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Everything posted by McNeo

  1. You were not (and are not) banned, you were kicked. You were kicked (by me) because of your continuous chat spam even though you were gagged and warned by another admin.
  2. McNeo

    Computer Security

    False sense of security. Noscript is a great tool but only stops scripts (as suggested by it's name). Viruses and malware often disguise themselves as legitimate programs or updates. One of the most recent viruses spread by appearing as an Adobe update. A lot of malware spreads by appearing as an anti-malware. AVG is good. I used to use it before MSE. MSE is free. AVG is free and paid, if you use the free veriosn it pops up asking for money all the time. So at this point it a matter of do you want pop ups or no pop ups. Also, it's not really a matter of trusting me as much as it is trusting Microsoft, I'm just recommending the program.
  3. Gotta find the pussy that likes that quality. I got about 3 to choose from at the moment. Frankly I'd rather be a geek though lol.
  4. Living my whole life in the IT field, and working in both the good and bad sides of information security, I've learned a thing or two and, as always, thought I'd share with you. Viruses and Malware These are two very different things and you need different protection from each. A virus is something that hijacks a program or part of your operating system to make it do something it's not supposed to. Because these programs and operating systems are set to do specific things it's generally easy to detect when they do something wrong that prompted by a virus. Virus scanners detect these problems and unauthorized behavior. Malware (also spyware and adware) is very different. These programs are made to do something malicious. They can delete files, corrupt Windows, and more. An anti-virus program will never detect malware because a malware program presents no suspicious behavior since it is doing exactly what it's programmed to do. This is why yo ualso need malware protection. Anti-Virus and Anti-Malware Because of the way that anti-virus and anti-malware programs integrate with your system it is strongly recommended that you only run one of each (sometimes you can get away with two anti-malware). Typically what will happen is that they actually detect eachother as a threat and just ill your system resources as they try to scan eachother none stop. McNeo recommends that McAfee and Norton NOT BE USED at all. These are huge programs that can bog down even the strongest computers. They incorporate a lot of bells and whistles just to make you feel good. Before upgrading or changing your protection, of course make sure you completely ununstall whatever you're currently running. Because Norton and McAfee are so big and stupid this can actually be a difficult process and they offer "removal tools" for you to use and they usually work. For anti-virus McNeo recommends Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE). It's published and maintain by Microsoft and 100% free (you'll need to verify that you have a legit copy of Windows). In my opinion Microsoft has a very good reason to keep you safe - to prevent you from switching to Mac. MSE offers real-time protection, automatic updates, and scheduled scanning. And again, it's 100% free and fully-functional. Download here For anti-malware I recommend SuperAntiSpyware. There is a free version and a paid version. Paid version adds automatic updates, scheduled scanning, and immediate customer service and advanced support - other than that the free version is just as powerful but will bug ya from time to time to buy ($20/yr I think). Download here You may be interested to know that these 2 programs, and only these 2 programs, are what have kept me safe for years. Backups Backing up your data is crucial. I recommend an external hard drive and automatic backup software. Of course, this only protects from hardware failure in your computer - In the event of fire or theft it's all lost, so off-site backup (such as cloud storage) is a great choice. I recommend backing up your user folder (C:\users\username\) this will include all your documents, pictures, music, and most programs and games save their info in there too so you'll have all that. In the event that you need to re-load or replace your computer most people would recommend reinstalling your software from scratch anyway, so no need to back that up - your user folder should be all you need. (I also back up my Steam folder so I don't need to re-download maps). For backup I recommend (and use) SyncBack. Again, it's 100% free. The user interface isn't the nicest to get along with but once you get the hang of it it's easy - online documentation is available. And, it's very powerful - it offers more options than even I know wht to do with - compression, encryption, FTP, email reports, scheduling... Download here That is all. Hope I helped someone.
  5. Alas, to be young again when things embarrassed me. lol. Don't worry what others think, just be yourself, life's more fun that way. But of course it's your choice. And @Pyro I know these things. This thread was really my last marketing attempt aimed and people who may be interested. I post OC to FB everyday and it's holding it's own at this point.
  6. Then I'd slay you right back. It's not my fault if the CT's aren't paying attention.
  7. Glad to hear that everyone's okay.
  8. This. But about dodgeball. Everyone has their likes and hates in everything, including LR. I use dodgeball to "McNeo" derpy people (I love how my name got turned into a verb). But still, it's a fun game.
  9. I can't find anything around that time nor on the first 30 pages of teambans. Tried a Google search as well and nothing current comes up. +1 for unban @@PapiChulo
  10. Then what? T wins? CT Wins? One or the other could just run away and delay it to win.
  11. Admin chat isn't logged so there's no way we can confirm nor deny that. But still, name calling is not disrespect. And the disrespect is not an excuse to gag/mute/kick/ban just to end an argument. Again, admin chat and mic isn't logged, but from what I see in the logs of regular chat I do not see anything disrespectful. Look at Speed's chat logs from 1:56:42 am through 1:58:03 am. (He got gagged at 1:58:10 am.) I really don't see what warranted the gag. Sure, he calls Gawd a "stupid admin" - but A) that's not disrespect and B) Gawd never asked or told him to stop.
  12. I haven't heard of any issues with Gawd. And frankly I haven't heard of any issues with you either. As far as baiting, it's basically anything that may provoke a T to come after you. Chat logs... Speedlimit: Xeno Gamers - Search Gawd: Xeno Gamers - Search Updating after I actually matched the times together on the chat logs. Of course you were upset for being slayed and you were trying to figure it out and I don't see that things got carried away until after Gawd gagged you - which he did without any warning. Although you were upset, I don't see anything "disrespectful" as defined in our new rule, and if Gawd did feel disrespected he should have asked/told you to stop. Gawd: "you called me stupid. You said i abused. Thats disrespect." Not... Really... +1 for unban (if anyone gets here before it expires)
  13. That's what I was thinking. Trying to see if we can confirm that by A) Figuring out when he last played CT then B) Looking for bans around that time.
  14. Exactly. *grumbles* Oh, I'll be in TS alright. Never said I needed to have it unmuted... Mwhahahahahaha.
  15. This has been discussed and discussed until it's a dead horse. Dodgeball is a fun game that a lot of people like. If dodgeball is removed, the following games should also be removed for said reason... NoScope - Can take too long, few people like it. GunToss - Rules can be complicated. Shot4Shot - Can take too long, rules get complicated, people stand too far away. See what I did there? If it takes too long for 1 T to complete LR becase 10+ CTs need to dodgeball him, it's because the CT's just suck at throwing nades.
  16. When's the last time you were CT? When do you suspect the teamban happened?
  17. Just to clear up some confusion that's been presented to me... The "Like" button on the pic below (below the Reply button) is to like the thread you are reading, NOT to like the xG page... To like our group page, this: Facebook
  18. You've tried removing and re-adding the server just in case something derped?
  19. Even on my rig MC multiplayer gets laggy. Try playing in a lower resolution.
  20. I looked through the first 20 pages of CT bans and couldn't find you. Please go to https://xenogamers.com/teambans.php and find yourself (ordered by date/time, newest listed first). Screencap it and post it here so we can see who banned you and why.
  21. Just added/updated server IPs on the FB page.