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Everything posted by McNeo

  1. It's things like this why the MOTD is so freaking long, people look for loopholes anywhere. You're right Turdwig, they have to call the T by name. "If a T has a secondary or primary holstered, a CT must order them to drop the gun either over voice command or chat command." And yes, you always have to use their name, otherwise CT's could just run around saying "drop the gun".
  2. Last day for entries! All entries will be posted to a Facebook Album later this afternoon. To vote for your favorite simply "like" your favorite(s) on our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/xgrepresent
  3. McNeo


    I said "the next person to do it will get kicked". I did not say "would the player who is in control of the map please kick themselves for doing this a few rounds ago"
  4. McNeo


    All I said in steam was I was posting this thread. And, no. You didn't kick yourself after you suicided. You just kicked while you were alive (see screenshot, you typed kick while alive). And, again, you did this immediately following me telling everyone not to do it. Well, lets ask some of them... @@Derp @@FurHappens @themick Not even sure what this means. Again, see the comment on my first quote in this thread.
  5. McNeo


    After the very first person did it and I hesitated to slay all did you not hear 2 people pretty much "just do it i wanna play"? And when it happened a second time more people were disappointed. You glitched the map which is against motd, anyone would agree to that. As a mod you have to lead by example. If you break rules and disregard an admin then others may see it as okay. Also, kicking yourself like that, is technically aboosing your powers. (Just because "everyone else does it" doesn't make it okay, and in fact I know some of them have been warned as well) Um, I didn't do anything except come here and post a thread. So. Yeah.
  6. McNeo


    We were playing a minigame map where (like most) the first person through the door gets to choose the game we play. During one round the winner killed themselves after getting through, then I had to slay all so we could restart. 1 or 2 rounds later someone did it again, so I made a general warning that whoever does that again will be kicked. Serious got the the door first the very next round and his reply and his actions are shown in the screenshot. With summer here and more and more derps coming we need our staff of all ranks to be able to do their job. I feel that in this situation Serious was a bad model for the public players, not to mention his disregard for the motd and an admin's general warning to all.
  7. I'm curious what happened to prompt this
  8. I feel like I've already answered this. It's an opinionated game if CTs vote on it. "Low spray gets LR" at this time any rebelling Ts cannot camp.
  9. McNeo

    No orders

    / is actually an end tag, so you just ended the discussion before it began.
  10. McNeo

    puppyluv :(

    I banned puppylove for disrespect for 1 day because (s)he continued to use mic after being warned and muted multiple by multiple admins. (S)he gets warned and muted and kicked every time (s)he is on, and I mentioned that in a couple of my warnings that it would just be a ban due to the history. Also, I'm not the first admin to ban puppylove for disrespect.
  11. McNeo

    CS:S Tools Program

    STREAMING LIVE: join.me – Free Screen Sharing and Online Meetings Screen sharing only, no audio/teamspeak. Adding a few final things and doing final debugging. I should have a BETA out to my testers tonight followed by a public BETA release this weekend! Feel free to drop in any time. PM me in Steam with comments or suggestions. It's gonna be a busy night so give me a minute to answer.
  12. Prisoners got talent is not really a "map game", it's just a room with buttons that make noise. It is considered an opinionated game so you'll want to follow those rules, and it can't be done for LR. Correct. T's may camp if they are not in vent, not in armory, not in a cheap spot, not during last ct, and not during competitions for LR. Xeno Gamers VENT: "Camping a vent as either a T or CT will result in a slay, or teamban for a CT." ARMORY: "No player is allowed to camp in armory OR a cell that leads to armory. Players must exit of armory and its doors/windows within 30 seconds." CHEAP SPOT: (in vent section of MOTD) "Cheap areas (Deemed cheap by mods/admins) are not to be camped, such as Teleport Tower in Lego-Jail." LAST CT: "The last CT or Ts are not allowed to camp." FOR LR: This actually isn't in MOTD, but it's more or less "common law" which everyone expects to be enforced. Also, ponies. And since this thread is about rules, how bout a rule about ponies?
  13. Decision: +1 Activity: 8/10 Maturity: 6/10 Honestly you can get annoying on the mic at times, but for the most part you are a good player and you do know the rules.
  14. I've got the Facebook marketing on lock. Also, this... If we only make legit announcements it's more likely people will actually care when one pops up. Using humor isn't a bad thing, but use it within the real announcement.
  15. McNeo

    Mr. White Man

    Honestly? Because Steam is a derp. "status" in console will always show all connected players. For the record, I beleive the player you're reporting is STEAM_0:1:17971432 Steam Community :: Ice King ^^^???^^^
  16. McNeo

    Mr. White Man

    What you're describing here would definitely result in a slay or ban, but without proof there's very little that can be done about it now. Join the xG Steam group and if you need help in the future look for any mod/admin and message them - you can PM group members without actually adding them as a friend. Or, record a demo: Open you console and type "record name" (replacing name with whatever you want the file named). This will record whatever you see on your screen and all audio except your own mic. Type "status" in console to get people's SteamIDs. And finally, type "stop" to stop recording. Demos can be found in your cstrike folder. For more info on demos: HOW TO: Record a Demo I'm sorry, but without proof it's all "he said she said". Apologize to your friend for me and welcome him back, and feel free to message myself or any other mod/admin if you need anything in the future.
  17. McNeo


    Yesterday I was like that Now I'm like
  18. McNeo


    If I QQ next month I'm gonna drive to your house and slap you! I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE!
  19. McNeo

    CS:S Tools Program

    http://i45.tinypic.com/alooqr.png http://i45.tinypic.com/vhvmh2.png http://i46.tinypic.com/ye4pw.png
  20. McNeo

    CS:S Tools Program

    IF ANYONE HAS ANY SUGGESTIONS please speak now or forever hold your peace. This went from a CS:S Tools app to being an xG CS:S Tools app and I'm more than willing to make it an xG Tools app - meaning if there's any additional xG-specific functions or tools for other games I can definitely add them! Look for a public BETA release sometime this weekend!
  21. McNeo


    As some of you know I now have admin on the xG Facebook page and I'm putting in a good effort to get it amped up. If you're not a fan of our Facebook page, please "like" it at www.facebook.com/xgrepresent Here's some of the stats of the page to give you guys an idea: Total likes: 65 (was 50, up 25% from 1 week ago) Total friends of fans (all the unique friends of those 65 people): 19,777 (up 23.5% from 1 week ago) User engagement (number of people talking about our page): 28 (up 133% from 1 week ago) Total reach: 1,015 (up 1852% from 1 week ago) That Total Reach number is where YOU CAN HELP. Every time you like or comment on one of xG's post your friends see it and gives them the opportunity to interact. Facebook, and social media in general, is HUGE and can really help any organization. I've been admin on there for less than a week and I've already put in a lot of work. It's my goal to make a least 2 posts a day to give you and your friends and opportunity to interact. I'm also always looking for screenshots, videos, and other content to upload. Facebook can be a great tool for us to draw attention to the servers, our clan, and hopefully drive registrations and donations. Again, please "like" our page at www.facebook.com/xgrepresent If you have any content you'd like to share on our page from any of our servers email them to [email protected] I will note your steam name to credit your contribution only if you request it at the time of submission. Thanks for your help everyone!
  22. @@silence doitnoballs