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Everything posted by McNeo

  1. McNeo

    What did I miss?

    So I come on here this morning and for one reason are another I check the bans. And I see this... I really want to know what I missed. @@Tiberia next time you're drunk enough to get banned, make sure I'm there with you!
  2. inb4 clan folds due to copyright infringement lawsuit
  3. Trolls will troll. Unfortunately it's just something we all gotta deal with. I've made at least a couple threads very similar to this one both on these forums and others. But in the end it all worked out and I don't foresee that I'll ever make another similar thread again. Again, it's the internet, so trolls are always gonna be there. Learn to ignore people haha - it's the internet, you can do that. Stick around, grow some thicker skin, and just have fun. The internet and internet clans can be a weird place. We come here for entertainment and usually have a good time, therefore the people around us who we talk to and game with online get closer to us than we think. As a result the trolls come off to be more powerful than they really. But also, it really does hurt when someone leaves. It's like a family. I'm glad to hear you're staying.
  4. Mass freekill and flee shoudl be like a week server ban. If it was shorter there's no guarentee they'd actually know they even got banned - gotta give them a chance to try to come back and see they cant
  5. I think perm bans are pointless except for major violators anyway. Mass Freekill should be day CT ban or something for starters, then move up from there if it continues.
  6. We do use Operation: Populate. I'll be making Operation: Populate pushes on Facebook as well once that population grows.
  7. McNeo

    CS:S Tools Program

    I am looking for testers for this program! Please go here: WANTED: Application Testers
  8. Here's his chat logs, showing that he re-joined the server and participated in chat for at least 30 seconds before making the comment... Xeno Gamers - Search This, along with the screenshot which also shows others chatting, proves that his "no one could move" comment in his post is false.
  9. Full size: https://img1.xenogamers.com/imported/2012/06/21.jpg
  10. There's free versions of FRAPS and other recording software. And I've done extensive research for a converter and it doenst exist. A .dem file is not just video, it contains all the console, chat, everything -it's nit just video.
  11. Record demo. Run FRAPS. Play demo. Win?
  12. Panda was not the only person that could move. At the time you said this I had joined the server after receiving reports of the problem and at the time you said this a new round was well under way with no problem. I banned you for 1 week to give people time to reply and respond. If the higher-ups @Aegean! @@serbiansnaga want to shorten (or lengthen) your ban that's up to them, I was acting on what I was told that there'd be zero tolerance for this type of behavior. I have a screenshot of your chat message which I will post after I disconnect and Steam pops up and tells me where it saved it.
  13. Decision: +1 Activity: ?/10 Maturity: 9/10 As I said I don't really know him and I haven't played with him before today. Yet his sincere and quick response to my post shows his sincerity and interest.
  14. With the constant threat of online security breaches I thought I'd share a few tips and tricks with everyone. Just a little background. I've been working on computers (hardware and software) since I was about 8 years old (16 years ago! :o). I've got over 7 years of real professional experience in the IT field doing help desk, diagnostics, and just pretty much everything computer-related. Now; some of you know, some of you don't: Yes, I am a computer hacker with a legit FBI profile. It was a rough time in my life the occurred nearly 5 years ago, but thanks to that experience and my change in attitude I am now happily working in the legit Information Security field. So, with that, here's my brief rundown of a few very simple things you can do to protect yourself: Passwords Use different passwords for EVERYTHING. This was, if one of your passwords gets exposed, the hacker has access to only that account and no others. "But that's a lot of passwords to remember" you say. No. It's actually very easy... First, make a static group. Example: Use the first 2 letters of your street "Un" for University Ave. Then, choose a 4-digit number: 1234. You know have a very easy to remember string that will be in EVERY password "Un1234" that is still seemingly random and unique. Next, develop a pattern. Example: Use the second-to-last character of whatever you're logging into ("gmail" = "i", facebook = "o", etc). And/Or: Use the length of what you're logging into ("gmail" = 5, "facebook" =8"). So now you have "i5" for gmail and "o8" for Facebook. Finally, combine them. Using a static group and a pattern you will have something that is easy to remember, but it will result in a unique string for everything. Gmail="Un1234i5" Facebook="Un1234o8" xenoGamers="Un1234r0" Steam="Un1234a5" Protips: Incorporate symbols into you pattern by using "*" instead of "8" or "#" instead of "3". Also, mix up the capitalization. Secret questions NEVER answer a "secret question" honestly. A lot of chain-mail friend-to-friend questionnaire things are based on popular "secret question" topics. Also, a lot of those questions can be answered after just a few minutes of online research. Instead, stick with a pattern or unique phrase that you'll remember in case you do forget your password. Example: Pick a phrase and a number. If your phrase is "See Jim jump" and your number is 5, you could answer all "secret questions" using the 5th word of the question. If the question is "What was your favorite teacher?" then your answer is "see jim jump teacher" This way, you can choose unique secret questions for everything, and have unique answers, but still be able to easily remember the answers, without actually answering the question. Use two-step verification Google (gmail) and Facebook are two of the major sites I know of right now that offer two-step verification. Basically, how it works, is if you log in to your account from an unknown or unsaved device it sends a text-message code that you must also enter. Once you enter the code you can choose to save the device (which I recommend for home computer only). Once the device is saved you won't need to enter the extra code when using THAT device, but all other devices will require the extra code. This way, even if someone does somehow get your password, they can't log in to your accoutn without having physical access to your cell phone. Privacy Set your accounts to private. I don't care if you're the "cool kid trying to show off" or the horny teenager looking for a girl to bang. Only share your info with trusted friends. Even I have plenty of Facebook friends (and family!) who are "acquaintances" so they can't see all my info. If you want them to have personal info they should be enough of a friend that they can just ask or you can just give it to them if the need it. Change it Change all your passwords and secret questions/answers every 6 months. Once you develop the skill of making patterns as described it's really not that much work to come up with new stuff. Keep a handwritten hard copy of your "pattern" just in case you forget. For the password example previosuly mentioned, I would write "First two of street + 1234 + second-to-last-lett + length". If anyone stumbles across that slip of paper they'd have no idea what they're looking at, but you'd know what it means and recognize it as you password pattern. Don't be afraid I've shared a few things here to help you secure yourself, but I don't want to scare you. Typically hackers are out there for some sort of personal ordeal, or to merely affect a large number of people. Most hackers who are interested in stealing information are going to go after businesses, banks, etc. where a lot of information can be gathered from one breach. Getting info on one person typically isn't worth the risk unless it's something personal. If you're smart about what you do, you're actually surprisingly safe on the internet. McNeo out.
  15. McNeo

    going away

    We'll miss ya gawd. If you haven't used it before, check out www.imo.im You can log in with your Steam credentials without making a new account and you'll have access to all your Steam contacts if you just wanna drop in and say hi. Have fun, good luck, and see ya later!
  16. McNeo

    James Bond

    I'll agree with @OHMAIGAWD and the others here that you do derp. A lot. BUT. I will +1 you for unban for the following reasons (and I urge others to consider): You've been pretty active, I know you game here a lot and for the most part you know the rules BUT, this is on the following conditions: You'll be CT banned for a week. Screw it up again, it's perm, and your protest thread will disappear 2 seconds after you make it.
  17. You seem to be an oldfag and a lot of people know you, so no offense since I am a newfag... I'm not going to officially "vouch" for what it's worth, but I want to make a few points: I played with you on JB today and... You baited. Hardcore. A lot. You were wearing xG tag (yet you appear to not actually be in the clan). Other than that, you were fun to play with and you seem to know what's going on BUT please read the motd, it's obvious that it't evolved since you've last played.
  18. You will be testing the xG CS:S Tools application as described in CS:S Tools Program through a couple stages of development.
  19. I'm looking for a few guinea pigs for testing a program. Please email me at [email protected] if you are interested. Please include the following info: Steam user name* (your login name): Operating system (Windows XP, Vista, 7, etc): OS Architecture (32-bit, 64-bit): If you're not sure of your login name, browse to this folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\, your login name will be a folder in there. Please have Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 pre-installed on your system (download here: Download Microsoft .NET Framework 4 (Web Installer) from Official Microsoft Download Center) I'll need 10 minutes of your time and selected participants will be mentioned in the programs final release "special thanks" section which will be visible globally when it is released. You will be testing the xG CS:S Tools application as described in CS:S Tools Program through a couple stages of development. I have all the Windows 7 64-bit testers I'll need. If you run Windows 7 32-bit or Windows XP/Vista 32/64-bit please let me know!
  20. Update to contest rules: How a winner will be chosen: All submissions received by the 06/21/12 deadline will be added to an album on the Facebook page that same evening. The cover image with the most "likes" within 24 hours of being posted will win.
  21. McNeo

    CS:S Tools Program

    I've been strongly considering making a Windows Program to automate a number of back-end Counter-Strike: Source stuff. I'm curious if this is something you guys would find useful enough for me to devote some time to. Currently I'm envisioning the following elements: Generate an autoexec.cfg to manage custom binds and settings Edit autoexec.cfg and config.cfg Options to set different rates to increase performance based on your machine and internet connection It would aslo have xG-specific tools, including: Auto-update and replace of missing texture files Pre-caching new maps to minimize download wait time Would you guys be interested? Comments? Suggestions? System-requirements for this program would be dirt, but it would require .NET Framework 4.0 since it would be a .NET program. A lot of programs require .NET, so it's likely you already have it anyway. .NET is already on all Windows 7 machines, and is included in optional Windows Updates in Windows XP and Vista systems.
  22. Decision: +1 Activity: 7/10 Maturity: 7/10 Why: Not too long ago Slippery tried to apply under a new name and when I made certain inquiries he tended to either skirt the issue or on a few occasions flat-out like to my face. However, since this time, Slippery has proven himself to be a good person, he's a pleasure in game, and shown that he understands the rules and motd.
  23. McNeo

    James Bond

    A "mass freekill and flee" is a permaban because it pretty much show's you didn't want to face the music when it happened. Initially I think you were CT-banned for a day or week or something but then you left (or maybe he tried to do it and you had already left).
  24. Wait, this is for the weapon models? I haven't had problems with them being big or anything.