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Everything posted by Unit12p

  1. Unit12p


    I'm taking SuBB to Surf on avalanche.
  2. [ATTACH]1570.vB[/ATTACH] I think I followed it, but it gave me a headache.
  3. Unit12p


    What the fuck. Seriously. True. Way to go on post #1.
  4. Unit12p


    During out short downtime, I tried some other Jailbreak servers. Jesus fuck, I love you guys and your rules. [ATTACH]1563.vB[/ATTACH]
  5. I laughed harder than I should have.
  6. football=faggotry that only Euros play* fixed that for ya.
  7. Extra Large 6 means that you can fit 6 of any family size chip bag into one bowl. /answer
  8. It takes me 2 hours to make it though an episode of 60 Minuetes.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWw5YdW57Es
  10. However cliche it is, I want The Final Countdown
  11. I didn't look at the other that closely. Seems dark, but it could be cool.
  12. Right on. Thanks for that. I'm not going to encourage people to freekill. That's just silly. [ATTACH]1572.vB[/ATTACH]
  13. I'll +1 for Last Encounter. It seems really cool.
  14. I doubt I'll be the only one that needed to google this to get the joke.
  15. Picture approved for showing by ex: [ATTACH]1524.vB[/ATTACH] I'll let you know what happens tomorrow.
  16. Nice. I read the old one last night and I was like, "lol wtf is this shit." Makes sense now, knowing it was out-of-date.
  17. Unit12p


    Nothing yet. It's only Thursday. I'll tell you guys about it tomorrow.
  18. Unit12p

    Need for Speed

    I admit, that's funny, and I laughed. But this should be in random. ^^
  19. Unit12p


    You just got forum mod! How do you close threads?
  20. This. What happened to that map?
  21. Unit12p

    Florida players

    Reporting in. Santa Rosa Beach. Deal with it, - The Panhandle.
  22. That's a valid point, OHMAIGAWD. I think that adding a randomizer would increase the flow of fresh CTs, but think of this. Not everyone is a CT prodigy. If this randomizer were added, I think you'd see more CTs, and more Wardens, but I also predict many teribad guards and a wheelbarrel of butthurt from people that either are suffering from the bad, or were passed up for in the pot. Say numbers 1 through 20 are bad, but 21 is awesome. If 21 joined first, he'd get picked first. If it was random, 21 could be picked last, if they had bad luck. I don't know, I'm not a fan of the plan. Another thing, is that randomizer might ruin the Mic/No mic ratio, causing a rise in the mic check day. And, by some ungodly bad luck, what if not a single CT had a mic. Not one. What then? What if every, say, 5 rounds, the CT team was either semi-cleared, or even completly wiped, and the next 15 or so in queue became CT. That's more or less what you'd get with CT Lotto. Oh god my thumbs. Fuck this gay phone keyboard.
  23. 58% of my time is on CT. D: