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Everything posted by TurdWig

  1. So some people have the same problem as me. It has been configured so mods can't target mods/higher, admins can't target admins/higher, etc. you get the deal. I find this a big problem since some of our staff breaks rules themselves, some are AFK during rounds in Jailbreak, Minigames, Pub, all dat jazz. It's helpful in only one way, just to stop each other from wrongful bans and slays. Just to prevent shit storms from happening. I have encountered so many times when I needed to slay, kick, mute, gag, etc. a mod/higher for being AFK or breaking rules. If there is a mod/higher aboosing, I can't slay them and it's becoming a pain. I would like to have this feature removed since it's becoming a pain. Some people will relate. Thanks for reading, have a nice day.
  2. +1 bad at scrims, smelly, no one likes him.
  3. [ATTACH]3338.vB[/ATTACH] -1
  4. [ATTACH]3336.vB[/ATTACH] -1
  5. +1 would make great mod, doesn't cause problems, mature, all dat jazz
  6. +1 it's fucking microsoft.
  7. I would like to suggest these maps because some of the maps on Pub are boring. I would love it if these maps were put in Pub. We have these on our scrim servers but I would like to have these on our Pub. de_cpl_strike de_cpl_mill de_contra de_season de_tuscan
  8. I don't know if gravedigging or not but, we have a big rule of not giving in-cell orders. Ex. Get on your cell bed and freeze. I can't seem to find it on the MOTD for Jailbreak.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rv5Vyw9TSm8 Keep on doing the shit you keep on doing. Have fun.
  10. You have +1 from me for many various reasons. But you need to work on the post count.
  11. Make sure to tell Aegean that he smells.
  12. Basically what I'm gonna say.
  13. TurdWig

    New Server

    Maybe a Rotation with the reg maps? I would like that. cause it would be boring just playing 1 map the whole time. If not then I'll go for Zombie Fortress or Prop Hunt
  14. +1 He smells. He's also good at scrimming, active on ts, knows the rules, in general a sexy beast.
  15. Have fun babe. Be back soon.
  16. [ATTACH]3254.vB[/ATTACH] nooo! D:
  17. I'm going to stay at a 0. Your attitude is questionable and you seem to cause minor problems. At one point you're funny, happy, and fun to play with and at the other point you are a total dick to everyone and complain about the most minor things. I think you were the one requesting a CT ban on someone for freekilling you once, I'm not sure but that is quite silly. Anyways, there is my reply that you wanted from last night on Jailbreak. Have fun.
  18. -1 he trolls. one of the biggest. he also smells very great.
  19. TurdWig


    +1 he's chill, doens't break rules, fun to play with