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  1. Agree
    Ohstopyou reacted to Colorparty in Goodbye from muzzle #rip   
    This is the only way I could describe how I felt seeing this. I actually genuinely liked muzzle.
    brb listening to distorted sad violin on loop.
  2. Funny
    Ohstopyou reacted to ChickenPanda in Describe yourself in 5 words   
    Literally the best at sex.
  3. Funny
    Ohstopyou reacted to Tomahawk in The Cringe Thead!   
    .. not really cringe but cringe/win
  4. Optimistic
    Ohstopyou reacted to Scootaloo in The Cringe Thead!   
    50 Shades of Oof
    Moosty cuddled up onto Scootaloo’s bare shoulder. He could hear his steady breathing. He playfully stroked Scootaloo’s chest, relishing the overwhelming butt pleasure he had just experienced. Scootaloo had this magical way of reaching down deep inside of him and tickling his booty genitals.
    “So Scoots,” Moosty whispered in the darkness. “You up for round two?”
    “Give me another minute. I’m still trying to catch my breath.” Scootaloo sighed in between breaths of air.
    “Oof.” Replied Moosty. He caressed Scootaloo’s inner thigh, just fascinating about the pleasure that awaited him.
    Before he knew it, Scootaloo was back on top of Moosty, going to work with his luscious mouth. He tenderly kissed Moosty’s neck, breathed air into his ear, and ran his tongue down to his collar bone.
    Instantly, Moosty’s magical meat-stick was at full attention. But before he could control his urges, Moosty found Scootaloo’s mouth enveloped around his danger. Moosty arched his back in pleasure as Scootaloo set to work. Not wanting to be outdone, Moosty slid his head up and under Scootaloo’s waist to engage in a good ole lickaroo of the poop chute.
    Together they enjoyed the oral ecstasy. Scootaloo had this way of contracting his cheeks so that Moosty’s hard raging cock quivered in pleasure. Moosty’s tongue could cure colon cancer. Scootaloo grinded his fat white ass down on that magical tongue and moaned in pleasure.
    Moosty saw that his love was also at full mast. He turned himself over and said “Alright baby. I’m ready for you. Scootaloo pls.”
    Without hesitation, Scootaloo slid himself into Moosty. Deeper…deeper, until he could feel Moosty’s prostate pulsating against the head of his cock. With tender loving care, he slid himself back out and back in, teasing Moosty’s prostate. As he did so, Scootaloo reached around and took ahold of Moosty’s Man Wand and proceeded to massage it.
    Moosty was in uncontrollable bliss. He quivered and repositioned himself so that Scootaloo could better penetrate his scrumptious ass. As he did, he found the pleasure to be completely overwhelming. He orgasmed into Scootaloo’s open hand. Over and over his dick spluttered, spewing thick, rich, creamy seed all over the place.
    Scootaloo kept pumping. He hastened the pace at which he was making sweet man-love to Moosty’s poop chute. As he did, Moosty arched his back and cried in nirvana as even more seed released itself onto the bed. Scootaloo, still with a handful of cum, reached back and wiped it on his taint.
    With an amazing speed, Scootaloo pumped away, as if he were drilling for oil. With one final good squeeze, he released his Scootagoo into Moosty’s underworld chasm.
    Both Moosty and Scootaloo collapsed onto the bed, holding one another, breathing heavily from the sheer pleasure of it all. They held each other and stared into one another’s eyes. Neither spoke their love. It didn’t need to be said.
    “Scootaloo,” Moosty finally gasped. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.” Scootaloo could tell Moosty was genuine. He knew the love there was paramount.
    Suddenly, Moosty began to convulse violently. His stomach was doing flip-flops in his gut. His asshole had a strange burning sensation. He had contracted the Scootaflu.
    “Oh no, Scootaloo!” He cried. “It’s happening again!”
    Scootaloo was quick to react. Moosty flipped over and lay down on his stomach. Without hesitation, Scootaloo stuck his lips against Moosty’s cornhole and sucked out as much Scootagoo as he could. Moosty was horridly allergic to the Scootagoo.
    “That was close!” Scootaloo said.
    “Once again, I owe you my life.” Moosty said. “There’s nobody I trust more than you.”
    “Well, Moosty,” Scootaloo replied. “I have something to tell you.”
    “Oh?” Moosty said as he began to shit semen.
    “Yeah, I’m not who you think I am.” Scootaloo said as he sat up, wiping butt glue from his fleshy fun bridge.
    “I’m actually…” As Scootaloo said this, he removed the mask he had been wearing the whole time.
    Bach was sitting in front of Moosty. Moosty was horrified to find his man-lover was actually his Division Manager.
    “I just had to taste that forbidden fruit for myself.” Bach said. “I hope you can forgive me for my treachery, Moosty.”
    Moosty sat in a horrid silence.
    “Well, SAY SOMETHING.” Bach said. “Get mad, yell. SOMETHING!”
    Moosty looked up at Bach. “I just have one question.”
    “What is it?” Bach asked on fated breath. He hung by a thread, waiting for Moosty’s response.
    “Can I have Admin now?”
  5. Funny
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Kypari in Supreme's fantastic photoshop dump   
    OH MY GOD. All I can imagine is @Hachi going "CHOO CHOO MOTHER FUCKER".
  6. Funny
    Ohstopyou reacted to Insane in Kbraszz Is Gonna Cry   
    #oldxG ;3
  7. Optimistic
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Robster in Kittylicious - mmo   
    Can we please just all hug it out and be happy that we all have computers, internet, and life. Pls. This post war is giving me hives.
  8. Informative
    Ohstopyou reacted to Hidingmaster in Kittylicious - mmo   
    What has Moosty done in this situation:
    Rejected Kitty's idea, called her salty, asked why she was still around (Kitty responds without seeming upset)
    Then he replies to her long post, can kind of see how this is provocative, although still borderline rude.
    What has Kitty done:
    Responded to Moosty's post calling her salty and asking why she is still around. Essentially doesn't seem bothered by Moosty's post (never once called it rude or disrespectful), but answered all his questions and made it clear she doesn't want to be here.
    Out of the blue, 9001% off the topic of the thread, Kitty says
    "Shouldn't you be begging for food at the homeless shelter?
    That right there is retaliation. In case you didn't know, I personally warned Kitty quite a while ago to never retaliate and to get help if there is an issue, if she did retaliate there would be severe consequences. Oh and by the way, I can't believe you would EVER say this to someone, it crosses the line by miles.
    So what does that mean?
    Kitty is gonna be banned for this (you know, like permed), she knew very well how to handle the situation and went against prior warnings. No more small bans, she had a last chance and its over now.

    What about Moosty?
    Yes, we can perm him as well, but I don't see how that provides any benefit... Kitty gets banned, situation resolved. We ban moosty on top of that... really what benefit does the community get? IMO kitty has stuck around to cause problems (shoutbox especially). We certainly haven't had to deal with anything in regards to Moosty since his ban.
    Kind of a crappy explanation but here is what should happen:
    Kitty is getting permed.
    Community decides if Moosty stays or gets permed as well.
  9. Informative
    Ohstopyou reacted to Scootaloo in Kittylicious - mmo   
    I fail to see how a slightly rude, on-topic response is considered equal to the detrimental lashing of someone's social status, especially when it has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand. If you honestly feel that both parties are equally at fault here, you probably should reread through that thread, because you missed something.
    Stop trying to use analogies to compare this situation. It's inaccurately representing what is happening here. This isn't a car crash or a fist fight. It's cyber-bullying, plain and simple, which is AGAINST our rules. Did Moosty respond in a rude way? Sure. Did he cyber-bully Kitty in that thread? Absolutely not. His posts were on-point and on-topic. It was KITTY who took it out of context. It was KITTY who dragged it to an unnecessary level. It is KITTY that causes these issues, has been causing these issues, and CONTINUES to cause these issues. She does not exemplify what we should be striving to achieve here at xG in the least and MUST be removed, lest this division loses a LOT of outstanding members. It is clear that her presence is no longer desired by a LARGE MAJORITY of our division. Something needs to be done about it. If the incorrect action is taken, or worse, if NO action is taken, we will lose members who are sick and tired of this same song and dance, week after week.
    It's not a threat, it's a reality. If this is handled poorly, the TF2 Division as we currently know it WILL LOSE a lot of people. Mark my words.
  10. Agree
    Ohstopyou reacted to Forest in Kittylicious - mmo   
    +/- 0. Why? I'll start with the following:
    1.1 - Anyone using the most recent thread as a means of opinion is incredibly biased. After looking over the first page, it is apparent that Moosty instigated the whole damn thing with what he said, hence I deleted it. Should I have to, I can quote the moment he stepped too far in his ways. God forbid we ever get a thread that doesn't end up in a shit storm. The problem isn't the person, the problem is the way our Members react and reply to threads. I see so many acts of hostility on these things that it makes me shake my head. As a reminder, if you're going to instigate and cause a flame war with someone, you should damn well expect them to retaliate to it. No one's made of steel.
    1.2 - And to those of you who think I'm siding with Kitty, I'm not. After a quick look at most of her posts, it is apparent that she is the type of person who takes great pride in what she says, does, and whatever position she is currently in. This behaviour results in a "I'm better than you" perspective, and I can see why those of you get upset over it. However, with that said, there wasn't an instance of this behaviour on that thread before the instigation. Again, proof of this can be provided should it be requested.
    1.3 - I will also agree that the attitude toward TF2 as well as the TF2 Division needs to stop. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but when someone is spouting off against something day in/day out it starts to become a problem, especially when part of it applies to one of our very own Divisions. While this is certainly a problem, I don't see it as a bannable offense so much as it is something to be warned of. For those of you who are angered with all of the warnings, keep in mind that these are in regards to different offenses, and therefore do not stack on each other. A quick example would be banning someone for freekilling because they broke a different rule that doesn't involve freekilling. While drastic, it is still a proper example and should obviously not happen.
    1.4 - Finally, you're right, I have no idea why I still have powers. But as I said in that thread, I'll be damned if I let this stupid behaviour continue. Any other Staff could have stepped in, but it is obvious that they were busy or MIA, therefore I took it upon myself to stop all of the bullshit going on in there, so sue me. Maybe I'll finally have my powers taken away for doing something that should have been done, am I right?
    Those of you who are basing your judgement from that thread alone need to check yourself, just saying. All I see are Members who are trying their hardest to use broken evidence (those using the previous thread as a basis for their vouch mind you) to boot someone, much like when a Member nitpicks about a Staff Member because they simply do not like them. I would also like to point out that just because someone is well known and popular, that doesn't mean they should automatically be in the right. This is in regards to mentions of Moosty being a "level-headed person". Hell, if I say something out of line or do something out of line, call me out on it. I know @Chrono does in a heart beat because he does what's right, and more often than not, he's right. Even here where Moosty thinks I did wrong in acting on a potential hazardous situation, which I am not saying was wrong. He is right, I shouldn't interfere with the affairs of another Division, let alone at all as I am just a Member, but I have my reasons for doing so which I have mentioned above (Point 1.4).
    I won't have a TL;DR for this post as it is all honest opinion as well as reasoning, sorry folks. Those who care enough will give it a read.
    - Dat guy, Forest
  11. Agree
    Ohstopyou reacted to ColdEndeavour in Kittylicious - mmo   
    The double-standard in a nutshell.
    I've honestly no idea on why things have to be this way. That comment: "Shouldn't you be begging for food at the homeless shelter? Tramp." made my blood boil. This is beyond mundane, never in my life have I seen such bastardised arrogance directed at someone in the midst of a disagreement over something so meagre - a videogame. At what point is it appropriate to compare yourself to someone less fortunate than you to feel important; not to mention, something that is thoroughly irrelevant? Don't get me wrong, that previous incident wasn't/isn't something to undermine, but your attempt to degrade him after amends were made is undoubtedly disgraceful.
    And another thing, if you honestly dislike this community, then why are you still here?
  12. Agree
    Ohstopyou reacted to Popcorn in Kittylicious - mmo   
    Yeah, I'm going to have to +1 this as well. That thread tonight was an absolute train wreck. I've seen the threads Kitty has posted concerning her being cyberbullied in the past, and I can certainly sympathize with that, but turning around and becoming the bully yourself, especially after people have apologized to you and have attempted to move on with their lives, isn't right at all.
    I know that Kitty seemingly decided to leave xG and even wrote that she would not be affiliating herself with the clan anymore. While I wouldn't see any issue with her sticking around to chat to people, it's evident that she seems to constantly bring up how bad a game TF2 is, as well as instigate fights with other members. Kitty, you need to be the better person here, don't stoop down to becoming a bully yourself. Bringing someone's social class into a thread just to make fun of them and taunting them because they apparently are less wealthy then you is immature to the utmost degree. I mean, telling someone they should be begging for food at a homeless shelter, really? Especially when you are fully aware that the person has had/currently has financial issues? Really? There is a line between joking and knowing you've gone too far. You KNOW that you went too far and still decided to keep on going, and that's not right.
    Honestly, whatever happens I hope that you are able to see the issues going on here, Kitty. I don't wish anything bad on you, but you need to understand that your current behavior needs to stop.
  13. Informative
    Ohstopyou reacted to Scootaloo in Kittylicious - mmo   
    Ever since the fallout that happened from the Kitty thread, I have begun to dislike her in greater increments with every single post she makes on these boards. I ignored her antagonizing after she lost her moderator privileges. I turned the other cheek when she began complaining about her terrible luck in MvM and how "bad" of a game TF2 is. I held my tongue when she began insulting and talking ill of others in this clan. But I can't stand by idly anymore and watch this shit happen, especially to someone who is as high of a caliber a person as Moosty is.
    @Kittylicious , you should be ashamed of your actions. If you aren't, it only goes to show how begotten and vile you are as a person. You have literally had EVERYTHING given to you on a silver platter; your mod powers included, yet all you can seem to do with that is brew trouble. You blatantly go out of your way to disrespect and antagonize the people of this community. I once stood by your side and supported you in the past, but I can't support someone who would laugh at someone else's misfortune the way you have done. If there's anything you need to learn from this, it's that you have a hell of a lot of growing up to do.
    I +1 Moosty's permanent ban request. Kitty is EVERYTHING we should be looking to rid ourselves from this clan if we are to make it a better community. Kitty "left" ages ago, but for some reason, she is still here. I think it's time we MADE her leave.
    I would wish you well in your future endeavors Kitty, but I don't believe you have shown that same courtesy to anyone else since you've been here. Just....leave. You are no longer welcome.
  14. Agree
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Tekk in Kittylicious - mmo   
    Can we please just all hug it out and be happy that we all have computers, internet, and life. Pls. This post war is giving me hives.
  15. Agree
    Ohstopyou reacted to Haruka in Kittylicious - mmo   
    Hug war not flame war
  16. Agree
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Popcorn in Kittylicious - mmo   
    Can we please just all hug it out and be happy that we all have computers, internet, and life. Pls. This post war is giving me hives.
  17. Agree
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Dethman in Kittylicious - mmo   
    Can we please just all hug it out and be happy that we all have computers, internet, and life. Pls. This post war is giving me hives.
  18. Funny
    Ohstopyou reacted to Kypari in Kittylicious - mmo   
    #SaveTheMoose #SaveMoosty
  19. Agree
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Popcorn in Kittylicious - mmo   
    #savemoosty #oof ?
  20. Agree
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Kypari in Kittylicious - mmo   
    #savemoosty #oof ?
  21. Disagree
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Kittylicious in Kittylicious - mmo   
    #savemoosty #oof ?
  22. Funny
    Ohstopyou reacted to SupremeWolf in Supreme's fantastic photoshop dump   
    2nd bundle. You all look so sexy.

  23. Funny
    Ohstopyou reacted to SupremeWolf in Supreme's fantastic photoshop dump   
    This was just disturbing.

  24. Funny
    Ohstopyou reacted to SupremeWolf in Supreme's fantastic photoshop dump   
    Back by popular demand.

  25. Funny
    Ohstopyou reacted to SupremeWolf in Supreme's fantastic photoshop dump   
    The picture to follow up Scootaloo's video > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQSIRgOjTLI