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Everything posted by McNeo

  1. To answer the first part of your question, OCing is only really worth it if you do a lot of number crunching. If all you're looking to do is increase game performance, this probably won't do it for ya. There's a million other things to take into account; GPU, memory speed and bandwidth, HT speed (AMD only), FSB speed, etc. I OC while gaming sometimes, no big difference. I primarily OC to crunch numbers for SETI@home
  2. This is what I use and it works great. COOLER MASTER Hyper 212 Plus RR-B10-212P-G1 "Heatpipe Direct Contact" Long Life Sleeve 120mm CPU Cooler Compatible with Intel 1366/1155/775 and AMD FM1/FM2/AM3+ - Newegg.com Copper heatpipes that directly contact the CPU Comes with one 120mm fan, with hardware to attach an optional second (second is useless in my opinion). This is the 120mm fan model, which stands about 160mm off the mobo. If your case isn't big enough for that they also have a 92mm model: COOLER MASTER Hyper TX3 RR-910-HTX3-G1 "Heatpipe Direct Contact" 92mm CPU Cooler - Newegg.com Use Arctic Silver thermal paste (only about the size of a grain of rice - too much will actually insulate and cause overheating), and clean the CPU and heatsink with rubbing alcohol and a coffee filter (doesn't leave dust). Whatever you get, keep a few things in mind: Aluminum dissipates heat the best, so get something with aluminum fins. Copper conducts heat the best (second to silver) so get something with copper heat pipes or at least a copper base. It's all about getting the heat away from the CPU as quickly as possible, something with "direct contact heat pipes" (like I listed above) are ideal. I run an AMD Phenom II x4 3.0 GHz and OC it to 4.0 GHz about 25% of the time over the past year with this heatsink, never had an issue.
  3. You can change your own forum name in your settings.
  4. Tasers were gone this afternoon, but there was also physics fail at the time. not sure if this was a server glitch or not. If tasers were intentionally removed, then yes, +1 to get them back.
  5. You can't really grave dig a sticky... But yeah... Don't say bye to someone who's been gone for 5 months... lol
  6. I will give you my first born
  7. Usually I'm the one to write scripts and shit, but I'm stuff and need your help I bought HLDJ access on the server. If I use HLDJ in game it works, but I can't figure out the HLDJ bindings. It was recommended that I try HLSS, so I did, but I don't think that works either. When I hit a key I get the "Current sound:" bar across the top of my screen, but I don't hear anything, and it doesn't show my mic on in game. Help?
  8. McNeo

    Display Name

    How can I change my in-game name from my Minecraft username?
  9. McNeo

    2 derp CTs

    IGot$$$$$$$:D 0:1:40528072 SpecOps99x 0:1:1912657 Demo shows them camping teletowers, not reading admin all chat, and giving orders without using names. Demo does not show there other lack of knowledge of the MOTD, but perhaps what the demo does show plus comments from others will get these guys a week CT ban or something. They really have no knowledge of the MOTD or jb gameplay. http://hosting.mcneo.me/xg/campers.dem
  10. McNeo

    Donating stuff

    Not sure if this is the right spot or if there's already a thread going for this, feel free to merge or move. Had a couple ideas to tweak the current donation system. First, if you donate through the "currency" menu it does not show up on the right side of the forums in the list. Not really a big deal, but it kind of throws off the count if the community wants to track. Second, the standard donate link only has an option for 10,000 credits ($10). Would it be possible to add more options? 20, 30, 50, 75, 100, etc. As an incentive for larger donation, what about a 1% bonus for donations over, say, $25. So if you donate $30, instead of 30,000 credits you get 30,300. Somewhat related, I recall earlier in the summer when the monthly goal was like $300-400 or something, now all of a sudden it's $1200. Lol, is the clan trying to buy a small country or what happened?
  11. McNeo

    New Monitors

    I work from home doing help desk stuff and I'm frequently remoted into at least one other machine. It's also nice for software development to have a couple projects open side by side, notes pulled up, etc.
  12. McNeo

    New Monitors

    Got new monitors. Three 21" weren't big enough, upgraded to three 23" widescreens that support full 1080p. Sorry it's dark, meh. [ATTACH]3958.vB[/ATTACH] For more pics and stats on my rig, check this out: My Rig | Facebook You may also like my entertainment center: Entertainment Center and Lounge | Facebook
  13. Okay, you convinced me.
  14. If some T tries to tarp and give orders then yes, stupid T's will be stupid and should be shot. Personally I've never gotten tarped by a T like that. But, say for example all the T's are lined up facing a wall, there's a few gunshots and a few guards have gone down. If the Last CT song starts playing the T's are going to panic. Even though it shows a mic for whoever is playing music, how would anyone know if their playing music, or just have their mic queued?
  15. How much to be a paid shit-shoveler member?
  16. I was told by @@serbiansnaga when I was an admin that "spamming chat" is when the same person posts the same thing in chat and it shows 3 or more times on the current window. (Note: The chat window shows 8 lines) Is this still true? Additionally, somewhat related, if a mod/admin says "stop saying [this]" and it's not abusive/offensive/racist/against-the-rules-in-any-way (and it's not "spamming") do we need to stop?
  17. Playing the Last CT Song on HLDJ should be slayable or something. I've seen it cause a scatter and panic a few times resulting in the death of innocent T's.
  18. I'm not sure at this point if my voice counts for anything when it comes to these. I can't post on mod apps so I know my voice probably doesn't count there. But my $0.02 is this guy should be mod. And that other guy should be banned.
  19. Very nice. I'll buy CS:GO someday... lol
  20. McNeo


    Thanks for all your work Jihad! Good luck with stuff!
  21. McNeo

    I'm back, but...

    tl;dr: Thanks for the unban, but don't expect much from me. I'm just here to play. I'm back, but... I won't be applying for the clan, seeking mod, or donating (unless I need credits for bombs, etc). In the one week I've been back I've been free slayed 3 times. Only once did the mod admit to being wrong. On another occasion a higher staff member gave me permission to do something, then another staff member slayed me for it. Even though the second staff member agreed to slay himself, the first never admitted to giving me permission to do what I was doing (not with t's, rebel hunting). Furthermore, I've been freekilled far too much and mods do nothing. I always report it as I should, but it always gets argued away and nothing happens. I know people make bs excuses and staff needs good evidence, and I always do my best to provide it. But not once has a freekiller who killed me been punished. I respect and appreciate you guys. I used to be an admin too, so I know the BS you catch, and I don't want to hold that against you. But I still call shenanigans. I'm glad to be back. I love the servers here and most of the people. Thank you for unbanning me. At this point, though, don't expect me to support the community much.