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Everything posted by Unit12p

  1. Unit12p


    I change my answer. Obviously, you press the 'ceximagebutt' one.
  2. Unit12p

    Spectator list!

    Seems useful. Go for it +1
  3. Unit12p


    You give up.
  4. Can a wizard here tell me if it's possible for my TS to come through my headset and my game to come through my speakers?
  5. I claim my reserved spot, and adorn it with a promised shitty picture of myself. As soon as I get home, this is how I enter my comfy zone. Also, it's an eternal 10,000 degrees in my room, so I have a reason behind my dress. Hat for +1 to being cool. Ladies, please, contain your orgasms.
  6. +1 Has been mod before, knows what to do. Maturity: 10/10 Activity: 9/9
  7. fuken sweet. Thanks everyone. I'll be the best mod ever. :3 STEAM_0:0:32868383
  8. I started a thread like this before. Lemme find it and I'll get the picture I uploaded.
  9. We had a good time in the Scrimmage server last night. Besides playing in other servers, I played some TTT and a bit of minecraft. No productivity here.
  10. Decision: +1 Why: Seen some discrepancy in the past, but nothing to harsh. Great guy, would be awesome in xG Maturity: 9/10 Activity: Very active on Jailbreak.
  11. Thanks Page 2 guys. :3
  12. +1 Bees is a great guy, and he knows the rules. I think he'd be a great mod.
  13. Unit12p

    [MOD] SuBB

    Sure. +1. Knows things.
  14. lol Snivy. I'm already back. I've been back this whole week, pretty much.
  15. Forums are un-blocked here. If I absolutly need to go somewhere, I use brothersnail
  16. As if CS:S didn't have enough mods, here comes another hopeful. I joined a Xenogamers server about 4 months ago, following my buddy who was introducing me to Jailbreak. And I hated every single one of you. Then, I came back the next day. And I came back again the next day. And the day after that. Before long I was not only in the clan, but actively participating almost all the servers and being a regular part of the community. Every day I strive to uphold to the rules and regulations set for our servers, and do my best to enforce them, whether it be by telling rule breakers to stop, or just simply reporting them. I know most, if not all, of the rules in MOTD by heart, even some of the more obscure ones. And also, there is almost never a day where I am not online, in the Jailbreak server, being the awesome warden I am. This communtity is great, and I want to help keep it that way. I love each of you, and I want to make this place a better place. I am applying for the postion of CS:S Moderator. Please consider me. -Unit12p
  17. I was accepted on 01-15-2012. Just so I stop having to check.
  18. You say that like you don't already.
  19. Going out of town Monday. (Today, I guess.) Think you can go a day without me?
  20. Happy Birthday, Half.