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Everything posted by McNeo

  1. +1 Out of cell rebel should be implied, period. I think everyone would agree that once warden says "1 step out afk freeze" etc that any T that's somewhere else is considered a rebel anyway. Implying this at the beginning of the round would clear up confusion. A bigger issue I could see though is if a T were able to open cells before orders were given it would still be a freeday, so do we just go on good faith on this or what?
  2. McNeo

    Social Media Contest

    Info posted, bumping.
  3. As originally posted by @@Cerberus in the CS:GO discussion, it's a very good point, and would like to see if it can be changed in CS:S as well: The current MOTD states that during a Hide and Seek day CTs still have to be out of armory by 7:30. It used to be that CTs just wait in armory while Ts go hide and when we did this HnS worked. It was an effective, fun day, and very popular with both Ts and CTs. However, since the "leave armory" rule has been enforced, HnS is broken. All the CTs are forced to be clumped up in one room while Ts, instead of running to hide, all run into armory, get guns, and slaughter them. There's no incentive and nothing forcing Ts to hide. It essentially turns into a freeday with all the CTs conveniently stuck in one location.
  4. Very good point, +1, I'll raise the issue in CS:S div as well.
  5. I've seen some admins use it when they warden for a more organised "What do you want to do today" vote. It can also be used sparingly for fun at your discretion, like this vote: (Also, that reminds me, @@HighSociety you still need to change your name, I took your title) [ATTACH]4087.vB[/ATTACH]
  6. You're dead to me. Also, Hackintosh's work best with Intel, since your setup is AMD, good luck. Leedle.
  7. **Updated rules to also require you to like the post on Facebook. Everyone who has already entered will still be counted. This additional simply makes it easier to track contest participants. Post any questions and comments regarding the contest in this thread. Contest is organized by myself and @@WhyJewMad, sponsored by XenoGamers I can be reached at [email protected] if you want to discuss anything privately.
  8. I already gave you an idea, that's where you should start.
  9. If there's still a problem, then the virus wasn't the cause.
  10. There was a great debate over this in the CS:S division this spring. It's simply impossible. There will be times when too few people are on the server which would require noobs or derps to be on CT, any such mod which prevents this would result in no CTs and a dead server. As a member try to coach the other players, and use Steam, TS3, and the shoutbox to look for a mod/admin if needed.
  11. While MSE is a good anti-virus, it lacks in malware protection. Additionally, all malware scanners work differently, and do a better job at detecting different threats. I do this type of work for a living, please just trust me lol. Don't intend to sound harsh or be offensive, but, simply put, if you can't try the first thing I suggest I can't try to help you any further.
  12. I actually played GO Beta and the gameplay was simply amazing. I want it, but in a way I agree with Sham. I know and love CS:S, don't want to try to learn another game, lol. Don't get me wrong, I play plenty of games, but with these being so similar I'll probably derp on my controls and such.
  13. What do you use for anti-virus and anti-malware? That's probably a good place to start. Download SpyBot Search and Destroy here: Spybot - Search & Destroy 2.4 Mirrors Selection . Install, update, and run a full scan.
  14. By "your side" I assume you mean your user account? Could be failing RAM, failing Hard Drive, or Windows/Account corruption. How to test your RAM: How to test your RAM in Windows - CNET How to test your hard drive: Windows XP: Click Start>Run, type "cmd", and hit enter Windows 7: Click Start, type "cmd" in the search bar, and hit enter [*]Type "chkdsk /r" and hit enter. You will be told that your computer cannot run the task, and it will ask if you'd like to run it when the computer restarts. Type "y" and hit enter. [*]Reboot and allow the chkdsk to run. This process may take up to an hour.
  15. McNeo


  16. Trying to decipher you're english, but I think I've gathered that you can't type the word "game" That's... Odd... Ummmmm I'm going to need a lot more info before I even know where to begin... Where are you typing it? How are you typing it? (As a single word, as part of a longer word, as part of a web address, as part of a search...) Can you type "g"? Then "a"? Then "m"? Then "e"? Like, when does it stop working? When you complete the word it disappears? When you try to type the "e" it doesn't go in? Pointlessly tagging @Stupercrossman at OP's request.
  17. Yessir. I only mention the wireless card because you were interested in it before. You'll still need a DVD drive to install Windows ;)
  18. Also, for players with tricky or duplicate names, you can type "status" in console and find the # next to their name and use that. For example, in the screenshot below I am #256 , so you could use "!spec #256 " [ATTACH]4086.vB[/ATTACH]
  19. Your SteamID is 0:1:18443120 You are also known as Towlie the Wizard -1
  20. I plan on buying GO this weekend, hopefully it's on sale, but I'll get it either way.
  21. Kind of curious where everyone is. Over the last few days I've learned of a few people near me as well as others. Post whatever you feel comfortable sharing - city, state, county, province, whatever. I'm in St. Paul, MN, USA.
  22. McNeo


    Your best bet is to simply apply. The rules for submission are listed here: Member Submission Guidelines. (Read) And you can post your submission here: https://xenogamers.com/newthread.php?do=newthread&f=28
  23. +1 M: 9/10 A: 9/10 Active on JB, respectful to other players, attentive CT