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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by OriginalCat

  1. +1 Extremely active and an all around nice guy!
  2. +1 very fun, kind, and knows the rules. Doesn't troll and is a good CT
  3. Bye pal, I'll miss you bud. You were one of the first people I met in Xenogamers, I think even before I joined the clan! Come back soon homie.
  4. Alright homie. Settle all your real life situtations and I hope to see you back on here soon bud!
  5. Know the rules and is really fun to play/rebel with! Also is quite active :D +1
  6. OriginalCat

    Can't Believe

    aw hadroon dn't mke me strt 2 cri dood!!! I 3< you bro
  7. MAD, which is also on Cartoon Network, can be pretty funny as well. It's Robot Chicken but for Cartoon Network.
  8. Damn it shaggy, this is why we can't have nice things.
  9. Things that I would like to see: -Free-roam spectate camera plugin for CS:GO would be AMAZING -Removal of the Radio on our GO servers, preferably JB -MOAR JB MAPS -I noticed that HG had a "History" section on their website that explained how the clan came about, maybe we can haz too? -DayZ xG server -!hub in GO -"READ THE DAMN MOTD" to be spammed in the JB GO server chat every 10 minutes (Okay, maybe not that much) -Kick-ass plug-ins for CS:GO Things I love about our community: -All of you. Every single member in this clan gets a free hug from me. Misc things: -I'm really excited about Far Cry 3. That game will rape Halo, CoD, AC3, and any other game soon to be released.
  10. Hanging with friends, yo!
  11. I say we install/create a free-cam spectate plugin, then all our admin'ing stress will be slashed greatly. A freecam would make moderator life so much easier... *Daydreams of Free-cam plug-in with smile on face*
  12. Josh you speak the truth brotha! I get this same "mods aren't going there job" crap on GO a lot when all I hear is "I got freekilled!" or "Blah Blah Blah freekilled me!". Its really hard to catch people too with Global offensive having no Free-camera spectate. Then people who go on our JB server on GO never read the rules and get pissed of at the mods/admins cause they break them and don't like the rules.
  13. Welcome bud! You should check out our CSS servers as will as the TF2 ones!
  14. OriginalCat

    New Dance!

    Nice moves dude! How long did it take you to learn this, or is this freestyle?
  15. Good luck in college bro! At least you'll still be in the clan and not leaving for good :D
  16. I've been experiencing several issuse with CS:GO that I desperatly need help with... 1. Team Balence is broken 2. No flashlights. Is there any way we could get those in there? 3. There's no Free Camera Spectate View, or is there? If so, I havn't seen it yet. Is there a plug in we could possible get for that? It would help greatly.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7MDMdfcRfI&feature=my_liked_videos&list=LLN9-NSk9hi3dMa-vDHvwMWQ
  18. See ya later brock :( Get back on as soon as you can bro! Oh, and solve them irl problems of yours dawg, wish we could help.
  19. Ight bro! I guess I'll see you one the weekends? Take it easy in school.
  20. Welcome to our servers bro! Just make sure you whipe your feet before entering!
  21. It just wouldn't be 'merica without guns! A no-gun law or strict laws on guns would be, imo, a fail. Taking away our right to bare arms wouldn't stop anything. People would still commit crimes with or without them.
  22. Is she a 9/10 - would bang? Or does she only look hot when she is bitching?
  23. Exactly how many people/times did you freekill? Mod/Admin that banned you could have banned you that long on purpose, or either meant to type 1440 Mins.
  24. Speedlimit is one of the most active people I know! Plays fair and is really fun to play with. Oh, and he knows the rules! +1 p.s You might want to donate! That may just keep you from getting mod so be sure to do that ASAP!
  25. Aye my homie drizzy! Did you move? :S You still in NC with me dawg?