse lol
  6. /request close 10char
  7. Gawd


    Dude my parents get pissed at me when i get in the lower A range. If I got an 89 I don't know what would happen to me. :s But alright, good luck with your real life affairs obviously. Rl>gaming as i always say.
  8. Well this happens kinda often and is semi annoying but basically its a bug. This happens every several weeks or so in a cluster of people. They are usually unbanned the next day regardless of ban duration. (usually)
  9. Was fun scrimming with you. Missed you :P Welcome back, at least you didnt hop on this leaving bandwagon.
  10. :s. Instead of working on temps, let silence actually fix the real ones. Its up sometimes and its down. Dont worry.
  11. Gawd


    I dont see how the christ symbol is relevent but people were complaining about him to me a lot but i personally didnt see it myself. Still nothing can be done until proof is posted so everyone who posts under me dont waste your time unless you have actual proof. ( a demo or screenshots)
  12. Gawd

    New Jb Map

    Yes but thats litterly the only map hellz gamers has. the only one lol.. Like they dont play on any other maps so i wouldnt compare us to them..
  13. Gawd

    JB Games

    Ok well until this rule is removed or changed I am going to actually enforce it as a mod bc it seems ridiculous that we just look it over in the motd.
  14. Gawd

    Found a map

    Bump.. Ill do anything to get a succesful new map and from the looks of it this sounds fun. @@silence
  15. Well yeah thats the point.. It makes the day fun. The point of the ct is not to be a hardass to win every round its to let everyone have fun. Plus you can only play the day once per map and if you are really that pissed about one day then damn lol. Also, most of the time its pretty balanced anyways. Even being a ct i love the massive armory shotgun wars.
  16. Gawd

    JB Games

    This rule isn't very specific. I say we either explain this rule better and enforce it or get rid of it all together as it really isn't being enforced atm.
  17. Gawd

    Dance Off 4 Lr

    Yeah this would pretty much be the complete opposite of the no opinion games for lr rule. If they don't like a kid he dies. Tbh they should be removed as a whole.. not just in lr but I guess I can't have everything.
  18. Well I believe you know all the rules. Alot of times you spam admin chat like crazy with the rule breakers, which I guess is a good thing, shows that you are aware of whats going on. Just make sure to not let it get personal, which sometimes seems to happen. Besides that you are very active and would be a good addition to our moderator base. +1
  19. Well whatever, I didn't mean to come off as an ass, but its not my decision either way. I would assume you're not lying about this, because that would be just fucked up and in my opinion worse than being banned from a gaming server. So, you're most likely gonna get unbanned. Since that's practically the motto of xG.
  20. Gawd


    He changed it? I don't know why people honestly complained about it. It helps a ton. "Oh no i can't click on my globe every day one time to get rid of the 9 because i have ocd." ^ how those people are lol..
  21. Wow. Well it's possible it was your friend but its possible its not. You guys really have to be more responsible with your accounts..
  22. Glad you're back. And glad that you didn't also hop on the leaving train that seems to be moving through xG atm. After all, who else would host deo days?