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Everything posted by TheRageWay

  1. BF3 Dude I got my turtle beaches and its so ♥♥♥♥ing realistic xD
  2. TheRageWay

    xbox or ps3

    Why is this a question we all know xbox is elite gaming and ps3 is for cheap derps.. xD
  3. WTF?!?! lawl but thats messed up. did her mom come and say like shut the ♥♥♥♥ up or something.. then it would of been funny..
  4. Dude thats alot of money... xD
  5. TheRageWay


    Wait....... WTF!?!?!? Who Bowls... hmmmmmmm i think im to caught up with games but im sure if i had bumbers i could do it xD
  6. I would bang the ♥♥♥♥ out her.. xD dude shes so sexy... its like back when i was like 14 i had a crush on Hanna Montana xD
  7. I did xD but you should get on more.. I barly see you
  8. You should get on more but yeah +1 he meets the requirments...
  9. Aegean look again xD I edited it before you posted that... but yeah i know the rules
  10. reapply?!?!? -1 but I dont know you but iv heard bad things about you but im not judging but you are re-applying!??!! but you do meet all the requirments and you seem cool so +1 but over all my total vote is +0
  11. Yeah we already had a thread about it lawl xD
  12. well you probably dont know me but i kinda remeber you.. but im RageWay nice to meet you xD
  13. +1 I think jill is right not trying to go against anyone but he makes a good point and duckii I think you are being stubborn about what people have to say its a suggestion and you down it like its a ♥♥♥♥ suggestion which its not at all sure some of it shouldnt be that way but your like nope nope nope nope.
  14. TheRageWay

    For Donating

    Yeah thats the only way if paypal accpets it..
  15. Iv never seen or heard about this game before.. lawl so I could +1 or -1 this request...
  16. I think this would be great xD
  17. To Create A Better Social System For xG
  18. Ehh iv been playing since october.. but Im hella active xD
  19. TheRageWay


    Im surprised he didnt pull out a gun and shoot him (not trying to be raciest)
  20. TheRageWay


    What Happened?
  21. TheRageWay

    Dear xgerians

    Lawl nice i just hit my 200 post mark and 1000 exp xD and promoted to Addicted Member
  22. -1 Reason: He Said I Had No Balls To -1 His App xD
  23. TheRageWay

    Basketball fans

    I use to live in NC so i know the college basketball pretty well but i dont keep up with it cuz basketball is lame -_- matter of fact all sports are lame.. (To watch of course)