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Posts posted by McNeo

  1. I need some good anime to watch but I have no idea where to start. I've watched very little but I do like it. And I'm not looking for anything with a "cult-following" per se, just a good show to watch and follow.


    There's one my buddy showed me along time ago but I have no idea what it was but I liked it and I want to continue that series if I can. All I remember is it was like sandy everywhere and they had these train things that ran on the sand. Don't know if that helps anyone.


    I also like the anime avatars of like the Japanese girls making annoying sounds lol. Not sure if those are actually from a show though. I'd like to watch that style of anime and see if I like it.


    Any suggestions?

  2. But it should only show in console, otherwise it would spam the chat.


    It's very difficult to sift through console looking for kills as it is. Chat would really simplify things and with a combination of waits and timers and coutners and whatnot I really think it can be tweaked to not be a spam problem.


    Also, this could potentially be integrated to last ct and lr so it disables during those times.


    What say you, @@Starbuck ?

  3. still maintain some-what of a social life


    -1, he wants a social life. Clearly not ready to be a true gamer.


    lol jk jk I just had to say that for the lulz.


    I'll be MineCrafting very little so my true vote is 0 since I won't be affected wither way, but I will say that Stego has improved and done fairly well with CS:S mod so he should be good for you MineCrafters.

  4. There's plenty of other active threads discussing plugins, but I think this one simple thing would be a great improvement.


    Currently, when a T attacks a CT, it is announced to everyone in chat. (Only the first time, when the T becomes a rebel, and 99.9% of the time this is fine).


    We need the same thing for CTs. When a CT attacks a T, it should be shown in chat.


    Of course there would need to be some sort of timer so multiple shots wouldn't show up multiple times if the same CT shoots the same T x times in y seconds. But if the T is attacked by multiple CTs or by the same CT z seconds later it will show as well.


    This would be a great help finding freeshooters and holding CT more responsible for their shots.


    Please discuss only this in this thread to keep it clean and on track.


    @Aegean! @@Starbuck

  5. Decision: -1


    Activity: 0/10

    Maturity: ?/10


    Well, you'll have to wait for ban protest to get sorted out. But, also, isnce you're banned it's obvious you haven't played on the servers for quite some time... so... not sure why you're applying...?

  6. How about a !bloodhound command. If 2 T's are remaining one could so !bloodhound and the other T gets a beacon. In exchange, the bloodhounding T gets more options for LR or increased health for LR things like knife, s4s, and no scope.


    Could also make it so !bloodhound only activates if there are 20+ players on T team and time is > 0:30 or something, so it only gets used when needed and when a lot of people may be waiting.

  7. So here I am, minding my own business, watching Unstoppable. I receive a Steam message from Aegean so I pause my movie. And I FAWKING LAWL.


    Not from what he said... but from where I paused my movie...


    Who wants to caption this or MSPaint it and make it NSFW????? GO, go, go!!!




  8. The story of my name:


    A long long time ago I wanted a unique name that would likely be available anywhere. At the time I was a huge Matrix fan so I went with "neo", but of course that wouldn't be available fricking anywhere, so I needed to add something. I added "32843" - my name spelled on a phone. Hence, the username neo32843 was born,


    Now, that didn't roll off the tongue so after years of use it needed to be changed, and that change took place shortly after I started using Steam and gamin online. To stick with the Neo theme but keep things different I went with McNeo.


    So, here I am, McNeo.


    But I haven't used neo32843 in forever, and McNeo is really only known in the CS:S world at the moment. I want something new and it seems like an ideal time to switch things up. Trouble is, no idea what to choose. This is where you help.


    I'll share some of my interests to help give you ideas, keep in mind I've already passed on the obvious stuff or I wouldn't be posting this.


    I still like the matrix, but Neo is getting old for me. I'm also a Firefly/Serenity fan. I'm a brony but I don't really have a specific favorite pony - I favor Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash but they seem overused. I'm a Linux fag so something with Tux could be fun, but again just plain "Tux" is plain.



  9. I'm at work and brainstorming a couple things. I'll refine these ideas throughout the day and hopefully get something posted tonight. Nothing to outright copy HG or anything like that, but just a few things that might enhance what we have.

  10. Decision: -1


    Activity: 7/10

    Maturity: 6/10


    Well, hate to be a combo breaker, but here's my two cents.


    I never got to know Moh as well as you guys since I'm still newer and whatnot. But from what I've actually seen with my own two eyes is that he tends to be immature. I've CT banned him 2 or 3 times for intentionally gunplanting, baiting and freekilling. After I do this and tell him way he laughs it off and asks "oh well how long?" Given his past as an admin I don't think he has any excuse not to know the rules, and even so he should have learned by now just from playing.


    And just to head this off, he didn't bait and freeshoot friends, he can't use the "well I know him" excuse. He's run into stacks of T's

  11. The problem with trying to implement even the littlest is that there's a lot more that needs to be re-worked. For example:


    Currently a T is announced as rebel in chat if they attack a CT. I like that HG has it announce rebel if you hold a gun for 3 seconds. We wouldn't be able to implement that because currently our MOTD states that a CT must see the T rebel - so if you have a gun out and you're not seen then you're fine. In my opinion, I do like our method better because, well, "can't get in trouble if you don't get caught." Seems more realistic in a way. Though, this probably helps cut down on freekills.


    They also have different colors for rebels, which we can't use since we offer !colors to donators.


    I do like the rep idea and giving T's a little more fun things to do. Something like that could probably get implemented with little else needing to be changed once we get something figured out. But, like our new warden plugin, it'll take a little time to test and experiment with.