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Everything posted by TurdWig

  1. I'm going to be going to LA for about 3-5 days. I hope nothing bad happens D: Well hope to see you guys soon.
  2. Decision: +1 Why: Knows MOTD, Doesn't break rules, calm, really nice and respectful. He would make a great addition to xG Maturity: 9/10 Activity: 9/10
  3. Decision: +1 +1 +1 Why: He's been here, he was a great member and will still be if he gets accepted :D Maturity: 9/10 Activity: 9/10
  4. This guy seems really nice but what I've seen so far. You have asked for +1s :l -1 is my decision, sorry.
  5. Decision: +1 Why: Really nice person. Follows MOTD. Never starts anything bad. Maturity: 8/10 Activity: 7/10 Active on Jailbreak
  6. @@silence Can you please bring it back? :D
  7. TurdWig

    New Jb Map

    Mind adding a picture of TurdWig in the Pokemon Arena? :D Anyway seeing the progress, it looks incredible.
  8. 53 thistencharlimitisstupid Already have the game, I just want to give it away ;3
  9. So I have been checking out some of the servers and I saw Capture the Flag which is just regular CS maps with CTF. It's really unpopulated and I was wondering if Pub can come back! People played on the Pub server and I don't see why it was replaced. Sure it was unpopulated time by time but when people came on it, more people started to join. I loved the Pub server and would love to see it back.
  10. Decision: +1 Why:Very respectful player, follows MOTD, nice guy. Maturity:8/10 Activity: 8/10 Active on Jailbreak
  11. Didn't tell me you applied? Shame... Decsion: +1 Why: One of so little who actually follow MOTD. Very nice person, doesn't start any commotion with anybody. Maturity:10/10 Activity: 10/10 Very active on Jailbreak
  12. All those bumps. Wow. Decision: +1 Why: Very nice player, not a troll, follows MOTD well. Maturity: 9/10 Activity: 8/10
  13. -1 This app doesn't make sense at all. You're full of yourself and we don't need more trolls. I have never seen you play on the servers but it might just be me.
  14. Decision: +1 Why: Respectful, follows MOTD very well, no a troll, very nice person to play with. Maturity: 9/10 Activity: 9/10 Very active on minigames.
  15. I'm going to go for a -1 He asked for vouches. He doesn't follow MOTD well, he does but not very well. He's quite annoying, and he trolls. The only positive I can go with is that he is respectful.
  16. Wow, this is really not getting so much replies. Decision: +1 Why: Very nice person. Respects everyone and follows MOTD very well. Maturity: 8/10 Activity: 7/10
  17. +1 This would be great. If we already have enough servers, just remove the ones with low population such as posted above.
  18. You have to wait for a co-leader to accept you and officially make you a member. ;3
  19. Decision: +1 Why: Kind person. Doesn't disrespect, troll, or etc. Mature: 8/10 Activity: Active on Jailbreak
  20. +1 He knows all the rules, he's great at following them. He is very active day and night. Maturity is 9/10. Would be a great mod.
  21. Decision: +1 Why: Really nice guy. He follows rules and doesn't disrespect. Maturity: 8/10 Activity: 9/10
  22. Bump so it doesn't dip below other threads.