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Everything posted by Unit12p

  1. I'm only on TS3 when I'm on a 'casual' server, like Surf DM or MiniGames. I can't stand being in Teamspeak AND Jailbreak. It's just too much.
  2. Ruling Me - Weezer Reminds me of my girlfriend, makes my day.
  3. Hey. Make it less frequent. He popped up 7 times while I was trying to read the "Syn_ for co-leader" thread. kthnxbai
  4. [ATTACH]2029.vB[/ATTACH] I hate Paint. Ditto.
  5. wat. I enjoyed it better when it was a Pub server, with rotation. Hell, I even liked it better when it was just office and dust2. I'd have to say I don't like having just one map. :cold:
  6. Posting in thread I have no business being in. Never been to a party. Closest thing I've had to a party was me and about 6 other bros sitting around and spliting an ounce. Nothing happened though, we just chilled and smoked.
  7. I use the mobile app. It's pretty cool.
  8. Go for it. Added a rule too.
  9. Name: Jim Age: 27 Sex: Male Race: White Height:6'3 Weight: 210 Inrests: America. Looking for: American woman. Motto: I like my violence like I like my beer. Domestic.
  10. Unit12p

    no balls

    [ATTACH]1955.vB[/ATTACH] What's gonna happen?
  11. Oh god. Homework complaint thread? Homework complaint thread. I'm taking 2 honors math class this year, and 1 AP math class. I have 50~60 problems a night in each. That's a good 150~180 problems, every. Fucking. Night. And on top of that, I have AP World History with 3 DBQs due every friday, plus honors english that requires 2, 5 paragraph essays a week. And I know by the end of March I'll have SOMETHING to do in AP Physics. I'm scared. And my parents wonder why I went from As to Cs.
  12. Unit12p

    Trolling and You

    Basiclly agreeing with the majority, but anything said in a literal way, or repeated for the sake of reaction. E.x: SuBB's a fag. Not trolling. E.x: SuBB's a fag, and nobody likes him. What's the matter, queer? Nothing to say? Look at this pussy. Won't stand up for himself. Look at him and laugh. ^trollin' <3 SuBB
  13. Unit12p

    Just an idea.

    I'd hit it a few times, then fall into the habit of 2 spamming.
  14. Decision:+1 Why: He's on JailBreak a lot for the CT side and sometimes calls warden. I think that there are things that might need to improve for him, but he follows the rules just fine. Maturity: 8/10. Activity: Very active in JB server.
  15. Decision: +1 Why: He is a cool guy, knows rules, and is a good rebable. Maturity: 9/10 Activity: Pretty Active Thanks, Stence.
  16. Unit12p

    Desktop Thread

    Simple enough. windows key+m, prt sc, open paint and paste. No cleaning allowed. (unless you're hiding something.) [ATTACH]1890.vB[/ATTACH]
  17. Unit12p

    Super Bounty

    I've had almost 200k on me I think 180k is the highest I've gotten. Confirmed: [ATTACH]1887.vB[/ATTACH]
  18. [ATTACH]1873.vB[/ATTACH] I made a joke, but with a picture. Why you gotta force me to write words?
  19. Unit12p


    Why do we have this format again?
  20. Unit12p


    Decision: +1 Why: He's a good person, he respects others, he does what he can to enforce the rules. It's copy-pasta, but whatever. Maturity: He bitches over freekills, but who doesn't? Mature enough. 5/5 Activity: Hes active on jailbreak, or anywhere else if you ask him to join you. :snowman: What silly faces these are.
  21. No order ^4danno .# Mick Cristo K.R.I.C.K. (he's xG, isn't he?) Fullbring And just to be on the bandwagons: Segway Pyro Aegean Silence
  22. Man. Why everyone gotta hate on StationX? :cold:
  23. Unit12p

    New Jb Map

    If we're doing custom cells, can mine just have a computer in the corner with a little robot toy next to it? (If you try to use the computer, you lose 5 hp. That's life.)