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Everything posted by McNeo

  1. As I initially said when xG was experiencing attacks, a lot of kids and show-offs run around screaming "DDOS" because it's the only hacker-ish word they know (other than "uber-leet"). I'm not sure if it's from all the chat from the xG attacks or just attention whores or maybe a combination of both. But. You are not being DDOS'd. A Denial-of-Service attack from only one person won't do shit. It's no different than hitting refresh in your browser hundreds of times a minute. If you think one person is attacking you, well, maybe they are, but you wouldn't even notice the bump. A Distributed Denial-of-Service attack is typically the only thing that would effect someone, and usually takes at least a dozen systems attacking at the same time to start to affect things. DOS attacks are illegal internationally and are taken very seriously. If you think you're being attacked call your ISP and they must act upon. They don't want all that traffic going through their network any more than you do. And, like I mentioned in my Security thread, you're not special - A group of internet bullies aren't going to gang up on you just for the fun of it - it's not worth the time or the risk. If there's a certain thing you're doing and your computer slows down when you do it - don't assume DDOS - assume that whatever you're doing is fucked up. Look for software updates, check running processes, do virus and malware scans, etc. I'm getting sick of people running to me with "Well, I do this, and then ALLLLLLLL this happens and it has to be this person because I was looking at their Steam page when it happened." Again, internet attacks are illegal internationally and your ISP and the FBI will take action if it's a legit threat. If you've called your ISP and they don't do anything, well, guess what... You've been the victim of just owning a slow computer.
  2. McNeo

    I'm Not a Drunk

    Alright guys and gals. Contrary to popular belief, I'm not a drunk. Yes, I drink. And yes, I *get* drunk from time to time. But I'm not "a drunk." At first it was fun and I played along with it but now it's getting annoying. Almost every time I join a server - especially at night - it's always "McNeo are you drunk again?" and things like that. Like I said, I used to play along with it, but I haven't fed into it in quite a while and I'd just like to ask every to lay of it. If I am drunk, you'll know it, and there's nothing wrong with pointing out the obvious. But I don't want to be known as the clan drunk anymore. Thanks.
  3. +1 for this (not looped) instead of "Last request activated" on jb.
  4. McNeo


    Because of the short amount of time between your messages it's obvious you were running through some binds. You made a comment only 20 minute earlier about Dev as well. You claim to have been "joking with a friend". If you go to that time (Jul 5, 2012 12:50:18 am) in chat logs I see some joking, yes, but you are the only person to mention another clan as part of this joking. Yes, I have talked in game and on the forums a couple times about a clan I used to belong to, but only to share experience and actually to confirm identity to a player who remembered me from years ago. (That clan is still around, but has folded their CS:S division). Finally, ignorance really is no excuse. If you are pulled over for doing 80mph in a 30mph zone you can't be like "Oh sorry I didn't know" - you're still gonna get a speeding ticket. Frankly, if you don't know what your binds are, why do you even have them? You know I love playing with you Cookie but I had to act and @Aegean! was involved at the moment as well. Personally, I +1 you for unban because you're a good player and fun to have in the server. But on the other hand you really shouldn't derp around with something like that.
  5. There is a big difference between joking around and disrespect, which has been discussed a number of times. I find it interesting how one of the top people reported for disrespect is trying to get the rule lifted. I giggled.
  6. All I read was "Shadow" and "Disrespect" Sounds legit.
  7. McNeo


    Oh, SoundCloud. Okay. That is all. Yep.
  8. McNeo


    What's this button do.... [sC]What's an SC tag?[/sC]
  9. McNeo

    Hard Drives

    Well, the new 500 GB HDD arrived yesterday. But, my existing 250 GB HDD just failed a test and has some bad sectors. So, now the plan is to just reinstall on the 500 and shit can 250. Or... should I get another new second HDD? I don't really need the space, but would two SATAIII HDD's give a significant performance increase?
  10. McNeo


    Hi all. I am the Lead member (and currently the only member) of the xG Tech Team. I haven't worked on any of the servers or plugins or things (but the plugins use a scripting language I'm learning), but other than that - as most of you have noticed - I can make or break almost anything on a computer. I've done a number of write-ups and how-to's that you'll find around the forums, as well as developing the original xG Materials Pack and eventually the xG CS:S Tools program. Outside of Steam, CS:S, and xG I've got years and years of computer experience, help desk experience, and all that jazz. And, of course, I'm active on the forums. Most of you know most of that and some of you know none of it. Either way, just a brief intro of what all I do for the newbies around here and whoever it may interest. I'm always here to help if anyone needs anything. Keep it to the forums - it's just easier that way - or PM me or email me if you insist (this info is in my signature). (Don't try to add me on Steam, I'll probably reject it, I've got too many people to keep track of there as it is.) inb4 "attention whore" - Again, just trying to say hi to the newbs and offer up help to the derps. tl;dr: COME ON I'm really trying to make my shit shorter. I'm trying, okay? Fuck.
  11. McNeo

    HLDJ Access

    HLDJ has a converter built in
  12. Never seen a PSU cause no video, unless it wasn't powering your video card for some reason. I'd check your video card before the PSU, just sayin'.
  13. McNeo

    Computer Security

    Norton would catch most RATs or Keyloggers. If you type "netstat" in a command prompt window you will see all active netwrok connections.
  14. McNeo


    Nothing to see here
  15. McNeo

    !hub Glitches

    Hats needs to be added to use menu
  16. McNeo

    !hub Glitches

    After donating I receive my Paypal receipt and confirmation on the forums. The database updates to reflect my donation but I do not see it in-game. After the map changes the first time I type !hub I get the message "We couldn't find your forum account. Have you linked your forum account to Steam yet? Signup @ https://xenogamers.com/profile.php?do=steamlink" Then I type !hub a second time and it works, but my credits are the same amount and the database reverts to the same amount. Example: Start with 0. Donate $2.00. DB says 2000, game says 0. Map change. Type hub, get error. Type hub again, DB says 0 and game says 0.
  17. McNeo

    !hub Glitches

    Use this thread for reporting any glitches or errors with the CS:S Hub or with related donating issues. @@Starbuck
  18. McNeo

    $100 Contest

    Yeah fuck it, I'll let it run. Like I said and Serbian said, it's me trying to run this shit. If you don't like it you don't have to participate. Simple as that.
  19. McNeo

    $100 Contest

  20. McNeo


    Perm CT ban was in Novemebr of last year by @Poncher +1 for un-ct-ban
  21. tl;dr. But yeah, I see some disrespect there. Is patches even mod/admin still or no? Also, tags aren't required.