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Posts posted by McNeo

  1. Alright guys... With this post I'll stop spamming the chatbox (maybe) and I'll stop spamming Steam...


    I just want to make everyone aware that, yes, we have a Facebook page: Xeno Gamers


    If you use Facebook please "like" it and share it with your friends.


    I've added a lot of content and I will continue to add content and keep it active. There's a few contests and challenges up there now but I promise that there will be more Facebook-only contests and Facebook-only content once it gets afloat.


    If you have any screenshots or videos you'd like to submit, or if there's anything else you'd like to see added, email it to [email protected]


    And, if you haven't already, enter the Facebook Cover Photo contest at Contest: Facebook Cover Image


    I'm also working on an app that (hopefully - no promises) will give you the ability to browse the forums from Facebook, receive Facebook updates about your friends posts on the forums, and update you on their in-game status.


    Finally, I have also created a QR Code. Scanning this image on a phone or tablet will bring you to the forums. Feel free to spam it or print stickers!





  2. I think the disrespect stemmed into the fact that you were complaining about all the mods in general about everything - it put us in a damned-if-you-do damned-if-you-don't situation. As for getting killed/slayed for saying "fuck you" I don't think that's why he killed you, but you were banned for your continued disrespect as you continued to spam after being killed.


    That's what I saw, anyway, I was working on other stuff (as I tend to do while I'm dead)... @DaKorean holds the answers.

  3. I was really hoping to get more participation in this. I'm not talented at all with this kind of stuff but I'd really love to liven up the Facebook page with something fresh. Keep 'em coming guys, I'll extend the time on the contest if need be. Let me know if you've got something in the works!

  4. I hate to single myself out again, but I have to...


    Decision: -1


    Activity: 6/10

    Maturity: 5/10


    Why: I've never found him to be very mature. He is disrespectful to members and general public players. He disregards motd himself too often to properly enforce it.


    I also -1'd his clan app whenever that was 3-4 weeks ago or so for the same reasons and people told me "Oh, well he's been immature now, but he was a good admin before." During these last couple weeks that he's been back in the clan I don't see that his attitude has changed. In fact, since his re-joining, he's been kicked and banned a few different times by a few different admins.

  5. Decision: +1


    Maturity: 8/10

    Activity: 8/10


    Active, understands the rules/motd, trustworthy in game


    Changing vote:


    Decision: -1


    Maturity: 7/10

    Activity: 8/10


    Active, understands the rules/motd but doesn't always follow them. Also, where *haven't* you advertised this thread?

  6. In an effort to liven up the Facebook page and use it for networking I'm looking for someone with some artistic ability. I'm looking for someone to design a cover photo for the Facebook page. Xeno Gamers



    • Must be original
    • Must contain "xenoGamers"
    • CS:S, TF2, GMOD, Source content a plus
    • Personally I'd like something clean and not too busy, but of course the community will have their say


    How to enter:

    Create the cover photo and post it here by 06/21/12


    How a winner will be chosen:

    All submissions received by the 06/21/12 deadline will be added to an album on the Facebook page that same evening. The cover image with the most "likes" within 24 hours of being posted will win.



    $15 E-giftcard, $15 Steam game, OR a $15 credit to xG (for donation, hatpack, etc)

    (Prize funded by myself, not the clan)

  7. Never played CTF much until the other day but I like the way it's set up now, I don't think it really needs to be changed.


    Maybe a McNeo class which activates no-clip, a full buy menu with unlimited money, but whoever plays as McNeo still manages to die anyway.

  8. You derp.


    It was number wall game. They were all on the same number, the number that was chosen to die. So they all die. If they let one live it would have been favoritism.


    Nothing to see here, move along.

  9. With the excuse that he/she is in any way using any offensive word or specifically the word "Nigga"


    Which raises another valid question...


    If some uses a variation ("nigga" "neeger" "nagger") it tends to cause a flood of people saying/typing everything closely resembling "nigger". How are those people supposed to be dealt with?


    Is a stern, general, "STFU or GTFO" warning okay? I tend to use "No racial slurs or variations" which in the short term causes a few things to be said but after a minute people get the idea so I guess it works.

  10. So nigga is okay, period? Like, people can't complain about it?


    And the n-word isn't okay, period? Like, even if no-one complains it's instantly gaggable?


    What about other derogatory words towards other regions, religions, races, etc. Where is the line drawn?


    Ch*nk. Wetback. S*ndn*gger. So on and so forth.


    What's 100% ok, what's 100% not okay, and what's the grey-area-dont-use-it-if-it-offends-but-otherwise-okay area?