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Everything posted by Drendan

  1. Drendan

    December 21, 2012

    considering that the Mayan calender does not count leap years, the end of the world would have happened about 9 or 10 months ago.
  2. +1 if i was wrong because he is an awesome paid mod and definitely deserves to be a full mod
  3. im pretty sure when you are a paid mod you cant make a mod app. I think you have to wait till you are promoted.
  4. +1 he is always active and mature. i also believe that he could really help the community.
  5. +1 i believe that giving admins the ability to make beacons sounds like a good idea to me because alot of the times rounds will go on a lot longer than they have to because one or two cts decides to camp.
  6. +1 was a good super admin and will make a great css mod
  7. Drendan


    +1 leaving the clan is a violation of the contract you sighned when you joined. Everyone knows that when you sign that you sell your soul to silence.
  8. +1 active and knows rules.He just needs to stop spamming
  9. I have been in this clan for a while and i just wanted to do something to help it. So here i am posting this mod app :excitement::surprise::glee:
  10. active, knows rules, and is cool +1
  11. +1 i think this sounds like a good idea to stop a WHOLE lot of freekills.
  12. I see you have an obsession for bleach :)
  13. +1 follows rules and is fun to play with
  14. seems like a good idea. But i wouldnt be able to play the game considering my computer cant run anything.
  15. +1 active, mature, and is a good mod in css
  16. +1 knows rules, is mature, and is always on