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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by McNeo

  1. When did I become your dad? And no, this is the job where I escort Asian businessmen who are here for business through the city so they don't get bored on their trip. Gotta stay legit here.
  2. McNeo


  3. Nah not really. I'm starting a new job tomorrow which means I won't be active during the day, and I'll be needing to get to bed earlier. But I'll still be on in the evenings.
  4. +1 a 9/10 m 9/10 Very active, good understanding of the rules, wardens.
  5. ITT: Towlie is accusing... Wait, why isn't Towlie just banned from the internet yet?
  6. McNeo


  7. +1 a 7/10 m 9/10 I've only really seen you in the past week or, so it's very possible I simply haven't noticed you (which could be a good thing to be off the radar). Anyway, you're a great player and fun to play with, but I have noticed is that while you warden there are a number of rules you are fuzzy on - wait times, freeze definitions, lr activities, etc. I'm giving you a +1 because I you deserve a to be in, you're active and respectful - I just think you need to brush up on the rules but I don't think that should hinder you from membership as long as it doesn't cause an issue.
  8. +1 Good understanding of the rules, respectful to players and staff, doesn't spam, has a cute butt.
  9. +1 a 7/10 m 9/10 Understands rules, respectful.
  10. Duke is right, tinychat is not in xG. However, it is public, and we should still represent ourselves appropriately. I no longer put the Tinychat links on our FB, though I wish could, because first-timers shouldn't be submitted to the typically ass-hattery that goes on in there. xG server or not, you're still representing us in tinychat. Unfortunately copy-pasta text is flimsy proof, it can easily be editted, etc. Take screenshots next time. @@serbiansnaga @@Neo What are your guys opinions on enforcing some basic rules when representing us publicly? As far as whatever happened in game, you only have 2 screenshots. The makes it hard to draw out a time line of what all actually happened. Telling an admin to "do your job" will put most of us on edge at times. Especially if he just joined he's probably trying to figure what the hell is going on, and spamming him doesn't help. -1 on all this. But if you had better proof and if we had rules for public representation then we could further in the future. Also, Neo isn't gay?
  11. +1 i dont even know this guy and ive never played with him but he's hella active on forums helping players, vouching on things, etc. i can tell he knows his stuff just from that.
  12. McNeo

    Happy New Years

    STFU sham, you've been saying new years all night, and I was the one who correct YOU.
  13. McNeo

    Hey guys

    -1 You've had multiple bans which proves you have a difficult time understanding the rules. You've lied to us plenty of times. You seem to have joined a different clan mere days after making 3 applications here - which leads me to believe 80% of what you do is simply for attention.
  14. McNeo

    Fucking cops #2

    @@Neo he just called you a bastard. ban
  15. McNeo


    You had been pushing the limit and warned multiple times all evening. I CT-banned you for opening the cells early and after doing so you laughed about it like it was a joke. I consulted with the other mods/admins who were on at the time and they agreed a server ban would be appropriate.
  16. Holy shit that's a long ass demo. @@Crabman do you know what time (or tick) it happened in case others want to watch? I did not watch the demo because I did see *some* of what crabman is describing, and I told him to post this demo if he felt it showed enough shit. +1 Again, I was there, but as you know we can't see everything and there were only a couple mods/admins on at the time.
  17. +1 a 7/10 m 9/10 Have played a lot on MG. Respectful of other players.
  18. Have you tried making a backup of your saved game(s), uninstalling, making sure all game content is deleted, rebooting, then reinstalling?
  19. What happens if you try starting a new game? Then saving and loading that?