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Everything posted by TipsyMidget

  1. if a bird flu breaks out or the mississippi dries up ill flip a ♥♥♥♥
  2. On the creative server please, it seems like whenever I ask anyone I just get ignored, i like creative also and the creative in survival is down so. My ingame name is BH747
  3. Your Type is ENTJ Extraverted Intuitive Thinking Judging Strength of the preferences % 33 62 38 44 moderately expressed extravert distinctively expressed intuitive personality moderately expressed thinking personality moderately expressed judging personality famous people-Franklin D. Roosevelt, Margaret Thatcher, John P. Morgan, Norman Vincent Peale first!
  4. Are you trying to start a war here, BF3 is way better. More freedom you can do whatever you want less ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥ less ♥♥♥ people more realistic better graphics I can go on
  5. wait $150 or $150,000 cause if it is the first one you are not very rich
  6. Disorder | Rating Paranoid: Low Schizoid: Low Schizotypal: Low Antisocial: Low Borderline: Low Histrionic: Low Narcissistic: Low Avoidant: Low Dependent: Low Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate [/color] Yeah lets go! other kinda mentally stable guy on the forum besides me.
  7. Teen, 14, Escapes After Being Held Hostage for Five Months this guy gets automatic Super Master
  8. -1. He seems like he is just trying to help, plus he has helped me out once or twice on the forum.
  9. I kind of believe you because Im nice and you seem like a good guy on CSS, but im going to -1 this because if I do believe you then there is a chance you are lying and getting away with destroying my house :(
  10. Ok great I was a bit confused.
  11. I was on the survival server earlier, but now it says I can't connect because Im not whitelisted.
  12. I was building my house with tons of redstone and I turned around and I was like Wat tha FUUU is this my whole house was covered in lava in like 2 seconds, he went and put lava inside the big tree!
  13. ah I see what you both mean.
  14. Obviously I abbreviated First reaction Last reaction so I didnt have to type it all.
  15. hahah here is another http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uk2ZlCcnYUk
  16. haha and if Mohammad dies too.
  17. This is true here is video evidence of the destruction http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZTpbIDiUkk&feature=youtu.be I just uploaded so It will be viewable in like 2 minutes.
  18. Nevermind I found the ip on the Steam page; sorry for now having a completely random useless post, you can delete it if you like.
  19. Honestly anything you want to lol, learn how to do some cool stuff on youtube if you get bored. Build stuff, go adventuring, rpg, anything really.