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Everything posted by McNeo

  1. My Grandpa was SS so I am as well. SS family XP. But Silence is a cool jew so he can stay.
  2. 331 http://i49.tinypic.com/11uivwj.png
  3. This is why you make backups
  4. PM me on Steam. I'll set up a temp FTP account for you on my webserver and give you my maps folder.
  5. +1 I wasn't going to post this, but I will now. I only fuck with people I know. I'm just now starting to fuck with Unit more and more as I'm getting to know him. If you don't know someone you don't mess with em. Fair posted this vote and I kicked him for it. I've played a total of one hour with this guy and I don't appreciate that he jumps in and starts sayin' shit like this. http://i48.tinypic.com/1z1db7k.jpg
  6. Technically it is against MOTD. A) It's camping; if you go up in it you can't move more than 15 feet. B) It's a cheap spot; you have a very great strategical advantage in the helicopter. So, going up in the helicopter is technically against MOTD. As far as starting it and not going up, that is not against MOTD. However, most mods/admins will warn at the beginning of the first few rounds (and hopefully randomly here and there throughout the course of the map as random people come and go). Personally, I put it as a general warning "ALL PLAYERS: Do NOT start the helicopter" at the beginning of the first 3 rounds of the map.
  7. Holy shit. TL;DR. And that's saying something if you know me. This is an open and inviting community. Anyone can come, chat, play, hang out, whatever. Hate to say it, but I think you need thicker skin if you want to internet. I hear solitaire is nice and quiet. [video=youtube_share;Ty3SArUjgvQ]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ty3SArUjgvQ
  8. Such language isn't intended to be disrespectful to the person. If I'm rebelling and a friend kills me I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind. It's all part of the fun.
  9. McNeo

    Chrono MC

    You're right, it is very difficult to judge emotion through text. However, you wrote 2 paragraphs with extremely sarcastic remarks to answer a simple question.
  10. McNeo

    Chrono MC

    I know I wasn't there. I said that. All I saw in the other two threads was everyone getting into arguments until the thread was closed and therefore nothing cleary got discussed. I posted this thread for two reason which I already stated. And frankly, all I did was ask a question, why no evidence of the convo. You could have just said it was in Teamspeak, but rather you had to lash out about it. I wasn't attacking you personally, it was just a question. Chill out bro.
  11. McNeo

    Chrono MC

    Both the ban request and original ban protest got closed before any real interaction could occur. x-ray minecraft Since Arth closed the Req. before i could post At any rate, my point on this stands. Rabid tried to provide all this proof, but has nothing of the conversation, which just smells odd to me. From everything I read in the other threads I'm siding with Chrono even though there's not much I can do since I wasn't there. Again, mods/admins are in a position of trust, so the proofs maybe can lax and whatnot. My point is that since he DID go through so much work to get what he got, why no proof of this conversation? Chrono said outright that Rabid twisted his words around. Innocent until proven guilty.
  12. McNeo

    Chrono MC

    As a mod/admin, you aren't necessarily required to collect evidence, since your word should be trusted. However, @A_Sock , I do find it interesting, that you have all these screen shots of tunnels and such, but no screen shots of this conversation you are describing. You have a lot of screen shots there, they're not hard to take. If you were trying to collect evidence, why nothing of this conversation?
  13. I can at least attest to what he's saying about the monitors. Minecraft can derp when you try to release your mouse from the game. As for everything else I have no input either way.
  14. If anything offends you ask the person to stop and type @ in teamchat followed by a brief message to report it to admins. There are plenty of adults who come here to have a good time, and frankly I feel like we should be able to say whatever we want amongst each other. But, again, if anything is said that offends someone while they are present all you have to do is ask for it to stop and it will.
  15. Scroll down the list and hit play on everything, it will give you a secret message.
  16. Thanks for the update. Stay safe and good luck!
  17. Congrats to @@FluffButtom for winning! Sir Fluffbuttom elected for the $15 to be donated to the clan for a hat pack. I will still feature all entries here and there to show our appreciation.
  18. McNeo


    Checking into is membership status, but he's been banned for mod impersonation.
  19. Quick and dirty... And now, you know.
  20. McNeo


    [xG-Rep] is displayed for anyone who is a member of our public Steam group and sets it as their primary group. So that's okay. As for as actually wearing the xG tag he should be warned. @Aegean!
  21. DEO! DEO! HEY DEO! DEO! HEY DEO! DEEEOO! It's McNeo :)
  22. McNeo


    Alright, I'm getting fat. I put on a lot of weight these last 6 months or so. I was unemployed for most of that time and spent most of it sitting at my computer. I also started drinking much more. I tried cutting back caffeine and alcohol intake and drinking more water - Did that about 6 weeks ago and it only lasted about 2 weeks. Gonna start doing that again. I'm not much of a worker-outer. I'm a pretty little guy and can't do much. I also usually just don't have the motivation, but when I do I don't last long because I either get bored or lose motivation. So, here's my plan: Reduce soda intake from 3-5 cans a day to 1-2 Reduce alcohol from 3 drinks 6 nights a week to only 2 or 3 nights a week Try to actually do *a little* bit of a work out every day - ever little bit has to do something and help some, right? What else can I do? Not really looking for the easy way out here, but again I lose interest and motivation even when I try exercising and I've become very busy. Just saw someone post a video in the chatbox about the Shake Weight things. Are those worth the $20 or whatever? What about like Hydroxycut or whatever? Those pill things any good and beneficial?